Nobody Likes Ted Cruz

Apparently an intelligent, strong opinionated black woman bothers you. That’s why most of the libs hate her.

Leaders show you the way up the mountain. I am not sure what to call the person who stands at the top of the mountain and screeches about everything everyone else is doing wrong down below, but that's the company she's in.

The world needs uplift, not put-downs. Look for the light-bearers and peacemakers.
Leaders show you the way up the mountain. I am not sure what to call the person who stands at the top of the mountain and screeches about everything everyone else is doing wrong down below, but that's the company she's in.

The world needs uplift, not put-downs. Look for the light-bearers and peacemakers.

Has Luther raged at almost every Slow Joe campaign promise being broken? Or is he giving him a pass since Slow Joe has no idea what he said then or what he says now?
Biden did all that was required; beat Trump.
What? It's what I've been saying for the past 4 years. Trump has/had to go.
I don't disagree but you don't replace him with someone worse. We needed someone better than either of those clowns. Instead we got some unknown committee leading Joe around and making horrendous choices. Inflation, personal freedoms under attack, supply chain calamity, economy on the brink, etc.

You basically quit a job with no backup plan while living paycheck to paycheck.
I don't disagree but you don't replace him with someone worse. We needed someone better than either of those clowns. Instead we got some unknown committee leading Joe around and making horrendous choices. Inflation, personal freedoms under attack, supply chain calamity, economy on the brink, etc.

You basically quit a job with no backup plan while living paycheck to paycheck.
Biden wasn't a good choice, I hope both parties are able to do better in '24.
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Fewer people died from Covid under Trump and gas was cheaper.
Dont forget basic necessities were cheaper. In fact all the things that make democrats democrats was better under Trump. Now they spin their wheels trying to find a bogeyman to blame.
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The irony of dotard being more applicable to todays President...

Hard to rhyme stuff with Biden though. Kid Toucher Biden? Nah. Kid Diddler Biden? Boner Biden? Meh. Buttpirate Biden? Has protentional.
i like Shanghai Joe myself.
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