Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

Lol - we are talking years ago, not decades and centuries. So tell me again why this wasn’t an issue a few years ago.

More specifically, why now?

That is some weak sauce, even from you.
They better not look at Howard Stern, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, The Rock, or Trudeau then. Oh wait, there's one small thing different about all of them. 🤔😏
This is hilarious. You use his apology as evidence of guilt but if he refused to apologize it would be your evidence of how terrible he is.

You avoid using it yourself. That’s cool but doesn’t really answer the question. It actually avoids the question.

Is it wrong to use the word in actual conversations about the word itself? Zero of those are examples of him calling anyone the N word. They’re examples of him speaking about the word itself.
This is why you shouldn't apologize. If you do, it isn't enough or it's too late or it's just lip service. If you don't, it's proof that you're everything they say you are. And regardless of how profusely you apologize someone will ALWAYS dredge these events up for perpetuity. So what's the point?

Remember who the "they" is calling for apologies and blood sacrifice. People who are zeroes in life but have a Twitter account. These people have insignificant jobs, insignificant lives, the world will never remember them. But they find self worth in what they think is "punching up". They will attack anyone for being race/trans/homo/anything phobic as long as the pack is going that direction and it doesn't interfere with their political leanings. But even then exceptions can be made, like attacking minorities for being racists to their own race or trans people for not saying the right thing. They are pathetic. These are the people calling for apologies. Ignore them and it's just like before when the world didn't know they existed.
What in the world will happen if women and the gay community ever notice how many rappers use the terms "f@**o+"" and "b!+¢#."
Well as we can see here as long as they aren’t speaking out against the establishment or worse just giving somebody a platform to voice their opinion counter to the establishment (the horror…) it’s all good.
That's not what I said at all.
Every media outlet controls who they interview, what they print, the stories they cover-as they should.
She is saying that Spotify and other outlets relatively new to the information distribution game, need to step up their oversight.
It was a warning. We all know it and you support it

Maybe she should start closer to home though. Her boss told the entire country that the vaccine completely prevents a person from getting covid or infecting others. They've pushed masks even though the science shows they're essentially worthless. They push vaccines on small kids even though their statistical likelihood of getting sick is approaching zero. They want people died for not following their rules.

Maybe the difference is this WH is too good at the misinformation distribution game
It was a warning. We all know it and you support it

Maybe she should start closer to home though. Her boss told the entire country that the vaccine completely prevents a person from getting covid or infecting others. They've pushed masks even though the science shows they're essentially worthless. They push vaccines on small kids even though their statistical likelihood of getting sick is approaching zero. They want people died for not following their rules.

Maybe the difference is this WH is too good at the misinformation distribution game
It sounded to me as if she simply said "you guys could and should do better".
And with that, I agree.
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” - Joe Biden
“They’ll have you back in chains”- Joe Biden

“If you didn’t vote for me, you ain’t black”- Joe Biden

“Some of those poor kids are just as intelligent as white kids” - Joe Biden

It’s really as simple as this @luthervol, Biden may or may not be racist because I’ll be the first to admit that quotes from celebrities get blown out of proportion. However, when it comes to proof, Biden is well beyond Rogan in reasons to believe one way over the other. The ONLY reason the left is dismissive on his past statements is because his current agenda needs the black community to stay in power. Why do you think he and miss chuckles want an open boarder and are fighting to end ID for voting? Because they intend to let illegal immigrants vote to offset his already disgustingly low and declining approval rate.
It's really simple. When the government says you should do something, the implication is you do it or we'll get it done for you. Otherwise it's just empty words. And since we've seen the federal government flex at those who don't tow the line it should only be obvious if we're being intellectually honest.
It sounded to me as if she simply said "you guys could and should do better".
And with that, I agree.

When they said “do more”….what more do you think they wanted? This was after warning labels were already put on the videos. “Do more”….what more?
It's an acceptable translation. Authoritative govts usually just call it dangerous misinformation
Let's take this angle, do you believe the FDA (fed, government) should mandate truth in advertising about pharmaceuticals and their potential side effects?

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