New Pay Raise for Fulmer Announced (Merged)

What Do you think about Fulmer's raise?

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But you just said that one of the two reasons was losing to Bama 5-6 times in a row.

True, but all that did was put him in a situation like Fulmer is in now where there was a faction that didn't like the job he was doing. That alone was not going to be enough to get him run.
Essentially, Majors was a slightly less successful version of Fulmer; except without the ability to get along with people.
what does getting to a bcs bowl mean? Winning a division title should carry more significance than a bcs bowl game.

Major bowl appearance where you are given a national stage to showcase your team... helps in recruiting more than giving a coach a raise and extension. Most of these BCS bowls are on at primetime are usually the only big game on at that time anymore. It isn't like one of the New Year's Day games that are played in the early afternoon where you've got to share time with 3 other games. Heck, how many people were even able to wake up to see the Outback Bowl this year? It was on at like 11:00 a.m... Not exactly the type of exposure you want.
True, but all that did was put him in a situation like Fulmer is in now where there was a faction that didn't like the job he was doing. That alone was not going to be enough to get him run.
Essentially, Majors was a slightly less successful version of Fulmer; except without the ability to get along with people.

Again, if you look at where the program was going in the last few years of Majors and compare it to Fulmer, would you not agree that the last few years of Majors, the football team was trending up and in the past few seasons with Fulmer, we are leveling off, if not trending downward?
Again, if you look at where the program was going in the last few years of Majors and compare it to Fulmer, would you not agree that the last few years of Majors, the football team was trending up and in the past few seasons with Fulmer, we are leveling off, if not trending downward?

Actually, Majors final full year in 1991 would probably be considered a disappointment considering the personnel coming back from an SEC title team.
what does getting to a bcs bowl mean? Winning a division title should carry more significance than a bcs bowl game.

You were one of the top teams in the nation?

Something like 15 million dollars?

Winning the East is nice, but it's not something you hang your hat on. BCS games carry national respect. People don't pay attention to who lost a conference championship.

It's a fine line cause you definately want to play for the SEC Title, but you also want to win it. If you lose, you're out of luck.
You were one of the top teams in the nation?

Something like 15 million dollars?

Winning the East is nice, but it's not something you hang your hat on. BCS games carry national respect. People don't pay attention to who lost a conference championship.

It's a fine line cause you definately want to play for the SEC Title, but you also want to win it. If you lose, you're out of luck.

You know what, even when we lost in 2001 in the SECCG and had a chance to play in the BCS championship game, we didn't even play in a BCS bowl then. If you can't play in a BCS bowl when you were that close to being a contender for the national title, then just playing in Atlanta really doesn't mean diddly squat. We went from being a virtual title contender to not even getting an at-large BCS bid.
winning the toughest division in the country says a lot.

The funny thing is, it never said anything at all till after the 07 season........ :whistling:

Like I said, just a couple of years ago Hamilton stated the expectations were an SEC Championship every 4-5 years and being a top 5 team and "in the running" for a NC about every 5 years. Basically, the year we win the SEC would take care of the rest. The SEC Champ is about always a top 5 team and mentioned as a possible NC candidate.

Now the expectation is competing for the East.

Before= win the SEC
Now= compete for the chance to play for the SEC Title

Massive lowering of expectations there.
winning the toughest division in the country says a lot.

I think it would mean more if all six teams played the same schedule. Florida had the same record we did against Eastern opponents and they destroyed us head to head. Unfortunately for them, they had to play LSU in the regular season. Auburn is usually no pushover, either. So basically, we won the East because we went 2-1 against Bama, Miss. State, and Arky. Florida lost it because they went 1-2 against LSU, Auburn, and Ole Miss.
The masses, including me, have came to realize we have a 'good ole boy' network on The Hill. It doesn't matter that we have been turned into Outlaw University or that we will now play for 3rd or 4th place in the SEC East or that we have a person still on the team with what - 4 DUI's?

There's nothing but bad things associated with the oblong shaped ball. I say let's all save our money and go to the basketball games.
The masses, including me, have came to realize we have a 'good ole boy' network on The Hill. It doesn't matter that we have been turned into Outlaw University or that we will now play for 3rd or 4th place in the SEC East or that we have a person still on the team with what - 4 DUI's?

There's nothing but bad things associated with the oblong shaped ball. I say let's all save our money and go to the basketball games.

Look at about any organization be it football or business. They all have some kind of "Good Ole' Boy System" in place.
After going through roughly 500 posts I have came to this conclusion.

1. PJ is exactly right in his first post.

2. You know what? If you don't like it get off your ass and do something about it. If you feel so moved and detest the raise so much then do something. Sit down, craft a plan, research, statistically figure out how much he should be paid, warp it all nice in a Power Point with an adjoing report and send it to Mike Hamilton. Enter your resume' for the Athletic Director position. Something.

As for sitting here and talking in circles about Phil Fulmer and how much money he makes, screw it, I'm done with it.
Many would argue that making it to Atlanta is an accomplishment. Of course, I think that winning the SEC is the benchmark. But, it's hard to argue that Fulmer shouldn't be compensated somewhere in the ballpark of his equals.

What's tough to swallow is that it's been 10 years since we won a title, and that we are still reeling from the terrible 2005 season. I have read the arguments about stability and recruiting. . . .and I disagree with some of the logic. Truth is, if we could pull off a good season with a new offensive regime, a "vote of confidence" by the AD really might be a positive factor in recruiting.

I may be overanalyzing, but I think that our performance this year with the "new blood" will be vital to Fulmer's future at UT.
i agree.

Again, if you look at where the program was going in the last few years of Majors and compare it to Fulmer, would you not agree that the last few years of Majors, the football team was trending up and in the past few seasons with Fulmer, we are leveling off, if not trending downward?
i know you're going to hate this......but the last 3 years, there's no question it's trending up. go back 5 years it's at least level with 4 9+ win seasons and the 5-6 year. that's right. we've leveled off over the past 5 years to a 8-10 win team. not where i want to be, and down from the 90's. but as to the current trend, which you refer to, it's level over the past 5 years, and up over the past 3.

Actually, Majors final full year in 1991 would probably be considered a disappointment considering the personnel coming back from an SEC title team.

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