Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

First its don't wear a mask, then its wear one.

When did the CDC provide advice not to wear a mask? Link.

Here ya go:
CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

First it was don't wear N95 masks, now they are recommended.

N95 masks were initially in short supply and the CDC wanted to ensure enough were available for doctors, nurses, etc.
Right, because they were lying to us telling us we didn't need an N95, when in reality, that is what we actually needed.

First it was the vax stops the spread.

Don't recall the CDC ever stating that vaccines completely stop the spread. Link.

Biden said if you are vaxxed you won't spread it:
PolitiFact - Biden says that vaccinated people can’t spread COVID-19. That’s not what CDC says.

Now it won't, but it reduced symptoms.

This is accurate.

Here is Fauci repeatedly contradicting himself:
Gov. Ron Desantis Campaign Ad Criticizing Fauci (clip): AIR.TV
People who claim to support freedom of expression:

"Why is a private entity withdrawing his product from a private entity for sharing shelf space with a private entity he doesn't like?"
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I call the Spotify controversy “auto asteroid” because this time, the dinosaurs of music are causing their own self extinction 😂
Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Hawkins, Chomsky, Sir Roger Penrose, Cornell West, Sam Harris, intellectual knuckle draggers to cater to his low brow audience? You can't be serious. He's interviewed some of the most influential intellectuals of our time. It's alright if you don't like the guy, but you shouldn't outright lie.

I'll add Elon Musk, Matthew Walker, Brain Greene, Andrew Huberman, etc. Nevermind who the hell knows how many just comedians, musicians and such that are just for the point of being an interesting guests.

I care about as much as Rogan does about how others feel about him or his podcast but I'm familiar enough to know just dismissing him and his guest list outright is absurd.
People who claim to support freedom of expression:

"Why is a private entity withdrawing his product from a private entity for sharing shelf space with a private entity he doesn't like?"
He can do a he wishes. As many have expressed before the issue is he tried to silence someone else first, when he didn't get his way he took his ball and went home. He acted like a poon instead of just taking a principled stance.

Not to mention his entire stance here is based on intellectual dishonesty.
No, he certainly has some great guests on and I'm thrilled he brought on experts on Covid when nobody else would. But Dink did have a point he is doing so for a certain "demographic" for lack of a better term.

Facing facts here, he is appealing to a certain base by bringing on those who would speak against the Covidiots. Namely because most others won't.

He also brought on Sanjay Gupta who is an M.D. and toes the MSM and government agenda. Also I can’t remember but I believe Rogan stated he invited some professionals that are of similar thinking and all declined.
He can do a he wishes. As many have expressed before the issue is he tried to silence someone else first, when he didn't get his way he took his back and went home.

Not to mention his entire stance here is based on intellectual dishonesty.

I agree with your point on intellectual dishonesty. Sure.

My crusade is against anyone who is dumb enough to construe this as an issue of censorship.
From what I gather this all arose from comments made about a week ago from Rogan that teens and people in their 20s should definitely not get the vaccine. Expressed on the form of a recommendation from Rogan. I think that is the line over which he stepped for some.
From what I gather this all arose from comments made about a week ago from Rogan that teens and people in their 20s should definitely not get the vaccine. Expressed on the form of a recommendation from Rogan. I think that is the line over which he stepped for some.
So, there is a group of around 30 local pediatric physicians and subspecialists who agree with that statement, including several prominent staff at our Children's hospital. Should we all be censored?
From what I gather this all arose from comments made about a week ago from Rogan that teens and people in their 20s should definitely not get the vaccine. Expressed on the form of a recommendation from Rogan. I think that is the line over which he stepped for some.
I don't listen to him, I'm curious to see the quote and context in which this statement was made, if it was made at all.
You don't know how to load it either...:rolleyes:
Load what, Spotify or a podcast? I don't have any desire to listen to someone interview someone or talk for an hour or three on my phone. As far as technology goes, I can put most people on here to shame. There is more to technology than swipe and tap.
People who claim to support freedom of expression:

"Why is a private entity withdrawing his product from a private entity for sharing shelf space with a private entity he doesn't like?"
Nobody is saying that. We’re all just laughing at watching this dinosaur deplatform himself.
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You proved my point. The guests are carefully picked to make people like you think you are edgy or smart for listening and absorbing it.

You're projecting with this edgy/smart angle. I never once mentioned anything other than the show being interesting and his guest list being eclectic. That you think an interesting conversation lead by a chill comedian is exclusively the domain of knuckle draggers is puzzling. Maybe it is actually an indicator of your desire to be seen as edgy and smart? Who knows...
Young was not kicked off. He left. Now that Spotify has met his wants, I suspect he'll come back on.

Meanwhile, Rogan gets a noice warning label about his misleading content and a link to an actual factual source on COVID.

So, yeah, your post didn't age well.

He gave an ultimatum and Spotify told him to pound sand…..then he left.
From what I gather this all arose from comments made about a week ago from Rogan that teens and people in their 20s should definitely not get the vaccine. Expressed on the form of a recommendation from Rogan. I think that is the line over which he stepped for some.
No, that comment was made much farther back. This is about 2 interviews with doctors who dare question the narrative
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People who claim to support freedom of expression:

"Why is a private entity withdrawing his product from a private entity for sharing shelf space with a private entity he doesn't like?"
Demands to silence someone you disagree with are censorship.
Why do people flip their wigs over COVID “misinformation”? Since the onset of this pandemic the “facts/info” have changed multiple times. Like him or not Rogan was spot on with his comments regarding what was COVID distortion in the past that ultimately became reality. JR is an entertainer plain and simple. Go to your physician for medical advice. Spark a doobie and watch Rogan. Facts!
He also brought on Sanjay Gupta who is an M.D. and toes the MSM and government agenda. Also I can’t remember but I believe Rogan stated he invited some professionals that are of similar thinking and all declined.

He did. But I also think that was to put him on blast for his completely biased reporting on Covid.

Again, I applaud Rogan for being the "lone voice" of dissent especially on Covid matters. He really is one of the only people bringing widescale attention to what's being going on and asking the tough questions. But I do believe he leans to one side of the spectrum when it comes to Covid.
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