New Biden Nuclear Hire Is Drag Queen Who Wears Stilettos to Work, Discusses Sex With Animals, And Calls NIH Chief ‘Daddy Fauci’.

"Hoping for a candidate with less baggage." Hahahaha!

I suppose you could screw up worse than they did with this clown - the never say never thing, but it nearly impossible to screw up even worse. This was a freak show that some dem woke activists thought could work; they are actually that far out of touch with reality, and 81M strong ... allegedly.
if only there were some warning signs

This is the sad state that we are in today . We have gotten to the point to where our logic and sound judgment has been overtaken by the need to promote outright extremism , for the sake of individualism in critical roles or positions , while ignore warnings signs and red flags . It’s fundamentally absurd to believe that by accepting these extremes as normal , that there won’t be problems that come along with that policy . You can’t tell me that they didn’t know he was shady AF when they ran his background check . Smh
This is the sad state that we are in today . We have gotten to the point to where our logic and sound judgment has been overtaken by the need to promote outright extremism , for the sake of individualism in critical roles or positions , while ignore warnings signs and red flags . It’s fundamentally absurd to believe that by accepting these extremes as normal , that there won’t be problems that come along with that policy . You can’t tell me that they didn’t know he was shady AF when they ran his background check . Smh

On more liberal boards I'm labeled a bigot for this kind of thinking...
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