Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

I think he has conflicting beliefs. But he's not unique in that. In fact, I imagine almost nobody on planet earth who is earnestly trying to sort things out has a totally cohesive and non-conflicting worldview. Our existence as individuals in a system comprised of 8 billion other individuals creates vastly complex issues that don't lend themselves to simple and universal resolutions. Or maybe the resolutions can be simple, but the implementation may be infinitely complex.

Sure, but what socialist can't bear to live in CA because it's unfriendly to business? It's ridiculous incongruity. It'd be like a libertarian leaving TX because there isn't enough of a social safety net.
Sure, but what socialist can't bear to live in CA because it's unfriendly to business? It's ridiculous incongruity. It'd be like a libertarian leaving TX because there isn't enough of a social safety net.
He’s also very pro 2a. You know it’s probably more likely his views cross the spectrum and don’t fit into a clean box (which I contend is the case) so he chooses to live where he has the most freedom. That isn’t CA if you’re pro 2a. He doesn’t shirk from discussion on counter viewpoints he in fact embraced it. When you factor in all of his stated positions it would make sense he chooses to live where he has the most freedoms. That pretty much excludes states like CA and NY
Sure, but what socialist can't bear to live in CA because it's unfriendly to business? It's ridiculous incongruity. It'd be like a libertarian leaving TX because there isn't enough of a social safety net.

I think a lot is made of him being a "Bernie Bro" but he later endorsed Tulsi Gabbard. And I don't think he has ever claimed that he left Cali for being unfriendly to business. I've seen him quoted that he left because LA is too crowded and they were too restrictive with Covid protocols.
Sure, but what socialist can't bear to live in CA because it's unfriendly to business? It's ridiculous incongruity. It'd be like a libertarian leaving TX because there isn't enough of a social safety net.
I had no idea where he lived so I looked it up. Austin, TX. That’s a perfect place for a liberally minded person who wants maximum freedoms. The benchmark liberal Mecca in the sea of red.
I think a lot is made of him being a "Bernie Bro" but he later endorsed Tulsi Gabbard. And I don't think he has ever claimed that he left Cali for being unfriendly to business. I've seen him quoted that he left because LA is too crowded and they were too restrictive with Covid protocols.
He also backed Rand Paul for POTUS at one point. Politically I believe he says he aligns more as a libertarian
Context matters. Do you think it’s evil to say the name of a Richard Pryor album or have a conversation about the word itself in which you don’t self censor?

Or do you believe that word should only be censored?

I can only speak for myself. I just avoid using the word. Period.

If someone like Rogan - with millions of listeners - needed to reference the word, he could have just said the "N word". Everyone knows what that means. But when you say it - as a white guy - you're putting yourself under the microscope. It's that simple.

Rogan apologized btw. Apologized profusely.

"the most regretful and shameful thing that I've ever had to talk about publicly."

So, seems Rogan regrets using the word when he didn't have to. Or he's just a sycophantic liar.
Was Rogan ever selected as VP by the nation's first black president?

This is a stupid debate. Trying to portray Biden as a racist is stupid, sort of like trying to portray Rogan as a racist is pretty stupid.
Obama selecting him to be VP doesn't mean anything. "I have black friends" doesn't excuse prior behavior. I have said before I dont think Biden is racist. I think he has blind spots most people his age have. The difference is I don't think Trumps racist. Yet so many on the left insist he is and Biden isn't. Laughable position by those on the left.
I can only speak for myself. I just avoid using the word. Period.

If someone like Rogan - with millions of listeners - needed to reference the word, he could have just said the "N word". Everyone knows what that means. But when you say it - as a white guy - you're putting yourself under the microscope. It's that simple.

Rogan apologized btw. Apologized profusely.

"the most regretful and shameful thing that I've ever had to talk about publicly."

So, seems Rogan regrets using the word when he didn't have to. Or he's just a sycophantic liar.

This is hilarious. You use his apology as evidence of guilt but if he refused to apologize it would be your evidence of how terrible he is.

You avoid using it yourself. That’s cool but doesn’t really answer the question. It actually avoids the question.

Is it wrong to use the word in actual conversations about the word itself? Zero of those are examples of him calling anyone the N word. They’re examples of him speaking about the word itself.
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I can only speak for myself. I just avoid using the word. Period.

If someone like Rogan - with millions of listeners - needed to reference the word, he could have just said the "N word". Everyone knows what that means. But when you say it - as a white guy - you're putting yourself under the microscope. It's that simple.

Rogan apologized btw. Apologized profusely.

"the most regretful and shameful thing that I've ever had to talk about publicly."

So, seems Rogan regrets using the word when he didn't have to. Or he's just a sycophantic liar.

I’ll ask again, why care about this now? What is driving the national discussion now as opposed to when he said it?
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I’ll ask again, why care about this now? What is driving the national discussion now as opposed to when he said it?
Did you hear his apology video? First off he owned it straight up but then he pointed to the context of each situation. He said he even cringed when he watched the video at face value. He didn’t offer it as an excuse for using the word but he absolutely pointed to what a hit piece it is.
I think a lot is made of him being a "Bernie Bro" but he later endorsed Tulsi Gabbard. And I don't think he has ever claimed that he left Cali for being unfriendly to business. I've seen him quoted that he left because LA is too crowded and they were too restrictive with Covid protocols.
And taxes
And taxes

Specifically that he wasn't getting anything (safety, parks for his kids, clean streets) for his taxes. He's stated multiple times if he felt the government was using the money well he wouldn't mind but that he wasn't going to pay high taxes to watch people poop in the street.
I think a lot is made of him being a "Bernie Bro" but he later endorsed Tulsi Gabbard. And I don't think he has ever claimed that he left Cali for being unfriendly to business. I've seen him quoted that he left because LA is too crowded and they were too restrictive with Covid protocols.
Tulsi is as bad as Bernie. I will never understand why so many on the right love her. Her positions are horrendous.
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Tulsi is as bad as Bernie. I will never understand why so many on the right love her. Her positions are horrendous.
I think Rogan is struggling to find a candidate just like the rest of us. He’s fairly liberal In his personal views but also strong on feelings of personal liberty.

About the closet fit I can find for me is Rand Paul right now. That includes DeSantis. So the guy I find as a closest fit has been running for President for it seems 20 years and still can’t get a whiff of relevancy. And I’ve never voted for him before in a primary. 🤷‍♂️
I think Rogan is struggling to find a candidate just like the rest of us. He’s fairly liberal In his personal views but also strong on feelings of personal liberty.

About the closet fit I can find for me is Rand Paul right now. That includes DeSantis. So the guy I find as a closest fit has been running for President for it seems 20 years and still can’t get a whiff of relevancy. And I’ve never voted for him before in a primary. 🤷‍♂️
Isn't the original definition of "liberal" just that though? Individual freedom is pretty liberal in the grand scheme of human history.
I think Rogan is struggling to find a candidate just like the rest of us. He’s fairly liberal In his personal views but also strong on feelings of personal liberty.

About the closet fit I can find for me is Rand Paul right now. That includes DeSantis. So the guy I find as a closest fit has been running for President for it seems 20 years and still can’t get a whiff of relevancy. And I’ve never voted for him before in a primary. 🤷‍♂️

Too intelligent. The average voter probably has no clue what he's talking about
This is hilarious. You use his apology as evidence of guilt but if he refused to apologize it would be your evidence of how terrible he is.

You avoid using it yourself. That’s cool but doesn’t really answer the question. It actually avoids the question.

Is it wrong to use the word in actual conversations about the word itself? Zero of those are examples of him calling anyone the N word. They’re examples of him speaking about the word itself.

Call me crazy, yeah, I take Rogan's APOLOGY as evidence of guilt.

This also in: Grant is buried in Grant's tomb.

And, yeah, I personally wouldn't use the word in conversation about the word itself. No need to. He could have just said "N Word", but he chose to use the word. Dumb. And, yeah, racist.

But, hey, prove me wrong, dude: GO AHEAD AND USE THE WORD HERE if you think it's so innocent.

* crickets *

Mhmmm. That's what I thought.

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Call me crazy, yeah, I take Rogan's APOLOGY as evidence of guilt.

This also in: Grant is buried in Grant's tomb.

And, yeah, I personally wouldn't use the word in conversation about the word itself. No need to. He could have just said "N Word", but he chose to use the word. Dumb. And, yeah, racist.

But, hey, prove me wrong, dude: GO AHEAD AND USE THE WORD HERE if you think it's so innocent.

View attachment 432975

LMFAO to ever use that word in any situation even when reading the word, reading the name of an album, directly quoting someone else, etc is an act of racism?
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I can't imagine being mentally weak enough to let a short collection of six letters set me off so bad I lose all physical and mental control. That's some real-life slavery there.

PS: is "negro" racist? Because I've been using it a lot on my current trip.

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