New York City

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone go from zero to “well he deserved to die” upon hearing about priors quicker than @VolStrom does lol. Perfect Fox News target audience

Are you one of the ones who enjoys the "play stupid games win stupid prizes" one-liner?

Btw, I haven't followed this story very closely so I'm not committing to either side of the argument.
Words like "march peacefully" you lefty morons claim is violent rehetoric. But "imma kill a Mfer" isn't. Your brain must hurt from trying to jump thru that logical hoop

Did someone advocate choking someone to death over the words “march peacefully”? I missed it either way but I suspect not
Are you one of the ones who enjoys the "play stupid games win stupid prizes" one-liner?

Btw, I haven't followed this story very closely so I'm not committing to either side of the argument.

Applaud you for not committing (I’m not being sarcastic). I wouldn’t call this a “stupid game” considering he didn’t attack anyone on this occasion
Did someone advocate choking someone to death over the words “march peacefully”? I missed it either way but I suspect not
No but y'all were ready to try a criminally convict him over how do you logically make those word equal violence but Neelys words no violence?
You must have been there since you seem to know so much about it before the actual video started.

It’s a subway car with plenty of witnesses in it. If there’s no indication he attacked anyone in this instance, why assume he did? I don’t get that
New York City Begins Turning Public School Gyms into Migrant Shelters


The sanctuary city of New York City has started transforming public school gyms into migrant shelters for newly arrived adult border crossers and illegal aliens.

Since the spring of 2022, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and other governors have bused over 60,000 border crossers and illegal aliens to New York City.

In response, Mayor Eric Adams (D) has opened nearly 100 so-called “emergency shelters,” though the majority are luxury hotels to which the city has given lucrative contracts to house newly arrived migrants.

New York City Begins Turning Public School Gyms into Migrant Shelters
New York City Begins Turning Public School Gyms into Migrant Shelters


The sanctuary city of New York City has started transforming public school gyms into migrant shelters for newly arrived adult border crossers and illegal aliens.

Since the spring of 2022, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and other governors have bused over 60,000 border crossers and illegal aliens to New York City.

In response, Mayor Eric Adams (D) has opened nearly 100 so-called “emergency shelters,” though the majority are luxury hotels to which the city has given lucrative contracts to house newly arrived migrants.

New York City Begins Turning Public School Gyms into Migrant Shelters

They've got lots of schools; keep 'em coming. Give them a real reminder on ignoring problems because they only affect someone else, and don't bail the hypocrites out with our money either.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Tells Outraged Parents to Deal with Adult Migrants Living in Public School Gyms


New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) says outraged parents will have to deal with border crossers and illegal aliens living in their children’s public school gyms for the time being.

Outraged parents and students protested on Tuesday outside some of the schools where Adams has started housing migrants, including PS 188 in Coney Island and PS 17 in Williamsburg, providing them with free food as recess is cut for students.

“Our children deserve to have the academics … how are they going to do that when our kids are having to worry about who they are around? We’re going to get hurt. And our teachers as well are having to suffer because now they are stuck in the position where they can’t even get our kids help,” one parent said.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Tells Outraged Parents to Deal with Adult Migrants Living in Public School Gyms
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Tells Outraged Parents to Deal with Adult Migrants Living in Public School Gyms


New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) says outraged parents will have to deal with border crossers and illegal aliens living in their children’s public school gyms for the time being.

Outraged parents and students protested on Tuesday outside some of the schools where Adams has started housing migrants, including PS 188 in Coney Island and PS 17 in Williamsburg, providing them with free food as recess is cut for students.

“Our children deserve to have the academics … how are they going to do that when our kids are having to worry about who they are around? We’re going to get hurt. And our teachers as well are having to suffer because now they are stuck in the position where they can’t even get our kids help,” one parent said.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Tells Outraged Parents to Deal with Adult Migrants Living in Public School Gyms

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New York City Begins Turning Public School Gyms into Migrant Shelters


The sanctuary city of New York City has started transforming public school gyms into migrant shelters for newly arrived adult border crossers and illegal aliens.

Since the spring of 2022, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and other governors have bused over 60,000 border crossers and illegal aliens to New York City.

In response, Mayor Eric Adams (D) has opened nearly 100 so-called “emergency shelters,” though the majority are luxury hotels to which the city has given lucrative contracts to house newly arrived migrants.

New York City Begins Turning Public School Gyms into Migrant Shelters

Most likely a better use of public school resources than turning out a bunch of illiterate leftist garbage. They should also assigned the lazy leftist teacher union members to babysit the illegals.
Possibly the dumbest tweet imaginable on the subject. A mentally ill man with a history of drug use and violence was openly threatening people.

He was then placed in a choke hold in order to protect others. To pretend this man was intentionally murdered is pathetic

And the only reason you even pretend to care is because one is black and the other is white
You are wasting your time talking to people who ignore facts and have never been to places where they could be in harms way. They are speaking from the privileged white savior platform. No logic is required up there
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You are wasting your time talking to people who ignore facts and have never been to places where they could be in harms way. They are speaking from the privileged white savior platform. No logic is required up there

Lots in this post is ironic, starting with the fact that a bunch of people who have never been to NYC are scared out of their minds about a homeless man yelling on a subway because that’s “harm’s way”
Sounds like Kyle has no idea how to put someone in a chokehold but watched some MMA and decided to cosplay it on a homeless person who, again, wasn’t threatening him. Looking forward to the next post jumping to his defense
Do you think he killed him intentionally ?
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Lots in this post is ironic, starting with the fact that a bunch of people who have never been to NYC are scared out of their minds about a homeless man yelling on a subway because that’s “harm’s way”
I’ve been there
You have not….clearly.
You have no idea what you’re talking about
I’ll be there again in July.
Times Square, famous slice of authentic NYC and not a tourist haven at all
I don’t take the trains anymore.
They’re dangerous as ****.
I used to live in queens.
My brother still lives on Long Island.

You’re the problem with the city. Just another white savior coming to help out those poor unfortunate souls that have been disenfranchised by your policies.
But keep trying.

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