I honestly see no difference between all these names being batted around: Mora, Strong, Golden, etc. and Ken Sparks at CN. geez, why not hire him? all the same at this point. I think we'll just have been satisfied with a "pretty good" football program for a long time.
I could be wrong but I don't think a Conference Championship game is considered the regular season.
That would meant that Hart could have been interviewing a bunch of candidates starting last sunday.
well if u give a good coach our facilities and resources, there is a good chance we can have better than a "pretty good" program.
I'm one of the herd that is saddened by the news JG will not be taking our coaching position. My TN flag is at half mast today! Many say they don't understand the love for him and say us that wanted him are living in a dream world. However, I know he would have brought excitement to a weak program. We would have become relevant over night just on his name alone because young players would want to play for him. The big names we haven't landed out of HS in years would now show interest in us. That is the first step to being competitive again in the SEC.
Now we are placing focus on others. One by one they will bow out IMO. In the end we might not be much better off than we were with Dooley. So, I stick to what I said weeks ago. Why fire Dooley unless you have a sure home run hire guaranteed?
Serious question, how come there has been very little interest shown on Jim Tressel? Sure he's on his 5-week ban from participating in games, but he is a proven winner and recruiter. His one black mark isn't recruiting violations or anything like that, it was just a cover up of free tattoos. And even with his ban, he is still able to recruit.
You are correct, unless Hart had already made the necessary contacts and had some indication of who was available and ready to come to TN, we should have stayed with Dooley.
Obviously, Peterson and Patterson are the best coaches..are they willing to make the move?
Strong looks pretty good too, plus I get a motivational vibe with him with recruiting and program energy.
Heard some serious Butch Jones speculation. I'm ok with that but I want more. I don't want Golden, Smart, Mora or Fedora ( the latter two just finished year one and we don't need a team hopper like kiffen).
The facilities and resources are not getting it done because we are losing the war for recruits..look arround the SEC...Georgia...up...Mississippi st....up...south carolina...up...VANDERBILT...up..Mssippi...up...Florida...up...SEE A PATTERN? Tennessee has been on the decline for awhile now...Tennessee needs that big name coach to get the recruits here ...now..
The facilities and resources are not getting it done because we are losing the war for recruits..look arround the SEC...Georgia...up...Mississippi st....up...south carolina...up...VANDERBILT...up..Mssippi...up...Florida...up...SEE A PATTERN? Tennessee has been on the decline for awhile now...Tennessee needs that big name coach to get the recruits here ...now..