New Biden Nuclear Hire Is Drag Queen Who Wears Stilettos to Work, Discusses Sex With Animals, And Calls NIH Chief ‘Daddy Fauci’.

Lincoln, Tolstoy and Dickens had depression
Beethoven and Churchill were Bipolar
Michaengelo was autistic
Dawrin had agoraphobia
Issac Newton was Bipolar, autistic and suffered from schizophrenia

I'm simply suggesting that mental illness shouldn't be a qualifier for ability.
Kind of ridiculous to try to diagnose mental conditions off limited information for some of those dudes that have been dead for a few hundred years
How did this guy end up with a job like he had?🤔


Trying to look tough for the next phase.....
So what? Judge not, lest you be judged, right?

He holds masters in Engineering and Nuclear Science and Engineering from MIT.

Seems like qualifications that would be relevant to a job as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy.

Your article focused on kink shaming him, not his qualifications... Got anything that say's he's incompetent or otherwise unqualified?
He also has a PhD in Crazy as 💩
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I've fired two people with mental illness from federal service. One was bipolar and the other had schizophrenia. I (and my agency) offered all the support we could from our end but if the folks dont have their own support system they tend to be up sh!ts creek. Luckily I have 0.000001% empathy so I find it real easy to get rid of these nutbags.
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There actually is evidence that Sam Brinton was hired due to his checking a "non binary" box and it doesn't reflect well on the Biden administration:
A Department of Energy employee has reportedly alleged that the agency allowed “substantial irregularities” to influence its hiring process of Samuel Brinton, a controversial appointee whose work as a drag queen and LGBTQ+ activist has come under scrutiny.

On February 2nd, an anonymous Department of Energy (DOE) whistleblower sent a letter to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Deputy Inspector General Norbert Vint, alleging that “prohibited personnel practices” were utilized in tapping Brinton for the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition.

“Undue political influence and preferences were applied” at the DOE to select Brinton for the position, which the employee also alleged Brinton was was potentially unqualified to hold, the letter claims.

That was long before the luggage thefts

Here's the actual letter:

This explains my issue to a T:

“There is concern that making personnel selection decisions for career positions based on political considerations and gender-fluid identity as means of exerting political influence over the workforce, and at the expense of other better qualified candidates, is not the intent of the U.S. civil service laws or the U.S. constitution,” continued the letter, signed by a “Long serving public servant at the U.S. Department of Energy.”

Sam appears to have been hired at the expense of better qualified candidates based upon political considerations as a means of exerting political influence over the workforce. It's all coming out now. Not good. Not good at all. This hire was an unforced error on the part of this administration and I hope they learn from it

SCALP: How The National Pulse Brought Transgender Bag Thief and Rentboy Excuser Sam Brinton into the Spotlight, Leading to His Ouster from Biden's Nuclear Team.
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I have no problem with what they do in their private life. It just seems that because of their gender position people look the other way at work behavior/attire that wouldn't fly for a traditionally gendered person. I imagine a man or woman at this level would be informed to dress professionally at work and work-related events. So they could dress as woman but professionally.

It's as if the rules do not apply for fear of "discrimination". Should be the same standards for all employees.

Likewise, if theft arrests/convictions threaten one's security clearance then it should regardless of the gender position of this person.
Lincoln, Tolstoy and Dickens had depression
Beethoven and Churchill were Bipolar
Michaengelo was autistic
Dawrin had agoraphobia
Issac Newton was Bipolar, autistic and suffered from schizophrenia

I'm simply suggesting that mental illness shouldn't be a qualifier for ability.
Add @Septic has dyslexia
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