New Pay Raise for Fulmer Announced (Merged)

What Do you think about Fulmer's raise?

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The point is you do not give a raise if there is no need to, Fulmer fulfills the "no need to" requirement.
Right or wrong... the people who sign the big checks disagree with you.

The powers that be should have given a raise after these proposed successes happen, no need to until then. Just a dumb move.
Agreed. I've said the same thing several times now.

If you are truly loyal you don't need a raise to remain in place. You understand this concept of loyalty?
Loyalty isn't just a one-sided affair. If you understood the concept of loyalty you would know that it deserves to be reciprocated.

Just more nonsense.I do not care about their loyalty, I care how they perform.
And you want to lecture someone else about loyalty?

For any leader or organization with integrity, loyalty is part of performance.
Deeble. Once again. I wasn't speaking at ALL to whether or not CPF's performance warrants a raise or not.

Someone suggested that you don't give raises to loyal people whether they perform or not because you don't have to fear losing them. I said that was wrong.
And you want to lecture someone else about loyalty?

I have lectured no one on loyalty. I am still waiting for you to show that you know what it means. You are implying Fulmer is loyal, how so? And why do people need a raise if they are so loyal? Kind of indicates that they are not so loyal.
Was Fulmer going to quit or leave...where was he going to go? Who would care?
Those who are both truly rational and care about the program would be concerned. While CPF may or may not be able to move the program to the next level... The chances are even more slim that UT will find the perfect replacement who will on the first try. In fact with UT's recruiting disadvantages, we're probably in for a longer drought than Bama, Aub, UGA, etc.

Can you also explain this loyalty thing to me? If Fulmer is so loyal, why does he need a raise?
For the 100th time, I wasn't saying that CPF did or didn't deserve a raise. I said that you shouldn't choose not to give someone a raise simply because you know they are loyal and think they won't leave either way. It isn't an honest way to treat your devoted employees.
Was Fulmer going to quit or leave...where was he going to go? Who would care?

Can you also explain this loyalty thing to me? If Fulmer is so loyal, why does he need a raise?

Exactly... it's real easy to be loyal when you are living high on the hog and the AD is backing the Brinks truck up every 3 years. Let's see how loyal he is when he actually has to suffer with not getting a new contract every 3 years and having to live on a more modest $2 million a season...

Loyalty... he's never been tempted to leave by anyone. That's like applauding worthless, smelly, jobless man for being loyal and faithful to Jessica Alba. He isn't gonna do any better and nobody is fighting JA to steal him away from her.

Being loyal when you aren't being tempted to leave isn't noble.
Those who are both truly rational and care about the program would be concerned. While CPF may or may not be able to move the program to the next level... The chances are even more slim that UT will find the perfect replacement who will on the first try. In fact with UT's recruiting disadvantages, we're probably in for a longer drought than Bama, Aub, UGA, etc.

For the 100th time, I wasn't saying that CPF did or didn't deserve a raise. I said that you shouldn't choose not to give someone a raise simply because you know they are loyal and think they won't leave either way. It isn't an honest way to treat your devoted employees.

At some point we should bring up the accountability question with regards to Hamilton and his responsibility to the UT.

It is his department and is he running it effeciently?

Did Fulmer get a raise only because Pearl did.....?
Which brings up the question: which is better, someone who is loyal but doesn't perform up to expectations, or someone who meets or exceeds expectations but is susceptible to leaving for a better offer?
Those who are both truly rational and care about the program would be concerned. While CPF may or may not be able to move the program to the next level... The chances are even more slim that UT will find the perfect replacement who will on the first try. In fact with UT's recruiting disadvantages, we're probably in for a longer drought than Bama, Aub, UGA, etc.

For the 100th time, I wasn't saying that CPF did or didn't deserve a raise. I said that you shouldn't choose not to give someone a raise simply because you know they are loyal and think they won't leave either way. It isn't an honest way to treat your devoted employees.

That first sentence is absurd and hilarious.

Yes you should choose not to give them a raise, considering they are accomplishing nothing and no one else in market place thinks they ever will.
I have lectured no one on loyalty. I am still waiting for you to show that you know what it means. You are implying Fulmer is loyal, how so? And why do people need a raise if they are so loyal? Kind of indicates that they are not so loyal.

Could Fulmer have left after the NC? Yes. Could he have left when he was a young OC or position coach? More than likely.

I specifically said that without regard to Fulmer... an employee shouldn't be ignored/punished or denied a raise simply because their boss doesn't fear them leaving. That isn't an honest way to treat people... nor a smart way to treat people.

You should want to surround yourself with loyal people. Loyal people won't bail the first time a tough year prevents anyone from getting a raise... those out for themselves will. Loyal employees will sacrifice themselves to make the company successful. Those without loyalty will sacrifice the company for what makes them successful.
Which brings up the question: which is better, someone who is loyal but doesn't perform up to expectations, or someone who meets or exceeds expectations but is susceptible to leaving for a better offer?
Is your girlfriend leaving you?
Which brings up the question: which is better, someone who is loyal but doesn't perform up to expectations, or someone who meets or exceeds expectations but is susceptible to leaving for a better offer?
Please tell me that's not a serious question.
He's still only 4th in the conference in annual salary. If you liked him before, you still like him. If you hated him before, you still hate him.
He's still only 4th in the conference in annual salary. If you liked him before, you still like him. If you hated him before, you still hate him.

He's 7th based on his 2008 salary but 4th if you divide out the average of the 7 years.
That first sentence is absurd and hilarious.

Yes you should choose not to give them a raise, considering they are accomplishing nothing and no one else in market place thinks they ever will.

Are you really, really that dense?

ASSUME that both employees have performed at a similar level and drop your subjective ideas about Fulmer. Now apply what you said. You said that you shouldn't give the loyal employee a raise since he wouldn't leave anyway. That's just plain wrong in both the moral sense and under any idea of sound leadership.
He's still only 4th in the conference in annual salary. If you liked him before, you still like him. If you hated him before, you still hate him.

I don't hate the man and this pay thing should have nothing to do with your feeling either way. There is absolutely NO evidence I have seen presented for giving the man a raise.
I don't hate the man and this pay thing should have nothing to do with your feeling either way. There is absolutely NO evidence I have seen presented for giving the man a raise.

His feelings might get hurt if Pearl got a raise and he didn't????????

Are you really, really that dense?

ASSUME that both employees have performed at a similar level and drop your subjective ideas about Fulmer. Now apply what you said. You said that you shouldn't give the loyal employee a raise since he wouldn't leave anyway. That's just plain wrong in both the moral sense and under any idea of sound leadership.

Do you run a government? Sounds like you could.
FTR, I do not think CPF should have gotten a 7 year contract, a higher buyout, or a guaranteed raise.

I do think the rest of it is reasonable. It gives him an opportunity to increase his salary but only if he performs.

Also, I suspect that his guaranteed $150K will not keep pace with the inflation of HC salaries. I think you'll see the $1 million coordinators sooner rather than later as well.

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