Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

LMFAO to ever use that word in any situation even when reading the word, reading the name of an album, directly quoting someone else, etc is an act of racism?

This is your chance to prove me wrong.

GO AHEAD AND USE THE WORD HERE if you think it's so innocent.

* crickets *

Mhmmm. That's what I thought.

/end thread
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Isn't the original definition of "liberal" just that though? Individual freedom is pretty liberal in the grand scheme of human history.
I think it really points more towards libertarianism instead of liberalism and I believe in Rohan’s own words he feels libertarian is the label that best fits him.

And I think this is just another example of somewhat dated labels maybe not being applicable anymore. For example I think what we call liberal now is more akin to progressive behavior the lines have been blurred. I think what would have been a liberal stance 30 years ago is likely a moderate now.
This is your chance to prove me wrong.

GO AHEAD AND USE THE WORD HERE if you think it's so innocent.

* crickets *

Mhmmm. That's what I thought.

You probably provide the weakest arguments of anyone I've ever encountered. Context matters. We should not be banning words, rather we should be concerned with how those words are used. Me not typing a word I know will be censored on a message board is not proof that the word itself is good nor bad. It's just a weird and unrelated misdirection by you.

Does context matter? That's the question. If Rogan were reading Huck Finn would you accuse him of racism?
This is your chance to prove me wrong.

GO AHEAD AND USE THE WORD HERE if you think it's so innocent.

* crickets *

Mhmmm. That's what I thought.

/end thread
LMAO a one size fits all word filter proves your idiot point huh. I can put all kinds of naughty words in here that get filtered too and they aren’t racist yet we see the same field of “****”. A word filter isn’t proof of or against racism. It’s just a basic form of censure for words deemed unacceptable for use. I could type out a song lyric and get the same result. Clown 🤡
You probably provide the weakest arguments of anyone I've ever encountered. Context matters. We should not be banning words, rather we should be concerned with how those words are used. Me not typing a word I know will be censored on a message board is not proof that the word itself is good nor bad. It's just a weird and unrelated misdirection by you.

Does context matter? That's the question. If Rogan were reading Huck Finn would you accuse him of racism?

LMAO. Censored on a message board. DING DING DING.

What does that tell you, chief?

It's actually an interesting topic if we had leftist on here worthy of debating interesting topics with. I personally do not use the word because so many in society deem the word unacceptable. I would use the word if reading.

I normally do not use it in a conversation about the word itself as a form of self censorship due to societal norms. That does not mean it is wrong use the word in that context. Society for years had no problem with the word in any context. The opinion of society should not be our standard.

Rogan specifically had a conversation about how the word itself is wrong when used disparage, but that there was nothing wrong with saying the word itself (it's weird that this is the only word we do this with). During that conversation he stated the word.

Anyone considers that conversation to be "racist" is out of their mind.
LMAO. Censored on a message board. DING DING DING.

What does that tell you, chief?

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So any word message boards screen are evil racist words? I'm sure you use numerous words daily that this site would censor. The problem with your argument is that it is based on societal standards.

You're saying because society censors the word, it is bad. What about when society didn't? Was it good then?

What about places that openly execute homosexuals? Does that make homosexuality bad?

Or can we agree that your standard is illogical and society isn't the best way to establish right/wrong, good/bad?
Society has become childish in all facets. Except nobody is actually insulted, so maybe it's not really childish at all. It's just weaponized, intentionally. Same thing with masks, it's about identifying and destroying selectively.
So any word message boards screen are evil racist words? I'm sure you use numerous words daily that this site would censor. The problem with your argument is that it is based on societal standards.

You're saying because society censors the word, it is bad. What about when society didn't? Was it good then?

What about places that openly execute homosexuals? Does that make homosexuality bad?

Or can we agree that your standard is illogical and society isn't the best way to establish right/wrong, good/bad?

Sounds like you're working through some things, man.

Look, if you want to defend your right to say the N-word in public, knock yourself out.

I have zero doubt that you will be cancelled in whatever context that applies to you.
Is it not ironic that someone named after Monty Python, which would almost certainly be "cancelled" in many ways these days, is here arguing about a word that doesn't even apply to them?
Could you imagine Mel Brooks releasing ANY of his movies today? 😂
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Sounds like you're working through some things, man.

Look, if you want to defend your right to say the N-word in public, knock yourself out.

I have zero doubt that you will be cancelled in whatever context that applies to you.

If he said it in public, he wouldn't have to knock himself out. Someone would do it for him. And that's the problem. There is a societal tendency to clutch pearls and drastically overreact to the auditory pattern associated with that word. You can't even say "niggardly" or you'll be accused of racism.
Call me crazy, yeah, I take Rogan's APOLOGY as evidence of guilt.

This also in: Grant is buried in Grant's tomb.

And, yeah, I personally wouldn't use the word in conversation about the word itself. No need to. He could have just said "N Word", but he chose to use the word. Dumb. And, yeah, racist.

But, hey, prove me wrong, dude: GO AHEAD AND USE THE WORD HERE if you think it's so innocent.

* crickets *

Mhmmm. That's what I thought.

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Let’s try it a third time.

I’ll ask again, why care about this now? What is driving the national discussion now as opposed to when he said it?
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Sounds like you're working through some things, man.

Look, if you want to defend your right to say the N-word in public, knock yourself out.

I have zero doubt that you will be cancelled in whatever context that applies to you.

So to be clear you believe we should cancel anyone who uses the term in any context? Is that a fair assessment of what you just stated?
Society has become childish in all facets. Except nobody is actually insulted, so maybe it's not really childish at all. It's just weaponized, intentionally. Same thing with masks, it's about identifying and destroying selectively.

Correct. We are a fundamentally unserious society/country.

It is what happens when you live in peaceful times with your fundamental needs comfortably met. We won't snap out of this until something snaps the current paradigm; another great depression, existential war, existential ecological/astronomical/geothermal event.
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Let’s try it a third time.

Heh. You can't be serious.

If you use the N-word in public in the 1860s, no reaction.

If you say it today, reaction.

Times change. Racism bad.

Is this really so difficult to understand here?
Heh. You can't be serious.

If you use the N-word in public in the 1860s, no reaction.

If you say it today, reaction.

Times change. Racism bad.

Is this really so difficult to understand here?

Lol - we are talking years ago, not decades and centuries. So tell me again why this wasn’t an issue a few years ago.

More specifically, why now?

That is some weak sauce, even from you.
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Heh. You can't be serious.

If you use the N-word in public in the 1860s, no reaction.

If you say it today, reaction.

Times change. Racism bad.

Is this really so difficult to understand here?

Using a word doesn’t automatically make someone a racist.
So to be clear you believe we should cancel anyone who uses the term in any context? Is that a fair assessment of what you just stated?

I get it. Rappers use the word in their songs, but if white guys use the word, cancellation. It is what it is, bro.
Lol - we are talking years ago, not decades and centuries. So tell me again why this wasn’t an issue a few years ago.

More specifically, why now?

That is some weak sauce, even from you.
Not really. It’s about par for the course honestly. 🤷‍♂️
This is a hit piece from his Covid comments, wish people would just admit it. Toe the line or we will dig up any and all dirt. Monty is trying to ignore or deflect having to admit this.
And again, if we're playing by his rules, he himself is a racist anti-semite seeing how Monty Python has famous sketches portraying Hitler. We'd all be better off if he cancelled himself.

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