Nobody Likes Ted Cruz

I'm talking about the divide created by a president who would willingly and knowingly try to overturn a free and fair national election.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president whose purpose was to erode the public's ability to separate fact from fiction.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who tweeted daily insults and created childish nicknames for his opponents.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who attempted to publicly destroy the career of any who disagreed with him.

Things of that nature......Trump's issues weren't policy - they were with him being a horrendously despicable human.
We can deal with policy disagreements, that's the way it is intended to be.
The Bannon/Stone/Trump method is built on division and is horrible for the country.

You're talking about the voices inside your head. There's medication for that.
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I'm talking about the divide created by a president who would willingly and knowingly try to overturn a free and fair national election.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president whose purpose was to erode the public's ability to separate fact from fiction.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who tweeted daily insults and created childish nicknames for his opponents.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who attempted to publicly destroy the career of any who disagreed with him.

Things of that nature......Trump's issues weren't policy - they were with him being a horrendously despicable human.
We can deal with policy disagreements, that's the way it is intended to be.
The Bannon/Stone/Trump method is built on division and is horrible for the country.

1. lied about where he graduated in law school
2 Had to be withdraw from a pres race due to plagiarism
3 Lied about his role in South African politics
4 Lied about his role in the Six Day War
5 Lied about his house burning down
6 Lied about Hunters role on the board of a credit card company that he was in cbarge of regulating
7 Lied about visiting Tree of Life synagogue
8 About seven incidents involving inappropriate touching of females. Some of them minors and those are just the ones caught on camera
9 Bringing up Beaus death while talking to Gold Star families ……… you should really be careful throwing around the word despicable and then acting like this **** is any better.
1. lied about where he graduated in law school
2 Had to be withdraw from a pres race due to plagiarism
3 Lied about his role in South African politics
4 Lied about his role in the Six Day War
5 Lied about his house burning down
6 Lied about Hunters role on the board of a credit card company that he was in cbarge of regulating
7 Lied about visiting Tree of Life synagogue
8 About seven incidents involving inappropriate touching of females. Some of them minors and those are just the ones caught on camera
9 Bringing up Beaus death while talking to Gold Star families ……… you should really be careful throwing around the word despicable and then acting like this **** is any better.
It's a lot better.
It's a lot better.

No it’s not. And pretending like it is because the media has found a candidate they like better is dangerous. That’s part of being an adult. For example I would much rather get a beer with Bernie Sanders than any Republican other than maybe Mike Lee. But I’m adult enough to see Bernie for what he really is. Your hatred for Trump blinds you.
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No it’s not. And pretending like it is because the media has found a candidate they like better is dangerous. That’s part of being an adult. For example I would much rather get a beer with Bernie Sanders than any Republican other than maybe Mike Lee. But I’m adult enough to see Bernie for what he really is. Your hatred for Trump blinds you.
My Trump hatred is pretty blinding.
He's unacceptable....pure and simple, always has been and always will be....and it's not about policy.
My Trump hatred is pretty blinding.
He's unacceptable....pure and simple, always has been and always will be....and it's not about policy.

Just shows how petty and self absorbed of a person you really are. What kind of a person has so much hate for someone that has never done anything to them?
My Trump hatred is pretty blinding.
He's unacceptable....pure and simple, always has been and always will be....and it's not about policy.

His policies are horrible too. He’s a disgrace and should never have been president. He didn’t have good ideas to run on so he ran on “ Latinos and Muslims are bad and we need a wall”….Biden had no good ideas to run on so he ran on “ I’ll fix the virus, and we have to fix racial issues and appoint a diverse cabinet with no idea whether they are qualified to do their jobs And let’s try Big Money solution “. I know it’s seems impossible. But it truly is possible to hate them both equally. Believe me…. I know. And the faster we realize they are BOTH pieces of ****, the faster we can elect some adults.
Just shows how petty and self absorbed of a person you really are. What kind of a person has so much hate for someone that has never done anything to them?
I guess the kind of person I am.
I would hope that everyone has a line that they draw that marks the cutoff between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in a person. Trump crosses my line, by a good deal.
It's pretty much as simple as that.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who would willingly and knowingly try to overturn a free and fair national election.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president whose purpose was to erode the public's ability to separate fact from fiction.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who tweeted daily insults and created childish nicknames for his opponents.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who attempted to publicly destroy the career of any who disagreed with him.

Things of that nature......Trump's issues weren't policy - they were with him being a horrendously despicable human.
We can deal with policy disagreements, that's the way it is intended to be.
The Bannon/Stone/Trump method is built on division and is horrible for the country.

This is out there even for you.

"I'm talking about the divide created by a president who would willingly and knowingly try to overturn a free and fair national election."

Why is/was there so many issues regarding the perceived validity of this election? When states ignore their own election laws, send out mail in ballots without people requesting them. then not count these ballots until the wee hours of the night, it can lead to the appearance of impropriety, and some will perceive it as outright fraud.

"I'm talking about the divide created by a president whose purpose was to erode the public's ability to separate fact from fiction."

The separation of fact from fiction did not start with Trump. Look no further than your beloved democratic friends and their Russian collusion narrative that was pushed by their coconspirators the press.

"I'm talking about the divide created by a president who tweeted daily insults and created childish nicknames for his opponents."

On this, I agree with you. There was no need for the insults. If he has strictly kept to disagreements with the press and his "talking points" no one would have cared about his twitter.

"I'm talking about the divide created by a president who attempted to publicly destroy the career of any who disagreed with him."

There is not a single administration that has not done this in the last 20-30 years. Selective outrage imo.

Your whole hatred of Trump was based on your feelings and not his policy. Your's and other like you let your emotional maturity match Trump's and now we have a mentally challenge president who barely knows where he is and allows other to make horrible policy for him. You traded your feelings for ineptitude, and you are proud of it. SMDH
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Trump is correct:

Lyin' Ted
LOL.. seriously? Trump is a compulsive liar. He's a lifelong con man whose greatest con was getting conservatives to vote for him less than 10 years after he actively opposed Tea Party candidates and supported people like Harry Reid.

I can understand why Cruz is not "likeable" to many people. But Trump fans really, really underestimate how unlikeable and untrustworthy Trump is.

FWIW... no I'm not a "libtard" nor did I vote for Hillary or Biden... and yes I think Trump was the "lesser evil". We have just come to a point where the lesser evil is still too evil. Hopefully enough of us will vote 3rd party that it corrects the Republicans and maybe the Democrats too. There's a pretty wide swath of the nation that doesn't like big government policies whether they come from big government liberals... OR big government "conservatives".
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I guess the kind of person I am.
I would hope that everyone has a line that they draw that marks the cutoff between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in a person. Trump crosses my line, by a good deal.
It's pretty much as simple as that.

What if Trump tucked you in at night and read you bedtime stories about CRT?
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I'm talking about the divide created by a president who would willingly and knowingly try to overturn a free and fair national election.
But you have no problem with election fraud, GAPING holes in election law providing opportunity for fraud, or attacks on efforts to close those holes while expanding access (like the Georgia law)... right?

I'm talking about the divide created by a president whose purpose was to erode the public's ability to separate fact from fiction.
LOL... he was WAY late to that game. The left has been shaping the news into false narratives for decades.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who tweeted daily insults and created childish nicknames for his opponents.
Agreed. One of my greatest disappointments was that conservatives en masse voted for someone who had sank to the level of Democrats. The "Republicans are anti-woman" narrative was offensive and false. Obama's comments about middle America were VERY offensive and indicative of an attitude toward opponents much like Trump's.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who attempted to publicly destroy the career of any who disagreed with him.
LOL... you can't seriously be that big of a hypocrite. I actually agree that Trump engaged in the politics of personal destruction... after the Dems and Clintons INVENTED IT and used it for 30 years.

Things of that nature......Trump's issues weren't policy - they were with him being a horrendously despicable human.
Agree for the most part... but he had some policy issues too. Namely that he was never serious about reducing the size, scope, power, or costs of the federal government. He just arrogantly thought he could use that power better than Dems. But he is vulgar and divisive. Where Reagan had spine and drew people to him... made people want to know and agree with his policies and ideas... Trump did the opposite.

But the thing about your post... is this just makes him a natural Democrat. He should have run as a Democrat.

We can deal with policy disagreements, that's the way it is intended to be.
The Bannon/Stone/Trump method is built on division and is horrible for the country.
And the Pelosi, Squad, Schumer, Maddow, CNN, MSNBC, etc method isn't? The essential premise of leftwing debate is that they are morally superior and anyone who disagrees with them is evil and must be silenced of destroyed.[/quote]
I guess the kind of person I am.
I would hope that everyone has a line that they draw that marks the cutoff between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in a person. Trump crosses my line, by a good deal.
It's pretty much as simple as that.

Biden crosses every one of my lines and he is (as you say) a horrendously despicable person but I don't hate the guy.
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On topic of this thread. Politics has brought out the ugly side of Cruz and he’s definitely made some mistakes. But at one point he was the greatest courtroom lawyer alive. It’s a shame that won’t be what he gets remembered for.
I guess the kind of person I am.
I would hope that everyone has a line that they draw that marks the cutoff between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in a person. Trump crosses my line, by a good deal.
It's pretty much as simple as that.
I would submit that if Trump crosses that line with you... then Biden MUST cross that line with you. Both are profound liars. Both "hate" on their opponents. Both are guilty of enriching themselves through government corruption... that they claim to oppose. Trump is a hateful person but not a racist. Biden is a hateful person... and a genuine racist.

One difference is that Trump isn't an incompetent executive. Another is that the media covers for Biden and looked under every rock when it was Trump. They also intentionally provoked him knowing how he would respond.
Biden crosses every one of my lines and he is (as you say) a horrendously despicable person but I don't hate the guy.
Well then there are only a couple of possible conclusions, either Biden doesn't cross your line as far as Trump does mine, or you're just a better man than I am.
I'm sure the consensus will be the second, but I'm confident it is the first.
I would submit that if Trump crosses that line with you... then Biden MUST cross that line with you. Both are profound liars. Both "hate" on their opponents. Both are guilty of enriching themselves through government corruption... that they claim to oppose. Trump is a hateful person but not a racist. Biden is a hateful person... and a genuine racist.

One difference is that Trump isn't an incompetent executive. Another is that the media covers for Biden and looked under every rock when it was Trump. They also intentionally provoked him knowing how he would respond.
Your submission is inaccurate.
Biden hangs around the line pretty much where most politicians congregate.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who would willingly and knowingly try to overturn a free and fair national election.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president whose purpose was to erode the public's ability to separate fact from fiction.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who tweeted daily insults and created childish nicknames for his opponents.
I'm talking about the divide created by a president who attempted to publicly destroy the career of any who disagreed with him.

Things of that nature......Trump's issues weren't policy - they were with him being a horrendously despicable human.
We can deal with policy disagreements, that's the way it is intended to be.
The Bannon/Stone/Trump method is built on division and is horrible for the country.
Awwww how sweet. Trump put policy first... put America first and your little feewings got hurt because the pussies in Europe actually had to do things like start paying their fair share of things.... like NATO. He made us oil independent.

You are a 5 year old female moron.
I would submit that if Trump crosses that line with you... then Biden MUST cross that line with you. Both are profound liars. Both "hate" on their opponents. Both are guilty of enriching themselves through government corruption... that they claim to oppose. Trump is a hateful person but not a racist. Biden is a hateful person... and a genuine racist.

One difference is that Trump isn't an incompetent executive. Another is that the media covers for Biden and looked under every rock when it was Trump. They also intentionally provoked him knowing how he would respond.
One other difference is that Trump hasn't been lying to the American people for 50 years. But Trump called people names. Oh the Horror
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But you have no problem with election fraud, GAPING holes in election law providing opportunity for fraud, or attacks on efforts to close those holes while expanding access (like the Georgia law)... right?

LOL... he was WAY late to that game. The left has been shaping the news into false narratives for decades.
Agreed. One of my greatest disappointments was that conservatives en masse voted for someone who had sank to the level of Democrats. The "Republicans are anti-woman" narrative was offensive and false. Obama's comments about middle America were VERY offensive and indicative of an attitude toward opponents much like Trump's.
LOL... you can't seriously be that big of a hypocrite. I actually agree that Trump engaged in the politics of personal destruction... after the Dems and Clintons INVENTED IT and used it for 30 years.

Agree for the most part... but he had some policy issues too. Namely that he was never serious about reducing the size, scope, power, or costs of the federal government. He just arrogantly thought he could use that power better than Dems. But he is vulgar and divisive. Where Reagan had spine and drew people to him... made people want to know and agree with his policies and ideas... Trump did the opposite.

But the thing about your post... is this just makes him a natural Democrat. He should have run as a Democrat.

And the Pelosi, Squad, Schumer, Maddow, CNN, MSNBC, etc method isn't? The essential premise of leftwing debate is that they are morally superior and anyone who disagrees with them is evil and must be silenced of destroyed.

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