New Nationwide Lockdown Coming?

Would you listen to our government and comply with a lockdown?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 27 20.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 91 68.4%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 15 11.3%

  • Total voters
I wear a two layer cloth mask most of the time. Verbal communication is critical to my job and the N95 is very difficult to be heard clearly. It’s not even my point. I think vulnerable people should wear an N95. I have them if needed.

My point is regarding those who refuse to wear a mask and yet continue about things as normal.

It boggles my mind that you don’t see this the same way as you see your 2a rights . You do realize that Luther is making this same argument about firearms right ? Every argument point you make about masks Luther can make regarding 2a . Smh .
No. Why do you ask? Are you unable to understand the difference between wearing a mask in public to contain the spread of infection and wearing a mask to bed in my own bedroom in my own home? Surely you can understand the difference, so why are you pretending you cannot?
I just figured you’d feel more safe if you wore it at night
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Sure, people are wearing mask. And people aren't. Every store in Knoxville and Maryville requires them, but guess what? That is ignored by a large percentage. So, if I wear a mask, I may protect you from my sneeze or cough, but it doesn't protect me from those not wearing masks. Why is that so hard to figure out. Would you like to participate in my experiment. All you have to do is stand there. I'll spit at you with a mask on and with it off, and see if you can tell the difference.
Dude.... I’ve already said I wear a mask when I go somewhere that requires them. I realize there are a lot of people out there that are terrified of the virus. My argument is very simple ..... the masks are not going to stop the virus and end the pandemic.
If you look at the stats.... people 65 and under aren’t the ones dying.... it’s the elderly with heart disease, COPD, diabetes and obesity.
My head injury post was comparing the number of young people that die each year from head trauma to covid..... many .... many more die from head trauma.... should they be required to wear helmets?
Some of you are putting too much faith in the masks
I don’t have a clue , somewhere I would imagine between 0-500 . The last time you had the flu , how many babies , young adults and elderly people did you pass it on to ?

Please do not divert attention from you to me or from covid to the flu. I've worn a mask in public since February. Because so many other people such as yourself did not, many Americans have died from an out of control viral pandemic. The total number of dead is now around a quarter million. We know from measures taken in other countries that our catastrophic death rate was not necessary.
Please do not divert attention from you to me or from covid to the flu. I've worn a mask in public since February. Because so many other people such as yourself did not, many Americans have died from an out of control viral pandemic. The total number of dead is now around a quarter million. We know from measures taken in other countries that our catastrophic death rate was not necessary.

What countries?
I wear a two layer cloth mask most of the time. Verbal communication is critical to my job and the N95 is very difficult to be heard clearly. It’s not even my point. I think vulnerable people should wear an N95. I have them if needed.

My point is regarding those who refuse to wear a mask and yet continue about things as normal.
It was a joke. You said it was hard for you to be understood while wearing the mask, and I said huh. I didn't understand you. Get it?
Please do not divert attention from you to me or from covid to the flu. I've worn a mask in public since February. Because so many other people such as yourself did not, many Americans have died from an out of control viral pandemic. The total number of dead is now around a quarter million. We know from measures taken in other countries that our catastrophic death rate was not necessary.


You know that quarter million number is nowhere near accurate.
Please do not divert attention from you to me or from covid to the flu. I've worn a mask in public since February. Because so many other people such as yourself did not, many Americans have died from an out of control viral pandemic. The total number of dead is now around a quarter million. We know from measures taken in other countries that our catastrophic death rate was not necessary.

You asked me a question you knew that I couldn’t answer , I thought you In turn deserved the same just to put us back on equal footing . The death rate for this “ out of control virus “ vs our positive test results vs our population, in other words logic instead of emotions , says you are overreacting and the fear propaganda is way overblown . Comparing other countries to the US never works because regardless of how bad some want us to be .. we aren’t them , we are larger , more diverse , have more freedoms , better health care and more money to blow . You can’t compare apples to apples so it’s a false argument . Your turn
The death rate for this “ out of control virus “ vs our positive test results vs our population, in other words logic instead of emotions , says you are overreacting and the fear propaganda is way overblown . Comparing other countries to the US never works because regardless of how bad some want us to be .. we aren’t them , we are larger , more diverse , have more freedoms , better health care and more money to blow . You can’t compare apples to apples so it’s a false argument . Your turn

OK, let's talk about logic versus emotions. There is no logical argument to be made for defying procedures which contain the spread of covid. If you are emotionally determined, then you can try to make arguments for defying containment procedures, but those arguments are not sound. They are not valid. They are not logically true. They are expressions of emotion which do not hold up under examination. It is way past time to let them go and do what must be done to save millions of American lives from further catastrophic failure. I thinks folks who did not get that at first really should get it by now.
OK, let's talk about logic versus emotions. There is no logical argument for to be made for defying procedures which contain the spread of covid. If you are emotionally determined, then you can try to make arguments for defying containment procedures, but those arguments are not sound. They are not valid. They are not logically true. They are expressions of emotion which do not hold up under examination. It is way past time to let them go and do what must be done to save millions of American lives from further catastrophic failure.

99% survival rate on the out of control virus , 94% on the demographic that it is actually dangerous for . Logic would tell us that it’s capacity to be a detriment to a country that has a population of 340 million people in it to the point of shutting the country down through prevent its citizens from observing their constitutional rights is beyond overblown . Allowing decisions to be made by the government based on feelings , emotions and fear wrapped up in a package they always call for your own good and the good of society .. always ends up with them controlling more power and us common folk losing more rights .
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So is Dave Clawson! 😁

Seriously, I’m not surprised by this at all. A Dark Winter is coming indeed

Lol, took me a minute to realize what you were talking about then it hits me you devil, you.

Here’s to freezer that are full, houses that are warm and enough beer to make it to the other side.

It’s gonna be hell.
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