Needing prayers.

Mother was hospitalized yesterday. Unsure what happened. Her feet gave out trying to get her to the car, and she collapsed when my father was taking her to the dentist. Last time something like this happened it was a mini stroke. But there does not seem to be evidence of that yet. Hopefully we'll find out more today. When they asked her what year it was though she said "Eighty something...." it's heart breaking to see. Prayers appreciated.
Praying for your Mother, and yes it is heart breaking to see your parents getting older and dealing with health issues and I hope that your Mother has a full recovery from what ever it is 🙏
They confirmed it was a stroke, but they are already discharging her to a rehab hospital. Which makes me happy...I think it's a much better environment for her. Still worried though she's confusing means one word but says another.
Sorry to hear she had a stroke, but it sounds like she is on her way to a quick recovery and I thank the Lord for that.
Continuing to pray.
I appreciate you all so much, they had to resesitate Betty early yesterday morning because she had a cardiac arrest and she is on a ventilator now. They are talking about putting in a pacemaker and my Dad has been at the hospital for a week staying 12 hours a day but he has been up there a straight 24 hours now and has not been to bed and I know that it is prayer that is giving him and Betty strength 🙏
I appreciate you all so much, they had to resesitate Betty early yesterday morning because she had a cardiac arrest and she is on a ventilator now. They are talking about putting in a pacemaker and my Dad has been at the hospital for a week staying 12 hours a day but he has been up there a straight 24 hours now and has not been to bed and I know that it is prayer that is giving him and Betty strength 🙏
Praying hard!

Is there a way that he can stretch out and try to nap while you hold the fort?

This is all so hard and exhausting on older family members. 😢 I'm holding your dad (and you) in my prayers as well.
MY mom was at siskin yesterday but they came for evaulation and she was slumped in her chair unresponsive (verbally) she was sent Erlanger ER. The thought was she had another stroke possibly a more major one. She was completely out of it. Her face contorted like you might expect from a more serious stroke. I spent most of yesterday in the ER with her. The good news is it does not appear to be another stroke. Apparently there can be a residual effect from original stroke, where a drop in blood pressure or other events can cause a recent stroke victim to show the same symptoms of initial stroke (face kinda screwed up or drooping etc) Basically she had wnated to go home, and had not understood where she was and did not sleep the first night at siskin, and was kind of in a delerium. While we were there she slept deeply with lil ole lady mama bear snores, but repeatedly did not know what year it was, where she was or her own birthdate. , But after collapsing hard, and getting fluids etc at ER by late last night she was sitting up, knew where she was mostly, her brithdate, what year it was. She even knew who the President was, and the doc quipped she might be more fit to be President at that point. She as of last night was doing better.....she is really frail though and we're kinda worried she could have another event. Looks like I'll be watching games from ER room today, as I am headed there soon......have Ipad and EPB will travel.
MY mom was at siskin yesterday but they came for evaulation and she was slumped in her chair unresponsive (verbally) she was sent Erlanger ER. The thought was she had another stroke possibly a more major one. She was completely out of it. Her face contorted like you might expect from a more serious stroke. I spent most of yesterday in the ER with her. The good news is it does not appear to be another stroke. Apparently there can be a residual effect from original stroke, where a drop in blood pressure or other events can cause a recent stroke victim to show the same symptoms of initial stroke (face kinda screwed up or drooping etc) Basically she had wnated to go home, and had not understood where she was and did not sleep the first night at siskin, and was kind of in a delerium. While we were there she slept deeply with lil ole lady mama bear snores, but repeatedly did not know what year it was, where she was or her own birthdate. , But after collapsing hard, and getting fluids etc at ER by late last night she was sitting up, knew where she was mostly, her brithdate, what year it was. She even knew who the President was, and the doc quipped she might be more fit to be President at that point. She as of last night was doing better.....she is really frail though and we're kinda worried she could have another event. Looks like I'll be watching games from ER room today, as I am headed there soon......have Ipad and EPB will travel.
continued thoughts and prayers for your mom
Praying hard!

Is there a way that he can stretch out and try to nap while you hold the fort?

This is all so hard and exhausting on older family members. 😢 I'm holding your dad (and you) in my prayers as well.
Awwh Thanks so much @VolNExile , Betty is doing good considering everything and my stepbrother stayed with her last night and my Dad went home and slept in his bed and the same arrangement is happening tonight so that is Great. I came up after work and brought Dad a sandwich and some milk and a big honey bun, he had not left the room all day, and now he is snug as a bug in a recliner under 2 blankets watching the Vols. I stay until about 10:30 and then it takes me about an hour to drive home...I appreciate you all....Mean it!!
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Mom was doing much better today. Her memory is still sketchy sometimes, and she's not sure where she is, but she was doing much better today, bright eyed, ate healthy, she's out of ER and hopefully will be back to Siskin soon. Little things but some of the memory tests she couldn't do yesterday she can do today. Still she has a road ahead. Thank you for all prayers. They matter. Posted her smiling pic in the face thread. Again many thanks.
Mom was doing much better today. Her ememory is still sketchy sometimes she's not sure where she is, but she was doing much better today, bright eyed, ate healthy, she's out of ER and hopefully will be back to Siskin soon. Little things but some of the memory tests she couldn't do yesterday she can do today. Still she has a road ahead. Thank you for all prayers. they matter. Psted her smiling pic in the face thread. Again many thanks.
Dad's almost 89. It is so difficult to try to help them make sense of it.

My wife had a great relationshio with my parents. Now he points to her pic on the mantle and talks about the lady at the airport. Wifes nursing home is right at tri city airport.

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