Its interestingMcCowan had 15/18 field goals for 35 points HOWEVER she also allowed 11/12 by a 63/ 64 sophomore forward for 25 points the difference was Vivians for 30 where Ionescu usually scores more but didnt have the best offensive night. So I agree Russell should have her way because of her size and I cant believe it better mobility lol... the same defense that worked on TX may work on MSU just because you have an offensive perimeter player, a heady point guard, and their post was effective before hand. Sending two players back would benefit TN. For some reason I am thinking Mizzou because of their shooting prowess and they have athletic forwards that can shoot the ball may have more difficult match up. Sophie has been doing a lot of the ball handling so wearing her down with multiple defenders may be the answer to that I dunno...last year she punked some of our players I dont see that happening with Westbrook because I think she is fiestier than Sophie was as a freshman lol
Ruthy Hebard can put the ball on the floor and she was taking McCowan off the dribble. I don't think that Teiera was the primary defender on Hebard. I thought she was on McGuire.
I think Tennessee has better depth than MSU, which is why I would favor them to win. But if McCowan/Vivians are clicking like they were tonight, they would be a very tough team to beat. Morgan William hasn't gone off this year yet, but even though she's not looking to score as much, she is still dangerous because she can take over a game. I think this might be a better game than the SC one.
I wouldn't worry about Mizzou. Sophie is having a great year, but their team doesn't seem to be as good as their individual pieces.