New Pay Raise for Fulmer Announced (Merged)

What Do you think about Fulmer's raise?

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See that's what's so irratating and irrational with the way you guys argue.

You say it is hopeless. We point out the moderate level of success because it refutes the notion that it is hopeless.

You then go into the blathering straw man routine as if any of us are completely satisfied with less than championships.

Just to retrace some of the basics of logic. Close is closer than far away. SEC runner up is closer than SECE 4th place.

Moderate success is better than little success- ie UT vs UK in 07.

Moderate success is a better platform than little to no success for reaching the next level. Spurrier took over a failing program and still hasn't gotten above 4th. Meyer took over a mediocre program and won an NC two years later.
good post
See that's what's so irratating and irrational with the way you guys argue.

You say it is hopeless. We point out the moderate level of success because it refutes the notion that it is hopeless.

You then go into the blathering straw man routine as if any of us are completely satisfied with less than championships.

Just to retrace some of the basics of logic. Close is closer than far away. SEC runner up is closer than SECE 4th place.

Moderate success is better than little success- ie UT vs UK in 07.

Moderate success is a better platform than little to no success for reaching the next level. Spurrier took over a failing program and still hasn't gotten above 4th. Meyer took over a mediocre program and won an NC two years later.

1.) Why accept it?

2.) Florida is a mediocre program?
You have no fear of them leaving if they do not perform, thus no reason to give a raise.
Not relevant to the point being made.

However the powers that be must believe that Fulmer has performed well enough and will perform well enough in the future.

How is he performing or loyal? If someone is loyal, why do they need a raise?
Because they deserve it more than someone who isn't loyal and is just out for their own selfish interests.

Do you know how to turn a loyal employee into a disloyal one? Treat employees that get what they want through threats better than you treat the loyal employee is a very good way to start.
See that's what's so irratating and irrational with the way you guys argue.

You say it is hopeless. We point out the moderate level of success because it refutes the notion that it is hopeless.

You then go into the blathering straw man routine as if any of us are completely satisfied with less than championships.

Just to retrace some of the basics of logic. Close is closer than far away. SEC runner up is closer than SECE 4th place.

Moderate success is better than little success- ie UT vs UK in 07.

Moderate success is a better platform than little to no success for reaching the next level. Spurrier took over a failing program and still hasn't gotten above 4th. Meyer took over a mediocre program and won an NC two years later.
Nothing you have said has done anything to justify Fulmer's raise. Supply and demand don't even justify it. Where is is Fulmer gonna make $2 million? Who else? What has he done to merit $2.4 million dollars recently? It just doesn't make a bit of sense.
I would love to have a poll that only fans of other teams on here could vote about CPF is great for Tenn. or we should get rid of him.
But now they do have quality coaches... and that is the point. Once better coaches got into the league, Fulmer's 1990's success disappeared. His recruiting suffered and the coaches were able to outperform him in head to head match ups.
Recruiting has become more difficult. In the mean time, he's made a habit out of beating Spurrier and Richt. They still make it much more difficult to recruit in those states... especially Richt because of UGA's overall success however UT hasn't collapsed into a quivering mass yet.

That is a reason to put a coach on notice, not hand him the keys to the Cadillac.
Exactly why I said he shouldn't get an automatic raise, 7 year contract, or increased buyout. 2005 just isn't that small in the rearview mirror yet. Everything should be based on merit.
Nothing you have said has done anything to justify Fulmer's raise. Supply and demand don't even justify it. Where is is Fulmer gonna make $2 million? Who else? What has he done to merit $2.4 million dollars recently? It just doesn't make a bit of sense.
Ras. how can CPF afford the fuel to drive to the stadium?:)
Why are you so sure if we get another coach we will rocket up and win the NC? I think we can still win one now.

1.) I never said that......

2.) Simply put I want to be competitive........ if that is with Fulmer then that is great.......
Why are you so sure if we get another coach we will rocket up and win the NC? I think we can still win one now.

There is no certainty that we will improve. But that uncertainty shouldn't be the thing that holds us back from making a change. Firing a coach is a tough decision. OK... sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. But by making a change, you at least send the message that you will not accept mediocrity... which is essentially what this program has become.
I would love to have a poll that only fans of other teams on here could vote about CPF is great for Tenn. or we should get rid of him.

Every other fan in the conference (probably even UGA and Vandy fans) would vote for us to keep Fulmer.
Not relevant to the point being made. The point is you do not give a raise if there is no need to, Fulmer fulfills the "no need to" requirement.

However the powers that be must believe that Fulmer has performed well enough and will perform well enough in the future. The powers that be should have given a raise after these proposed successes happen, no need to until then. Just a dumb move.

Because they deserve it more than someone who isn't loyal and is just out for their own selfish interests. Again, how is he loyal? If you are truly loyal you don't need a raise to remain in place. You understand this concept of loyalty?

Do you know how to turn a loyal employee into a disloyal one? Treat employees that get what they want through threats better than you treat the loyal employee is a very good way to start. Just more nonsense.I do not care about their loyalty, I care how they perform.

I don't understand what he's done to deserve the single largest raise in his career with this new contract.

Or why he gets a $150,000 raise every year regardless of performance.

Rewarding mediocrity. Lowering standards. This is sad.
Not relevant to the point being made.

However the powers that be must believe that Fulmer has performed well enough and will perform well enough in the future.

Because they deserve it more than someone who isn't loyal and is just out for their own selfish interests.

Do you know how to turn a loyal employee into a disloyal one? Treat employees that get what they want through threats better than you treat the loyal employee is a very good way to start.

So are you arguing that he should get a raise based on loyalty or performance?

I might try that on my next annual review... see if I can squeeze out an extra 15% pay raise for being loyal... :crazy:

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