Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

I trust I have done more to help more kids over the past two years than pretty much every person in the PF - probably combined.
So you can shove the sanctimonious BS, because you haven't a clue.
Lol no you haven’t. Some here have literally and directly saved kids’ lives. You sit in an office and direct a government sanctioned message of some learning and some agendas to kids that is considered average education at best
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Let's take this angle, do you believe the FDA (fed, government) should mandate truth in advertising about pharmaceuticals and their potential side effects?
Irrelevant to the discussion. I don't think the fed govt should tell businesses to censor free speech and exchange of ideas from individuals they disagree with
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Lol no you haven’t. Some here have literally and directly saved kids’ lives. You sit in an office and direct a government sanctioned message of some learning and some agendas to kids that is considered average education at best
And three quarters of the time he's supposed to be doing stuff he's here crapping up the board. Which in this case I guess might be a win for society.
Irrelevant to the discussion. I don't think the fed govt should tell businesses to censor free speech and exchange of ideas from individuals they disagree with
It's not irrelevant in the least.
If a pharmaceutical company views free speech as being able to lie and mislead, then the government not only has the right but the responsibility to censor.
It's not irrelevant in the least.
If a pharmaceutical company views free speech as being able to lie and mislead, then the government not only has the right but the responsibility to censor.
Where are the lies that are even close to what you're pretending is relevant?

The govt is targeting individuals. Best part is the biggest liars throughout this entire fiasco have been govt officials. Of course they're still promoted by the corrupt admin you support
Where are the lies that are even close to what you're pretending is relevant?

The govt is targeting individuals. Best part is the biggest liars throughout this entire fiasco have been govt officials. Of course they're still promoted by the corrupt admin you support
I'm only arguing that they not only have the right, but the responsibility.
I posted a link that highlighted a couple of the lies yesterday - not from Rogan, but from his guest.
I'm only arguing that they not only have the right, but the responsibility.
I posted a link that highlighted a couple of the lies yesterday - not from Rogan, but from his guest.
they absolutely do not have the right to shut down speech. In fact, shutting it down is the opposite of what needs to happen. We need discussions not fact checking dictators

Do they have the responsibility to shut down Psaki? Biden? Fauci? All have absolutely misled and lied to the American people. You lie here all the time yet are not shut down. See how that works?

I'd love to see these dangerous lies but don't have the stomach to go back through your posts.
I'm only arguing that they not only have the right, but the responsibility.
I posted a link that highlighted a couple of the lies yesterday - not from Rogan, but from his guest.
That's literally the opposite of what the constitution says. You may think you want .gov policing bad takes, but you really don't.
That's literally the opposite of what the constitution says. You may think you want .gov policing bad takes, but you really don't.
lol.....I'm pretty sure I want the gov. overseeing and regulating pharmaceuticals.
I'm confident the founding fathers would as well.
And the continuum widens.

Anyone willing to engage luther's insanity deserves what he provides. The journey to where we are started with:
You seem to have an answer in mind that you are fishing for, why not just spit it out?

But the answer is obvious.....because he has a bigger audience now. As the audience grows, so does the responsibility.
luther was replying to a post from rjd (where he replied to MP about Rogan and using the N word). Apparently Rogan has a responsibility based on audience size. Although, the threshold for size was never defined. How the responsibility he carries now changes what he does was also not defined. And now, he is attempting to conflate free speech (where a responsibility lies with the speaker) to a regulated industry (which I would assume has a self contained responsibility based on number of consumers).

It's a black hole of discussion.
lol.....I'm pretty sure I want the gov. overseeing and regulating pharmaceuticals.
I'm confident the founding fathers would as well.

This is an awful comparison and take. Regulation of pharm and free speech do not play in the same ballpark, it isn’t even the same sport.
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Anyone willing to engage luther's insanity deserves what he provides. The journey to where we are started with:

luther was replying to a post from rjd (where he replied to MP about Rogan and using the N word). Apparently Rogan has a responsibility based on audience size. Although, the threshold for size was never defined. How the responsibility he carries now changes what he does was also not defined. And now, he is attempting to conflate free speech (where a responsibility lies with the speaker) to a regulated industry (which I would assume has a self contained responsibility based on number of consumers).

It's a black hole of discussion.

And my original point that the Rogan racial stuff is driven not by real outrage, but by blowback from the Covid statements made on his show is the real motivator still stands. Otherwise, this would have been brought up years ago when he actually said it.

The drama queens and outrage warriors are being played like puppets here to further a Covid agenda and it’s ridiculous. Luther and Monty trying to sell this as something else to the point where we are comparing free speech to business regulation is the height of absurdity. At some point a reasonable person would step back and say “wait a minute, the position I’m arguing here makes no sense”.
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