New Pay Raise for Fulmer Announced (Merged)

What Do you think about Fulmer's raise?

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I don't understand what he's done to deserve the single largest raise in his career with this new contract.

Or why he gets a $150,000 raise every year regardless of performance.

Rewarding mediocrity. Lowering standards. This is sad.

It should be sad because Fulmer should be held accountable for the state of the program!
And we also smoked a team that many thought was the hottest in CFB by the end of the season. And we beat both teams that beat the eventual BCS NC, one of them rather soundly.

Transitive logic does not and never will work in college football. :shakehead:
I don't understand what he's done to deserve the single largest raise in his career with this new contract.

Or why he gets a $150,000 raise every year regardless of performance.

Rewarding mediocrity. Lowering standards. This is sad.

Oh but it gets better... he gets an extra million dollar cherry on top in 2014 for being here 20 years.

Most people just get a watch for 20 years of service.
I might try that on my next annual review... see if I can squeeze out an extra 15% pay raise for being loyal... :crazy:

Rasp - I want a 15% raise or I am quitting
Rasp Boss - you got another company offering that?
Rasp - No
Rasp Boss - Think you can find another that will
Rasp - No
Rasp Boss - Makes sense to me. You get your raise.
The fact is that escaping Kentucky, and thereby making the SEC title game won Phillip more time on the job.

Creating a contract the sends a clear signal of stability in the Tennessee program does not bother me in the least.

Especially because I know that subpar performance will blow the pressure valve with Vol fans and board members alike. Then the contract means nothing. Win/win as it were..
I don't understand what he's done to deserve the single largest raise in his career with this new contract.

Or why he gets a $150,000 raise every year regardless of performance.

Rewarding mediocrity. Lowering standards. This is sad.

Inflation aside, Fulmer got a 200k raise raise for winning the NC in 1998. He's getting 350k this time for essentially showing up to the SECCG last year...
RV, read the context. I was specifically answering the point that you shouldn't give a raise to someone who wouldn't leave anyway... without respect to performance.

An employee that is both loyal and performing should be rewarded MORE than someone who performs but is not loyal.

On your next review, hopefully your boss will look across the table and tell you they appreciate both your performance AND your loyalty to the company/people you work with.
Oh but it gets better... he gets an extra million dollar cheer on top in 2014 for being here 20 years.

Most people just get a watch for 20 years of service.

I get an extra week of vacation. Maybe I should try demanding a 33% bonus check just for hanging around.

This looks like nothing more than good ol boys hooking up their good ol boy friends
He's getting 350k this time for essentially showing up to the SECCG last year...

Come to Tennessee where the AD will completely lower standards to accomodate your inadequate performance and give you a massive contract at the same time.
Rasp - I want a 15% raise or I am quitting
Rasp Boss - you got another company offering that?
Rasp - No
Rasp Boss - Think you can find another that will
Rasp - No
Rasp Boss - Makes sense to me. You get your raise.

Since when is demanding a 15% raise with a threat to quit an indication of loyalty?

Here's what you are suggesting:

Boss- Even the RV's performance is good, we don't have to give him a raise. He's loyal and won't quit anyway. allvol123 on the other hand performs about as well but will leave if we don't give him a raise- give it to him.

Upon RV finding out... he asks the very relevant question: "If the company isn't loyal to me, why should I be loyal to the company? If the company disregards my loyalty then are they deserving of it?"
Oh but it gets better... he gets an extra million dollar cherry on top in 2014 for being here 20 years.

Most people just get a watch for 20 years of service.

most people aren't coaching big time Division 1-A football program with multi-million dollar athletic budgets.
Since when is demanding a 15% raise with a threat to quit an indication of loyalty?

Here's what you are suggesting:

Boss- Even the RV's performance is good, we don't have to give him a raise. He's loyal and won't quit anyway. allvol123 on the other hand performs about as well but will leave if we don't give him a raise- give it to him.

Upon RV finding out... he asks the very relevant question: "If the company isn't loyal to me, why should I be loyal to the company? If the company disregards my loyalty then are they deserving of it?"

It is very easy to be loyal when they are throwing money at you for not winning anything of signfiicance in 9 years. Heck, he's had 3-4 raises since the NC.

And get this... the contract ends in 2014. You know good and well that all he has to do is get us to Atlanta again (assuming Hamilton is still the AD) and they'll tear up this contract and give him another contract. The precedent has already been set. All he has to do is win 9-10 games a year to get a new contract.
First of all, I don't think we'll have a Top 10 class this year. Second of all, having a Top 10 class every few years gets you left behind in the SEC these days. There are three or four other SEC teams that are consistently in the Top 10 in recruiting these days. Fulmer's best asset has always been that he's a strong recruiter. However, he's now about the fifth best recruiter in the conference, and he's an atrocious game-day coach.
a)maybe, maybe not, but it's sure started off pretty well.
b) every few lately it's every other year.
c) he's still a top recruiter in this conf. no question in my mind about that
d)i dont think there's much debate that there are better game day coaches.
I have no use for anyone that believes that last season was a good season for UT football. We got absolutely MANGLED in our two most important rivalry games.
good for you.
i tell you want to give back the wins against VAndy, KY and ARK any more than you want to replay the FL and Bama games? the season is what it is. it wound up "good". will it go down in the anals of UT football history.....uh, no. but good Lord, relax. there's nothing wrong with anyone who wants to call last year "good". Lord knows the way it started, it could have wound up a whole hell of a lot worse.

Nothing you have said has done anything to justify Fulmer's raise. Supply and demand don't even justify it. Where is is Fulmer gonna make $2 million? Who else? What has he done to merit $2.4 million dollars recently? It just doesn't make a bit of sense.
and half the posts you've put up the past 3-4 pages have not addressed the raise or contract at all.......there's been plenty about fulmer excuse making etc......though.
Helps recruiting, for starters.
Since when is demanding a 15% raise with a threat to quit an indication of loyalty?

Here's what you are suggesting:

Boss- Even the RV's performance is good, we don't have to give him a raise. He's loyal and won't quit anyway. allvol123 on the other hand performs about as well but will leave if we don't give him a raise- give it to him.

Upon RV finding out... he asks the very relevant question: "If the company isn't loyal to me, why should I be loyal to the company? If the company disregards my loyalty then are they deserving of it?"

Was Fulmer going to quit or leave...where was he going to go? Who would care?

Can you also explain this loyalty thing to me? If Fulmer is so loyal, why does he need a raise?
An employee that is both loyal and performing should be rewarded MORE than someone who performs but is not loyal.

So where the performance here? You can't have the performance covered when you've gone 9 years without winning an SEC Championship. This isn't SC or Ole Miss. Winning the SEC is expected. Or at least it used to be.

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