No US Flag on Mexican Holiday??

If they are offended they could always go home...... ridiculous. Just when you thought things weren't liberal enough they manage to always one up themselves.
this is ridiculous, though. i saw that article earlier this morning and thought it was insane. i can understand what lg is saying about the taunting, but even still...when you get sent home for wearing the colors of your own county then something is amiss. everyone is completely too obsessed with political correctness these days.
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if it's such an important holiday then why are they at school?
even then I personally wouldn't be too upset. After the abuse Mexicans lay on at/after US-Mex soccer games if should be fine
I understand the boys may have been doing this for the wrong reasons, but kicking them out for nothing other than those t-shirts is sickening.

In high school, during the annual gay rights day, some students wore shirts with the bible verse Leviticus 18:22. I'm not in favor of gay marriage, but I did think those shirts were too offensive. However, they had every right to wear those shirts, and if you get offended, it's too bad. Having free speech and all that is great, but it means you have to accept that people who don't share your viewpoint have free speech as well. I know you don't have free speech in school, but I just cant see how anyone living here willingly can be offended by this, and I find it horrifying to think we're so afraid of offending minorities that a school would resort to something like this.

Even if the kids were trying to be offensive to Mexico, I don't see why they had to take off clothes unless they had something bad on it. Maybe if they had a no hat policy and they made an exception for Mexican hats on this day, the kids would have to remove their hats (or bandannas, whatever it was), but actually making them leave for this is just too far, in my opinion.

I'd move before I apologized.
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The real bottom line is that if this had been Mex-Am students wearing Mexican flag shirts in protest of something (immigration bill, AZ law, etc.) no one would dare send them home.

I hate the PC situation in this country.
if it's such an important holiday then why are they at school?
The thing is, this isn't even a huge holiday in Mexico. That's not surprising, since the holiday commemorates a military victory over France.
the overwelming majority of flags at the "day without illegals" protest a couple of years ago were mexican. after the understandable backlash the demonstrators have wised up and have distributed american flags.
Not surprising, but the point still stands when you hear the chants.
The thing is, this isn't even a huge holiday in Mexico. That's not surprising, since the holiday commemorates a military victory over France.
Doesnt matter if this was the biggest and greatest holiday in Mexico. This is America and the American Flag will never hide itself or take a back seat to any other flag or symbol. No matter what the motivation of these kids were in the case, there is nothing that can be argued that they did anything wrong. The fact that they were told to hide what they were displaying is criminal imo.
Im kinda with LG on this one. Those kids most likely had an agenda, and I would nt be shocked to learn that it was created by their parents. Im sure their attitudes reflected that too.

I can see both sides of the issue and really agree more with the whole, "screw em if its offensive, this America" side of the argument. That being said, folks that do this are typically "fishing" for a reaction. Im sure that was the case. Those type of people generally suck at life. Thats the "Toby Keith"/ "We're 'Merica, an we speak 'Merican!" crowd.
why would it antagonize the mexican students? seeing as how they are supposably americans too?

Please. Don't be ridiculous.

I would imagine that Mex-Am students have been wearing Mexican flag/flag colored shirts since the AZ law - in particular I bet they did on May 1.

Apply the rules the same

I agree.

You're still missing the real problem here. Forget the aftermath. How is it that the answer to "We're offended by those flags on our holiday." isn't "This is America. Shut up and go back to class."?

Right out of the gate you have no right to be offended by a US flag on US soil. Everything after that is twaddle.

Overly simplistic.

this is ridiculous, though. i saw that article earlier this morning and thought it was insane. i can understand what lg is saying about the taunting, but even still...when you get sent home for wearing the colors of your own county then something is amiss. everyone is completely too obsessed with political correctness these days.

The situation was mishandled and the law arguably violated. But let's not delude ourselves into thinking that the administrators did this to squelch patriotic American sentiment. They did it because they knew what these kids were doing had far less to do with the American flag and everything to do with p-ing off the Mexican students.

The students were childish and immature.

The administrators were stupid.

When you think about it, they both pretty much lived up to (or down to) expectations.
Cinco de mayo isn't a holiday in Mexico. It's really just a drinking holiday.

The kids that were offended an the kids that wore the shirts are all idiots.
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Doesnt matter if this was the biggest and greatest holiday in Mexico. This is America and the American Flag will never hide itself or take a back seat to any other flag or symbol. No matter what the motivation of these kids were in the case, there is nothing that can be argued that they did anything wrong.
There's no doubt about that. I'm just saying, liberal groups like the ACLU have defended the rights of kids in school to say and do anything. If they react to this any differently, it'll just make them look like liberals who dont believe in what they stand for.
is it so ridiculous to think these kids thought "hey a bunch of mexicans are going to be celebrating their country, so i'm going to celebrate mine" rather than assuming they did it specifically because they are a bunch of racists (which is where LG wants to take this argument) and they want to offend the mexicans?
wait there are americans in california public schools?

I spend time in the El Paso school system. I can relate to this statement regarding numbers in schools that were on this side of the border. (No reference to Taco Bell here)
i have a friend who is a teacher (very liberal btw) in a predominately white town in southern california. she's estimates that 75% of the students are either illegal immigrants or children of illegal immigrants who come in speaking almost no english.

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