New Pay Raise for Fulmer Announced (Merged)

What Do you think about Fulmer's raise?

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When was it that he supposedly was approached by the Carolina Panthers?
They never officially offered him a job that I am aware of, but it was some time after '98 that they were rumored to have interest. It all runs together but for some reason I seem to recall hearing the most rumors around the same time as Spurrier left (2001). The Panthers replaced coaches in '98 and '01 so it could've been either.
I can't think of any official offers. I mean real offers. Not rumors of offers like that Atlanta crap last year.

and I've had very few official offers in my career. That doesn't mean I haven't been approached to gauge my interest in leaving my current job.
well, there is a difference in going thru the process and turning it down and saying "not interested" to begin with, which is what he did with the Panthers. I believe he was approached by another NFL team at an earlier point in his career to coach O Line.....but not sure who.....

the reality is, none of us probably know how many feelers have been sent out about different positions.....and no, i'm not saying he had a bunch.

but to act as if he's never had any interest shown in his coaching ability is just flat wrong.
If you're talking PR, then raise ticket prices while he gets a raise ddoesn't look very good. And before some genius tries to blast me, I'm not saying the two are connected.
I still don't think he leaves. He just wants to see UT win it all again and for some reason he thinks he is the man to get it done. I think it's his ego. My only hope is that his ego doesn't get the best of him and he gives Clawson & Co. their fair chance to succeed. That is my biggest worry. I think Fulmer has two years guaranteed (barring another bowl-less season. Others, including Lex disagree and think a 7 or 8 win season will get Fulmer axed. Mikey isn't as dumb as so many on here want to make him out to be. He wouldn't have set Fulmer's buyout clause without knowing he could easily pay it off.

After I heard the rumor about the buyout a few weeks ago, I will concede that the buyout could have been larger. The thing that really gets to me is that not only does he get a raise for not bringing in any hardware, but he gets a larger raise (350k) for doing nothing than he did for winning a NC title in 1998 (200k). If we were winning SEC titles every so often, very few people would even be talking right now.
well, there is a difference in going thru the process and turning it down and saying "not interested" to begin with, which is what he did with the Panthers. I believe he was approached by another NFL team at an earlier point in his career to coach O Line.....but not sure who.....

the reality is, none of us probably know how many feelers have been sent out about different positions.....and no, i'm not saying he had a bunch.

but to act as if he's never had any interest shown in his coaching ability is just flat wrong.

...and to suggest that NFL teams had an interest in Fulmer because you heard an internet rumor to that effect is just flat wrong too. The fact of the matter is that he's never received an offer.
As I've stated before, they should have given a raise but lowered the buyout, letting him know it's time to produce.

The pay of Fulmer and Pearl isn't based on the market value of state workers. It is based on the market value of coaches. Moreover, the revenues they bring in pay their salaries many times over.

Based on that statement, how much should a coach the hasn't won anything of significance in 9 years, loses to the top teams in his conference on a regular basis, and gets his mouth torn out by his two biggest rivals get paid on the open market?
...and to suggest that NFL teams had an interest in Fulmer because you heard an internet rumor to that effect is just flat wrong too. The fact of the matter is that he's never received an offer.
where did i say it was an internet rumor? the Carolina Panthers deal was public knowledge.....i can't remember the other one, but it was earlier in his that puts it back 15 or 16+ years ago.....forgive me.

If you're talking PR, then raise ticket prices while he gets a raise ddoesn't look very good. And before some genius tries to blast me, I'm not saying the two are connected.
of course they are connected. money goes into the pot and then the same money goes out.
I can't think of any official offers. I mean real offers. Not rumors of offers like that Atlanta crap last year.

Wait... did Fulmer's name really come up for the Falcon vacancy? :eek:lol:That is a new one.

If that is true, no wonder the Falcons are a screwed up franchise.
Based on that statement, how much should a coach the hasn't won anything of significance in 9 years, loses to the top teams in his conference on a regular basis, and gets his mouth torn out by his two biggest rivals get paid on the open market?

I already answered this question. Why do you keep rephrasing as if you're suggesting something new?

You don't think he should have gotten a raise.

I don't think he should have gotten a 7 yr contract or an automatic increase.

But market value is ultimately what someone with the money is willing to pay... and since neither of us writes those checks...
After I heard the rumor about the buyout a few weeks ago, I will concede that the buyout could have been larger. The thing that really gets to me is that not only does he get a raise for not bringing in any hardware, but he gets a larger raise (350k) for doing nothing than he did for winning a NC title in 1998 (200k). If we were winning SEC titles every so often, very few people would even be talking right now.

I just think that the fact that we are paying Fulmer somewhere around the 12th best in the nation and that's we're UT wound up last year go hand in hand. Fulmer's raise isn't performance based only. Keeping him in line with where he finishes and the other top coaches in the country is a recruiting PR move and nothing more imo. If he was actually winning us SEC titles and perhaps another NC, he would be top 5 in the country because that's where TN would be ranked.
It's relatively hard to prove that you're disloyal if you're never given the opportunity (no other job offers) and your current employer keeps giving you contract extensions and substantial raises no matter how poor your job performance is.

Yet you act like it's absurd to suggest that he's loyal. Just because he lacks a bunch of opportunities to be disloyal doesn't mean he isn't loyal.
As I've stated before, they should have given a raise but lowered the buyout, letting him know it's time to produce.
They should have kept things the way they were and told Phil he was being put on notice...

9 years going on 10 with no conference titles. No other Tennessee coach has survived that long without being fired.
and before this goes much further, can we get a mod to fix it so that we use the proper form of To/Two/Too?

It should read Too much by a little and Too much by a lot. Sorry, but my journalist/writing background makes those mistakes bother me.
where did i say it was an internet rumor? the Carolina Panthers deal was public knowledge.....i can't remember the other one, but it was earlier in his that puts it back 15 or 16+ years ago.....forgive me.

Either way you look at it, that is going on 9 years or so since anybody has made an attempt to lure him away from Tennessee...
I just think that the fact that we are paying Fulmer somewhere around the 12th best in the nation and that's we're UT wound up last year go hand in hand. Fulmer's raise isn't performance based only. Keeping him in line with where he finishes and the other top coaches in the country is a recruiting PR move and nothing more imo. If he was actually winning us SEC titles and perhaps another NC, he would be top 5 in the country because that's where TN would be ranked.

I really have a hard time believing that Fulmer being 12th highest or 8th highest really affects how he'll be able to recruit. Richt has been a pretty steady recruiter at UGA regardless of his salary. The talent on the Hill was actually a lot better pre-98. I'd be interested to know where his salary ranked back then.
Wait... did Fulmer's name really come up for the Falcon vacancy? :eek:lol:That is a new one.

If that is true, no wonder the Falcons are a screwed up franchise.

It was a rumor after Petrino left. One that most thought was started by Sexton to try to convince UT to give him more money.

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