New Pay Raise for Fulmer Announced (Merged)

What Do you think about Fulmer's raise?

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....I may be overanalyzing, but I think that our performance this year with the "new blood" will be vital to Fulmer's future at UT.

Doesn’t this contract say otherwise? Isn’t the message sent that no matter what you do this year, you have a long term contract for big money?
Doesn’t this contract say otherwise? Isn’t the message sent that no matter what you do this year, you have a long term contract for big money?

no. like i said before, it's really just a PR move. This year he's only making like an extra 325k. I think with new blood he has two years, but this contract doesn't really guarantee him anything. Hammy has the money in place for the buyout if and when he decides to use it.
Get real P haters! Fire him & replace with...........? The Bobby B & Joe P haters say the same thing. Would I like to win more & do I feel we are loosing our national dominace...yes. BUT the schools that have heart failure on any loss many times don't turn it around for several years, and still don't get as good as the previous coach. I will be just as interested to see how AK does this year with Bobby P now in the SEC. (AK-Good ex. of how a good coach will do in the SEC) U. Meyer was really an exception to the rule, bc he is a really brilliant coach, but who knew that; it was a gamble getting him from the west coast.
Get real P haters! Fire him & replace with...........? The Bobby B & Joe P haters say the same thing. Would I like to win more & do I feel we are loosing our national dominace...yes. BUT the schools that have heart failure on any loss many times don't turn it around for several years, and still don't get as good as the previous coach. I will be just as interested to see how AK does this year with Bobby P now in the SEC. (AK-Good ex. of how a good coach will do in the SEC) U. Meyer was really an exception to the rule, bc he is a really brilliant coach, but who knew that; it was a gamble getting him from the west coast.

You don't have to be a Phil hater to smell BS on this contract. I'm not a Phil hater, but there is no legitimate business reason to have given Phil this deal... thats why it rubs me so raw. We are paying him way over his market value, flushing football program money down the toilet... in bad economic times at that. This is purely some good ole boy back slappin' between hambone and Phil. Because hammy is to weak to look Fulmer in the fact and tell him that the compensation will only increase if Phil meets hammy's own expectations, which he has NOT!

Why get a significant raise if you are not meeting expectations? Where else does that happen?
I believe I read somewhere that Hamilton wanted to go on and get both Fulmer and Pearl's contracts done this offseason for fiscal planning/budgeting purposes. Now the ath. dept. can focus solely on improving facilities and long-term investments for the next couple years.

Plus, with realistic expectations from most people having UT finishing 3rd in the east this year, it would have made the decision even harder had they waited til next year. And you can say what you want, but that record this year will not have gotten him fired anyway.

I believe that CPF can turn around the program. All signs are pointing to him trying. Would've been nice if he would have had this initiative in 05, but we all thought Cut coming back was the answer to all our problems. However, now we don't see it that way.

I understand why you guys are pissed at the thought of 7 more years of Fulmer, doing the same old things. But lets chill until we can see this new offense. This new staff is definitely a new era in UT football, and the progress of the program can not be measured until we take the field. We may all be surprised at how progressive the program has become.
winning the toughest division in the country says a lot.

Winning the SEC East doesn't mean squat. No rings are given out to the winners of the division. Conference Championships, National Championships and BCS Bowl victories are what matters.
Winning the SEC East doesn't mean squat. No rings are given out to the winners of the division. Conference Championships, National Championships and BCS Bowl victories are what matters.

Yeah, but winning 8 games must mean a lot to Hamilton since Phil automaticlly gets an extra year for every 8 win season. An 8-5 season is apparently a successful one at UT now.
Yeah, but winning 8 games must mean a lot to Hamilton since Phil automaticlly gets an extra year for every 8 win season. An 8-5 season is apparently a successful one at UT now.
that's the one part of the contract that really caught my eye.....unebelievable.
It's just amazing that Phil can now theoretically lose to UF, UGA, Bama, USC, and a bowl game and still be rewarded with a one year extension worth an average of $3 million.
well another decade with no sec title, hopefully i'll live atleast another 10 years so i can see another.
Plus, with realistic expectations from most people having UT finishing 3rd in the east this year, it would have made the decision even harder had they waited til next year. And you can say what you want, but that record this year will not have gotten him fired anyway.

I believe that CPF can turn around the program. All signs are pointing to him trying. Would've been nice if he would have had this initiative in 05, but we all thought Cut coming back was the answer to all our problems. However, now we don't see it that way.
What it sounds like you are saying, and I don't disagree that it is probably part of what motivated the decision, is that they expect a worse finish this year than what they had last year when the East more or less fell into their laps so they had to ram this contract through now while they could still have even a feelble justification for doing so?

As to the comment about Cut being the returning hero, if you look back at posts on this board you will see that there were plenty of folks who didn't think Cut coming back was a good idea at all. Some people just didn't think much of him for having left the first time, others thought the Vols could do better, and still others (including myself) warned that he would leave for the first decent head coaching post he was offered thereby leaving the Vols in a lurch where they might have to just go out and take whoever they could get.
his base salary is $375,000. the rest is his share of media, equipment, and other endorsements.

There are a half a dozen reasons to be optimistic about UT football right now. We are on the threshold of establishing a completely new identity and start of a new era. There are no legitimate reasons to be anything but optimistic as of today.

So cry your eyes out and hope we do go 8-4 so that you can tell us "I told you so." Have fun during your 7 year menstrual period. IMO, this horse is dead until September.

Chavis btw got a $40,000 raise. How does that make you feel?
Actually, that would be incorrect.

So who are the losers that bought themselves rings for winning the division? I know that UT discussed the possibility several years ago, but to my knowledge, nobody had actually stooped that low.

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