Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

Except you allow govts to force them home and mask them up. Even though the science says this is under. You don't actually care you just know it's what you have to say
I trust I have done more to help more kids over the past two years than pretty much every person in the PF - probably combined.
So you can shove the sanctimonious BS, because you haven't a clue.
Then why even bring up classified information in this debate?
Because the discussion was, at least partially, about the federal government and their involvement in controlling information.
I thought it was obvious.
Maybe be more involved in, or at least aware of, the guests he is interviewing.

Rogan has interviewed Mike Tyson (twice IIRC) who served time in prison for rape. Do you think anyone really cared or raised a fuss about someone convicted of a crime like that on his show? Tyson elevated the ratings of Rogan Experience. Be more involved with the guests he is interviewing? What a crock of sh!t. Who cares!
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Because the discussion was, at least partially, about the federal government and their involvement in controlling information.
I thought it was obvious.

So you decide to throw up the fact that the federal government does classification information as a basis for their ability to suppress whatever the ruling class seems “misinformation”?

Surely the insane authoritarian path you’re going down should also be obvious.
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Maybe be more involved in, or at least aware of, the guests he is interviewing.

Now you’re lying. We both know the White House is requesting more than just “Spotify being aware of who he has on”.

Because unless you intend to suppress the information/speaker, why does it matter if Spotify learns about the guest before or after it’s put out?
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So you decide to throw up the fact that the federal government does classification information as a basis for their ability to suppress whatever the ruling class seems “misinformation”?

Surely the insane authoritarian path you’re going down should also be obvious.
That is technically illegal. The use of classifying information for the sole purpose of limiting access to embarrassing or illegal activity is explicitly illegal and we are encouraged to turn their asses in on it. I’m sure it’s never abused though.
That is technically illegal. The use of classifying information for the sole purpose of limiting access to embarrassing or illegal activity is explicitly illegal and we are encouraged to turn their asses in on it. I’m sure it’s never abused though.

Yeah any of us who’ve ever had a security clearance know for sure things are over classified
I trust I have done more to help more kids over the past two years than pretty much every person in the PF - probably combined.
So you can shove the sanctimonious BS, because you haven't a clue.
Except for the fact you vote for people who seek to limit their freedoms for the rest of their lives.
I trust I have done more to help more kids over the past two years than pretty much every person in the PF - probably combined.
So you can shove the sanctimonious BS, because you haven't a clue.
Sure we have a clue Gabby. We have your entire catalog of posting history here. And I sincerely hope you’re never in a position to “help” any minor that is a member of my extended family because I wouldn’t trust you to teach from a politically impartial view.
I trust I have done more to help more kids over the past two years than pretty much every person in the PF - probably combined.
So you can shove the sanctimonious BS, because you haven't a clue.

You should be capable of honest/open discussions of “best practices” without getting defensive. I imagine that’s what you’d tell any of the teachers under you
Sure we have a clue Gabby. We have your entire catalog of posting history here. And I sincerely hope you’re never in a position to “help” any minor that is a member of my extended family because I wouldn’t trust you to teach from a politically impartial view.
It's not the politics, it's the fact that they're someone that is so dense they usually can't keep their own story straight across a series of a half dozen posts. That indicates some other major issues. It's been said 60%+ of "liberal" and "very liberal" people have been diagnosed with mental illnesses and deficiencies, so it really ought not be shocking.
It's not the politics, it's the fact that they're someone that is so dense they usually can't keep their own story straight across a series of a half dozen posts. That indicates some other major issues. It's been said 60%+ of "liberal" and "very liberal" people have been diagnosed with mental illnesses and deficiencies, so it really ought not be shocking.
Oh I think the fact that Gabby shows he can rationalize away any stance he wants says he shouldn’t be in a position to mold young minds. Look at his dumbassery just on this topic. No way in hell I’d want him instructing my kid or even niece or nephew.
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Yea. We are all on the continuum, I've ALWAYS said that.
Biden's score on the continuum would be 75% of Rogan's. If Rogan is a 20, Biden is a 15%. Neither would rise to the level of being called a racist.
There was absolutely no contradiction in my two statements.

But nice try.

This statement by itself is a fair take but how in the holy hell do you not realize Biden is a closet racist?

Everyone time the dude goes off script it’s a racist comment.

His you ain’t black comment was about as demeaning to a race as possible.
This statement by itself is a fair take but how in the holy hell do you not realize Biden is a closet racist?

Everyone time the dude goes off script it’s a racist comment.

His you ain’t black comment was about as demeaning to a race as possible.

I can’t help but imagining Luther spending all day compiling tweets, VN posts, Facebook data, etc so he can calculate how racist every person he encounters is
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Joe Rogan: Uses the Fox News model of spewing misinformation to gullible listeners to make money. Zero integrity.

I imagine one of the lowest integrity things you can do is question the integrity of another human being who you’ve never actually listened to.

There’s no human on this planet who’s thoughts, opinions, and ideas are easier to find and hear. But instead of actually listening to anything he’s said you’re taking the opinion of others.

So who lacks integrity in this exchange?
You said you agree with Psaki and the federal govt telling platforms to do more to limit free speech. You posted it
That's not what I said at all.
Every media outlet controls who they interview, what they print, the stories they cover-as they should.
She is saying that Spotify and other outlets relatively new to the information distribution game, need to step up their oversight.

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