Nostalgia: What would your bring back from your childhood?

And from the what the hell were they thinking, these gems. For the record, I do not want these back.


Holy cow! I had those too. I forgot all about the LA Gears!

I had white with black and orange. Best friend had the ones with Charlotte Hornets colors.

Which reminds me... Starter Jackets!
John Ward
Hee Haw
Magic Middle cookies
Sleeping in on the first day of summer vacation
Saturday morning Memphis wrasslin
Duck hunting with my papaw
Real baseball leggings

I don't remember that one but I remember the Tiger hand held games.

Me and my friends made football, basketball, baseball, and wrestling games up with dice. For football we would have 6 guys named you roll for the player. then 6 actions pass, run, tfl, int/fum, run/pass, incompletion that you rolled for next. If you got a positive play you rolled out of...roll one die for yards, 2 for yards, TD, out of bounds, 1 die again, and both again. We had leagues set up, kept stats and records. So simple but so much fun lol
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I guess that means I miss the simple joys of being a kid. Going into the woods building forts and playing army. We used to think Bigfoot was in the woods and searched for him daily. Lol
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so Dunk-A-Roos are gone, but apparently if you buy Teddy Grahams and funfetti vanilla icing, you're pretty much set on a Dunk-A-Roos replacement

and it's pretty damn good
I guess that means I miss the simple joys of being a kid. Going into the woods building forts and playing army. We used to think Bigfoot was in the woods and searched for him daily. Lol

Imagination was one of the great joys of childhood, now kids faces are buried in tech devices; but so is mine.
Imagination was one of the great joys of childhood, now kids faces are buried in tech devices; but so is mine.

You couldn't keep me in the house as a kid. I ate breakfast and was gone till supper time, then back out till dark. If I was born in this generation I wouldn't know any different, but I couldn't imagine not having those memories to look back on.
You couldn't keep me in the house as a kid. I ate breakfast and was gone till supper time, then back out till dark. If I was born in this generation I wouldn't know any different, but I couldn't imagine not having those memories to look back on.

Absolutely, I was outside as long as possible. I remember staring out the window during bad thunderstorms waiting for the rain to stop so I could go outside. And more than a few times my Mom walking around the neighborhood yelling for me to come home because it was dark.
You couldn't keep me in the house as a kid. I ate breakfast and was gone till supper time, then back out till dark. If I was born in this generation I wouldn't know any different, but I couldn't imagine not having those memories to look back on.

I'm with you. I grew up in the sticks of Appalachia, and not only did I not have a housekey, on the occasions where somebody would accidentally lock the front door it took forever to find a key to unlock it. Out the door in the morning, onto the bikes, maybe into the woods, wouldn't be seen by adults for many hours.

I'd **** my pants if my kids disappeared like that.

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