Newsom Likely To Face Recall

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Poised For Victory in upcoming recall election as Polls Swing Sharply In His Favor

  • Experts, recent polling and early ballot return rates all indicate that California Gov. Gavin Newsom is now on course to Easily Defeat the Republican-led recall effort.

While Newsom was projected to face more of a tight race in the election just a month ago, his heavy campaign efforts seem to be paying off. Experts, recent polling and early ballot return rates all indicate that Newsom is now on course to easily defeat the recall effort.
Joe Biden and Kamala closing the deal...
This tool Newsom is bribing the electorate.

California sending $600, $1,100 stimulus checks: Who qualifies, when they'll come

Another stimulus check is on its way to millions of California residents through the Golden State stimulus program.

Though a fourth stimulus check isn't on Washington's agenda, and federal unemployment benefits just expired for millions, Californians are getting some extra relief aid in year two of the pandemic. Another batch of Golden State Stimulus II payments are hitting bank accounts across California on Sept. 17. The first batch -- amounting to 600,000 payments -- went out on Aug. 27; this coming batch is much larger, with at least 2 million Californians receiving the benefit.

Approximately two-thirds of California taxpayers will be eligible for a payment of $600, and some qualifying families will receive an additional $500. These state-only checks are part of the $100 billion "California Comeback Plan" aimed at providing immediate relief to families and business that have been the most negatively impacted by the pandemic. Gov. Gavin Newsom's office called it "the biggest state tax rebate in American history."

California sending $600, $1,100 stimulus checks: Who qualifies, when they'll come
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Elder's camp, PRIOR to the election, is asking supporter to sign a petition seeking auditing to help contest voter fraud.

That hasn't happened yet.

Soooooo ... how long until he asks the same people that sign the petition for some money to fight that fight?

He has learned how to monetize claims of cheating from the best, hasn't he?
Elder's camp, PRIOR to the election, is asking supporter to sign a petition seeking auditing to help contest voter fraud.

That hasn't happened yet.

Soooooo ... how long until he asks the same people that sign the petition for some money to fight that fight?

He has learned how to monetize claims of cheating from the best, hasn't he?
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Elder's camp, PRIOR to the election, is asking supporter to sign a petition seeking auditing to help contest voter fraud.

That hasn't happened yet.

Soooooo ... how long until he asks the same people that sign the petition for some money to fight that fight?

He has learned how to monetize claims of cheating from the best, hasn't he?
Al, Hillary,...?
We drove thru Los Angeles this week finishing our Route 66 roadtrip. I've never seen so many homeless in my life. Our autistic son asked why ppl were camping out in the city..sad sight so thankful to live where we do.

And some times we can't understand why people can't get out of a 3rd world mindset in other parts of the world. They seem to revel in tyranny.
Lol at people claiming that a Democrat winning in California with more than double the votes is “rigged”

I tend to agree but I think they set the system up to cheat anyway eventhough I think there are too many twisted minds and that state is off the cliff. It goes to show you what mass immigration does.
Lol at people claiming that a Democrat winning in California with more than double the votes is “rigged”
It is ridiculous, and not very smart. When you accuse the other side of cheating, when it would have been completely unnecessary for the other side to cheat in order to win, it can taint the credibility of all future accusations... even those which may be valid.

This is like losing an NFL playoff game 45-10, and then whining about how the opposing QB deflated footballs. Trump has turned the GOP into the party of self-pitying, whining, perennial victims.
We drove thru Los Angeles this week finishing our Route 66 roadtrip. I've never seen so many homeless in my life. Our autistic son asked why ppl were camping out in the city..sad sight so thankful to live where we do.

Leftist trash and filth like it that way. It’s edgy and cool and soooo diverse.
Why on earth would they do something about it? That’s how those in power stay there

I agree with you but do you think this is this a problem that will simply never be fixed?? We as American citizens can not just throw our hands up in the air and give up.
It is ridiculous, and not very smart. When you accuse the other side of cheating, when it would have been completely unnecessary for the other side to cheat in order to win, it can taint the credibility of all future accusations... even those which may be valid.

This is like losing an NFL playoff game 45-10, and then whining about how the opposing QB deflated footballs. Trump has turned the GOP into the party of self-pitying, whining, perennial victims.

I'll tell you what's ridiculous. People like you claiming no funny business is going on when thousands of people at the polls are saying they were told that they had already voted when they had not. A pollworker was caught on video yesterday saying that 70 percent of voters at this particular location were being told they had already voted. I just don't understand how people like you can continue to defend the pathetic acts of the deep state and the people that are in power. I mean do you honestly hate America this much.

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