Needing prayers.

Now that you’re back home, y’all might want to think about getting your better half to her doctor to be checked out for concussion. It often isn’t diagnosed in the ER, because it takes a while for symptoms to develop, but dizziness, exhaustion, and depression? After my most recent concussion, I had all three, plus a bad case of The Stoopids, slow thinking and all.

There’s not a ton you can do about concussion, BUT one thing that helps recovery is to go really, really slowly, much more slowly than one wants to.

Trying to get back to usual levels of activity too quickly can make recovery take way longer than it should.
Thank you

I think that is very likely. She succeeded in doing way too much Friday and refused help way too often.. Luckily, M did a 'lot of the heavy lifting Friday[s getaway day She did a good job staying off her feet today, but I was surprised this evening when she said she felt worse today

I have said severa;l times that we ought tp get to a doc in the box, buy she says she is not suffering any life-threatening symptoms. She poiinted to the many testst he hospital ER conducted. She said she was going to call her cardiologist's office Monday to see if they could move up nuclear stress test and another test that had been scheduled.

her father died of a heart attack in her early teens. her mom had trouble w/ dizziness for years

fraif i have suffered those sytoo=piids too ,any times the past 10 years
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Mrs AV fainted Friday night about 4 hrs after we arrived in Fort Morgan and was taken by ambulance to the ER in Foley, AL,

24 hours latee
our grandson Dylan begfan throwing upand continued with dry heaves all night, His mom, a doctor, took him a nearby clinic thaet said their policy was to NOT
give chikdren his age an IV, and his mom had to go to a second clinic be be treated.

Bottom line both seem to be OK, The Mrs is bruisedm ,limpiing with a knot on her head. Various tests, includibg MRI showed no cause and she was released after 4 hrs/

More details later
Praying for you all...
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Had 2nd procedure on elbow yesterday, finally. No manipulation only another incision and more staples (ughh). Doc said it was full of scar tissue and he feels like that was causing the biggest issue with my range of motion since 1st surgery. Nerve block wore off about 10:30 last night and whooo-boy the pain is intense. Therapy first thing this morning and 3 times per week for the next 4 weeks. Lord I pray that the end is near of this ordeal (the pain the last 4 and half months is taking a toll and I have a long way yet to go). I appreciate any prayers as always. And I'll continue praying for everyone here on VN that is need of them as well.
Praying 🙏
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I asked MrsAV if she thought she had suffered a concussion, she immediately said she had been thinking that/
Said she had taken things ez until friday/
Time is the great healer for concussions, time and putting your feet up while letting time do its work. Saying a quick prayer for both healing and patience.
Time is the great healer for concussions, time and putting your feet up while letting time do its work. Saying a quick prayer for both healing and patience.
Mrs AV doesnt think she suffered a concussion.
She; has come up with sinus infection theory

(Be patient AV)
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no answer from her doc, did some labs, and was in agreement w/report ER on coast provided
wants her to get holster from cardiologist to monitor heart and to see a sleep specialist
she is already skedded for nuclear sress test and 2 other tests from cardiologist
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Tiffany's Dad was here with her, and started having chest pains, back hurting, and stiff. She checked his BP, and it was really high, so she talked him into going to the er. Her sister had came, and just told us they said he's having a heart attack. You all pray for him.

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