Needing prayers.

Tanks to all
Mrs AV did not have to spend night in hospital after Friday morning AV node ablation. Procedure was seamless.Recovery not so. Some background
Ow, yeah. Keep an eye out for any sudden swelling where the cath line went in.

But I’m glad the ablation went well, and I hope this does the trick!!
Ow, yeah. Keep an eye out for any sudden swelling where the cath line went in.

But I’m glad the ablation went well, and I hope this does the trick!!
AM update

Mrs doing much better than SHE expected. Asked me around 7 if I could help her with breakfast since she was unsure if she could even make it to kitchen, By 715 she was making coffee and beginning to prepare toast – two things she thought she couldnt do. Took Rx around 8 and is back in bed, The righteous reverend is back to his never-ending yard- care pursuits. Mrs in bedroom that is in slingshot range of his yard
I haven't been in here in some time, but I wanted to request prayer for my future father in law as he goes in for gallbladder surgery Tommorow. He's had stomach issues for years, and it's came to a head where they beleive the root of it could be the gallbladder because it's in bad shape.
I haven't been in here in some time, but I wanted to request prayer for my future father in law as he goes in for gallbladder surgery Tommorow. He's had stomach issues for years, and it's came to a head where they beleive the root of it could be the gallbladder because it's in bad shape.
Prayers for a successful surgery that relieves his issues! 🙏🏻
I haven't been in here in some time, but I wanted to request prayer for my future father in law as he goes in for gallbladder surgery Tommorow. He's had stomach issues for years, and it's came to a head where they beleive the root of it could be the gallbladder because it's in bad shape.
Praying for him, and that this will help him.
One of my coworkers lost her baby this morning. She was about 4 weeks along. We are a very close team where I work since we sit about 1500 miles from our office. I know she's hurting because she was incredibly excited. Good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated from the VN Team. Thanks so much!
One of my coworkers lost her baby this morning. She was about 4 weeks along. We are a very close team where I work since we sit about 1500 miles from our office. I know she's hurting because she was incredibly excited. Good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated from the VN Team. Thanks so much!
Praying for her
One of my coworkers lost her baby this morning. She was about 4 weeks along. We are a very close team where I work since we sit about 1500 miles from our office. I know she's hurting because she was incredibly excited. Good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated from the VN Team. Thanks so much!
Oh, I’m so sorry. Prayers.
@Pennheel how did the surgery go?

It went great actually. He was back to church on Sunday and felt really good. They told him to take a week and rest and recover from it even though he's a go getter at work,and owns his own business. I think it's what he needed for his chronic stomach problems.
One of my coworkers lost her baby this morning. She was about 4 weeks along. We are a very close team where I work since we sit about 1500 miles from our office. I know she's hurting because she was incredibly excited. Good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated from the VN Team. Thanks so much!
One of my coworkers lost her baby this morning. She was about 4 weeks along. We are a very close team where I work since we sit about 1500 miles from our office. I know she's hurting because she was incredibly excited. Good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated from the VN Team. Thanks so much!
Deepest sympathies

VN Store
