Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

An equal number to the ones he passed that helped them. Biden's ration of good to bad bills he has supported is much higher.
Did Rogan ever brag about being supported by Wallace? He ever imply he supported the confederacy in the civil war? Biden did both.
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Did Rogan ever brag about being supported by Wallace? He ever imply he supported the confederacy in the civil war? Biden did both.
Was Rogan ever selected as VP by the nation's first black president?

This is a stupid debate. Trying to portray Biden as a racist is stupid, sort of like trying to portray Rogan as a racist is pretty stupid.
Why wait until now to bring this up? Why not any time in the previous years his podcast has been on?

I wonder what has changed?

Because it is another log for the pyre at the end of the "covid misinformation" witch hunt.
Was Rogan ever selected as VP by the nation's first black president?

This is a stupid debate. Trying to portray Biden as a racist is stupid, sort of like trying to portray Rogan as a racist is pretty stupid.
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” - Joe Biden
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This list of songs on Spotify that use the n word is lengthy
Check out Guns and Roses song One in a Million
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The funniest part of all of this is Rogan calls himself a left/socialist and supported Bernie. Then he leaves CA because it's hard on business and now the left hates him and the right loves him, simply because of where he stands on certain political issues. I think Rogan didn't understand his own politics relative to the world.
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The funniest part of all of this is Rogan calls himself a left/socialist and supported Bernie. Then he leaves CA because it's hard on business and now the left hates him and the right loves him, simply because of where he stands on certain political issues. I think Rogan didn't understand his own politics relative to the world.
The funniest part of all of this is Rogan calls himself a left/socialist and supported Bernie. Then he leaves CA because it's hard on business and now the left hates him and the right loves him, simply because of where he stands on certain political issues. I think Rogan didn't understand his own politics relative to the world.
So that’s not entirely correct. A large number of the people here and who are challenging this racism assertion and know Rohan’s views and have listened to JRE just know it’s complete crap. And are calling it that. Rogan is somebody whom I don’t agree with politically but will listen to because of how he articulates his views and welcomes discussion and counter viewpoints. I guess it’s sad I never realized I was such a horrible racist.
No clue who Neal Young is but Joe Rogan is pretty entertaining.

I saw a couple of other musicians (?) were also taking down their music from Spotify to protest Rogan.

So the best thing to come out of this is those who want to cancel others are in the end cancelling themselves.

So that’s nice. :)
The funniest part of all of this is Rogan calls himself a left/socialist and supported Bernie. Then he leaves CA because it's hard on business and now the left hates him and the right loves him, simply because of where he stands on certain political issues. I think Rogan didn't understand his own politics relative to the world.

I think he has conflicting beliefs. But he's not unique in that. In fact, I imagine almost nobody on planet earth who is earnestly trying to sort things out has a totally cohesive and non-conflicting worldview. Our existence as individuals in a system comprised of 8 billion other individuals creates vastly complex issues that don't lend themselves to simple and universal resolutions. Or maybe the resolutions can be simple, but the implementation may be infinitely complex.
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