Nintendo Switch and Switch Lite Chatter

If they bundle up a launch console with Zelda (or even better release a special edition) I'll for sure preorder one.

I just hope they don't drive the supply down like they did with the mini-nes

Zelda is not a launch game. Its due sometime in June.
Welp. That's what I get for assuming they let Fallon play it it would be launch title.

Dang it.

Rumor is the Switch is going to launch with the new 3D Mario game, along with a new version of Splatoon and several 3rd party games.

Zelda BOTW is the largest game Nintendo has ever created. It is massive! Therefore things like localization, debugging, balancing, etc is taking a long time. The thing to remember about Nintendo is, they're not Bethesda. They will not release a game full of glitches and bugs just to patch it post launch. That's one thing I give Nintendo credit for. Not one single Wii U game that I owned ever received a post-launch patch. Nintendo games work the way they're supposed to out of the box. Same with their hardware. Failure rate on Nintendo consoles is among the lowest in the industry.
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Welp. That's what I get for assuming they let Fallon play it it would be launch title.

Dang it.

It was supposed to be a launch title but got pushed back.

Well, actually it was supposed to be out about 2 years ago but they've constnatly pushed it back. I'm starting to wonder if it will even be released on the Wii U. It still probably will, as it will be very similar to the Twilight Princess scenario on the Wii/GameCube.

But that time it was a GameCube game that they hustled to make a Wii game. This time it sounds like they're making it a Switch game and may have to scale it back a bit for the Wii U. The Wii U is already pretty much dead and has been a while but by June 2017 it will be legit dead, as in no longer being in production.

I originally was going to get it for the Wii U but now I'm definitely waiting for the Switch version.
One thing that really excites me about the Switch is the tech that's going into it is VERY cutting edge! Probably more cutting edge than any tech that Nintendo has ever used, relative to what they are wanting to accomplish. Nintendo isn't picking outdated off the shelf parts here! The Nvidia Tegra chipset the Switch is using is highly customized with Pascal architecture and is not found in any other device currently! I guarantee you when the Switch comes out, no other mobile device on the market, be it phone or tablet, will be as or more powerful. This truly will be the first device that will comfortably act as both a hand held and a home console! This is awesome stuff. This isn't a crappy gimmick like motion controls or 3D. I think the Switch is going to be a game changer. Wait and see!
If they can get some of the bigger 3rd party games on it, I might actually get them for the Switch. The thing I probably loved most about the Wii U was the ability to play games on the gamepad without having to use the TV, which allowed me to watch movies and sports and all and play. I know the PS4 has the Vita remote play and Xbox One you can play on a PC, but with those I always experience lag during the peak internet usage hours.
If they can get some of the bigger 3rd party games on it, I might actually get them for the Switch. The thing I probably loved most about the Wii U was the ability to play games on the gamepad without having to use the TV which allowed me to watch movies and sports and all and play. I know the PS4 has the Vita remote play and Xbox One you can play on a PC, but with those I always experience lag during the peak internet usage hours.

That would've been an awesome feature if the range wasn't so piss poor. I couldn't even play while taking a dump because the signal would get lost going from my living room to my bathroom (about 30 feet). You're pretty much tethered to the same room as the console if you want to use the second screen.
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One thing that really excites me about the Switch is the tech that's going into it is VERY cutting edge! Probably more cutting edge than any tech that Nintendo has ever used, relative to what they are wanting to accomplish. Nintendo isn't picking outdated off the shelf parts here! The Nvidia Tegra chipset the Switch is using is highly customized with Pascal architecture and is not found in any other device currently! I guarantee you when the Switch comes out, no other mobile device on the market, be it phone or tablet, will be as or more powerful. This truly will be the first device that will comfortably act as both a hand held and a home console! This is awesome stuff. This isn't a crappy gimmick like motion controls or 3D. I think the Switch is going to be a game changer. Wait and see!

If this report is's not.

Report: Nintendo Switch Won't Be As Powerful As The PS4 - News -
Yeah I just saw that. I hope it's not true but if it is, it'd better have a cheap price tag.

I have to admit my enthusiasm will die some if this story is true because I find it ridiculous that it won't even be as powerful as the current PS4 and Xbox One. Which means the 3rd party support will once again may suffer.
Say goodbye to 3rd party devs after the first 6 months...or say hello to crappy versions of PS4/Xbox games.

Not looking good for ol' N right now.
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Say goodbye to 3rd party devs after the first 6 months...or say hello to crappy versions of PS4/Xbox games.

Not looking good for ol' N right now.

Just speaking for myself, I'm not really interested in the Switch for 3rd party games anyway unless they're exclusives.
Just speaking for myself, I'm not really interested in the Switch for 3rd party games anyway unless they're exclusives.

While I agree, the 3rd party support is what has doomed them in the past. It's a big reason the Wii U was a failure, same for the GameCube and a big reason the N64 wasn't as big as people thought it would be.

I'll wait to see confirmation but if it's true, it's yet another example of a decision out of the gate for one of their systems that just doesn't seem to make sense.
While I agree, the 3rd party support is what has doomed them in the past. It's a big reason the Wii U was a failure, same for the GameCube and a big reason the N64 wasn't as big as people thought it would be.

I'll wait to see confirmation but if it's true, it's yet another example of a decision out of the gate for one of their systems that just doesn't seem to make sense.

One thing that hurt 3rd party support with Wii U was the Power PC architecture was much more difficult to port games over to from X86. From everything I've read, porting over to the Switch is a cinch and that alone will garner an improvement in 3rd party support.
One thing that hurt 3rd party support with Wii U was the Power PC architecture was much more difficult to port games over to from X86. From everything I've read, porting over to the Switch is a cinch and that alone will garner an improvement in 3rd party support.

I'm not so sure; if they feel it won't sell very well they won't take the effort to do so and given that out of the gate it's going to be an inferior version, I'm doubting fans are going to buy the Switch version.
I'm not so sure; if they feel it won't sell very well they won't take the effort to do so and given that out of the gate it's going to be an inferior version, I'm doubting fans are going to buy the Switch version.

Depends on how much people value the added functionality of being able to play on the go. For example, I have not played Dark Souls 3, but if it comes to Switch, as has been rumored, I'll buy it for that as I'll be able play it while on the crapper or on my lunch break at work.
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I'm not so sure; if they feel it won't sell very well they won't take the effort to do so and given that out of the gate it's going to be an inferior version, I'm doubting fans are going to buy the Switch version.

Depends on how much people value the added functionality of being able to play on the go. For example, I have not played Dark Souls 3, but if it comes to Switch, as has been rumored, I'll buy it for that as I'll be able play it while on the crapper or on my lunch break at work.
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Going back through all the leaks and rumors, the most reliable source said the power of the Switch would be "around Xbox 1 level performance." Now I dont know about the rest of you but an X1 level console that I can play on the go sounds pretty damn good to me. Look how gorgeous games like Forza Horizon 3 and Gears 4 look. Nobody is going to look at Switch games and say "wow that looks like ****.
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Switch - roughly 1 Teraflops
XBox One - 1.3 Teraflops
PS4 - 1.8 Teraflops
PS4 Pro - 4.2 Teraflops
Xbox Scorpio - 6 Teraflops

The switch will be a high end tablet. But, Nintendo is good at marketing. People still buy their systems for the 2 games a year they put out, and keep buying the same games from their childhood over and over.

Playing games on the go and on the toilet sounds great. But, we've seen that before and it's not a game changer. The PSP/Vita had some cross play and fine looking graphics. They sold like crap.

I think a year from now you'll see Nintendo winding down their hardware dept and shutting the lights down. Software and mobile is their future, and they'll see it when they review the books next fall.
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Switch - roughly 1 Teraflops
XBox One - 1.3 Teraflops
PS4 - 1.8 Teraflops
PS4 Pro - 4.2 Teraflops
Xbox Scorpio - 6 Teraflops

The switch will be a high end tablet. But, Nintendo is good at marketing. People still buy their systems for the 2 games a year they put out, and keep buying the same games from their childhood over and over.

Playing games on the go and on the toilet sounds great. But, we've seen that before and it's not a game changer. The PSP/Vita had some cross play and fine looking graphics. They sold like crap.

I think a year from now you'll see Nintendo winding down their hardware dept and shutting the lights down. Software and mobile is their future, and they'll see it when they review the books next fall.

Not all teraflops are created equal though. It is not a 1:1 ratio between Nvidia and AMD due to different architectures. I've read several articles, saying that 1 teraflop on an Nvidia graphics chip will still outperform 1 teraflop on an AMD graphics chip. I'm telling you folks, the Switch games are going to look good! I'm MUCH more concerned with how Nintendo handles it's network infrastructure and how good the online gaming experience will be on Switch than I am the graphics.
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Nintendo needs help with their internet platform for sure. Let's just pray friend codes aren't in use again.

We should know a lot more in a month when they start showing this thing off in public. They will have them on display Jan 13 in NY.
Will definitely preorder in January. The system looks good to me and the issue with whether or not 3rd party titles will be on it really isn't an issue for me. The reasons for me to purchase a Nintendo system is based solely on Mario, Link, and all of that stuff lol. Even if they had say, the new ME game on it, I still wouldn't buy that game for the system, I would buy it for my PS4/Xbone.
Will definitely preorder in January. The system looks good to me and the issue with whether or not 3rd party titles will be on it really isn't an issue for me. The reasons for me to purchase a Nintendo system is based solely on Mario, Link, and all of that stuff lol. Even if they had say, the new ME game on it, I still wouldn't buy that game for the system, I would buy it for my PS4/Xbone.

Why wouldn't you buy it on the switch? The ease of playing it anywhere turn you off? I'm guessing it's cause it would look worse and have less features on the switch. Nintendo consoles can't survive on N games alone. The Wii U was a disaster.

The crowd of people willing to drop $400 for just Zelda and Mario is shrinking.
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For the most part I'm getting a Switch for Nintendo IP's and unique 3rd party exclusives (See Xenoblade, Monster Hunter, Bayonetta, etc). Most multiplatform games I'm going to buy on PS4 because that's where they'll look and run the best on console and that's where most of my friends are. I've never entertained the thought of the Switch being anything but a "companion" console to what I already have, and that's perfectly fine! It also helps that I have a 6 year old and I know most Nintendo IP's are family-oriented that he can play.

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