Not General Booth's Salvation Army any more

I don't read it as saying all white people should apologize for racism. I read it as saying white people who have had racist thoughts and actions should apologize....
I would hope that is the case. But, here's where I have a problem with benefit of the doubt: are only white people guilty of bias and prejudice? If not, why wasn't everyone asked to apologize for their racism?
That's BS. HQ pulled it back only when it began to become widespread public knowledge and TSA started losing donations.
Well of course they are pulling it back now due to the firestorm. The guide was published 6 months ago…

I still think it likely that HQ didn’t even know the extent of the guide until recently.

I’m not trying to argue “in favor” of SA here. Just clarifying some points where possibly helpful.
Well of course they are pulling it back now due to the firestorm. The guide was published 6 months ago…

I still think it likely that HQ didn’t even know the extent of the guide until recently.

I’m not trying to argue “in favor” of SA here. Just clarifying some points where possibly helpful.
You're naive if you think TSA's headquarters hadn't approved this.
I would hope that is the case. But, here's where I have a problem with benefit of the doubt: are only white people guilty of bias and prejudice? If not, why wasn't everyone asked to apologize for their racism?

I have a problem with that too, but I also know that the answer is because in the United States, we whites have a large majority, have the most wealth, political influence, and whites have used that power in the past to horrible ends. Doesn't make it any less sinful to be racist and black, which is what the Salvation Army should be concerned with.
I'm so glad I don't work anymore, so I don't have to go to these racial seminars and be told how white people are bad. And yes, this "guide" is not much different from the training seminars that I went to 25 years ago. Big corporations were woke a long time ago.
I'm so glad I don't work anymore, so I don't have to go to these racial seminars and be told how white people are bad. And yes, this "guide" is not much different from the training seminars that I went to 25 years ago. Big corporations were woke a long time ago.

Yea, I work for a small privately owned company. We focus on silly things like making our product better and making profits.
You're naive if you think TSA's headquarters hadn't approved this.
I’m not trying to say they didn’t.

But that social justice arm is quite political, and has been for a while now. HQ may finally be clamping down on them.
And once again, this radicalism destroys everything it touches. Your modern day Democratic Party is full steam ahead.
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I have a problem with that too, but I also know that the answer is because in the United States, we whites have a large majority, have the most wealth, political influence, and whites have used that power in the past to horrible ends. Doesn't make it any less sinful to be racist and black, which is what the Salvation Army should be concerned with.
If the SA or any organization wants an apology from whites who have racial sin, they should requisition apologies from politicians, attorneys, justices, and other whites who used their power to promote prejudice.
As a former poor white who spent many formative years in a trailer, my wealth and power has come not at the detriment to anyone...including anyone of different gender or ethnicity. And since I don't vote, I've got zero culpability when it comes to political influence.
I wonder how much power and influence over prejudiced policies the coworkers at SA are guilty of committing and how many are just like me?
If the SA or any organization wants an apology from whites who have racial sin, they should requisition apologies from politicians, attorneys, justices, and other whites who used their power to promote prejudice.

As a former poor white who spent many formative years in a trailer, my wealth and power has come not at the detriment to anyone...including anyone of different gender or ethnicity. And since I don't vote, I've got zero culpability when it comes to political influence.

I wonder how much power and influence over prejudiced policies the coworkers at SA are guilty of committing?

SA was not talking to you, then.
I’m not trying to say they didn’t.

But that social justice arm is quite political, and has been for a while now. HQ may finally be clamping down on them.
...and that blatantly political activity should cause them to lose their tax exempt status.
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If the SA or any organization wants an apology from whites who have racial sin, they should requisition apologies from politicians, attorneys, justices, and other whites who used their power to promote prejudice.
As a former poor white who spent many formative years in a trailer, my wealth and power has come not at the detriment to anyone...including anyone of different gender or ethnicity. And since I don't vote, I've got zero culpability when it comes to political influence.
I wonder how much power and influence over prejudiced policies the coworkers at SA are guilty of committing and how many are just like me?
You don't vote, McDad? We need to talk before Nov 2022.
He’s a conscientious objector, I believe. You won’t be changing his mind if I had to guess.
No pain. No gain. I'm willing to put in the time to try to get McDad's vote. He's too conservative to continue to sit on the sidelines and watch as the socialists continue to tear down this country.
No pain. No gain. I'm willing to put in the time to try to get McDad's vote. He's too conservative to continue to sit on the sidelines and watch as the socialists continue to tear down this country.
He's sick of watching the GOP dive off the fiscal deep end and no one ever holding them accountable. Can't say I blame him.
He's sick of watching the GOP dive off the fiscal deep end and no one ever holding them accountable. Can't say I blame him.
I despise every dollar the federal government spends, and I do criticize the Republicans on a regular basis. Nevertheless, when you consider the magnitude of the fiscal mismanagement occurring under the Biden Administration, you're going to have to realize that by comparison even the most frivolous Republican administrations were wading in the kiddie pool.
No. That’s a stretch.

They asked white people specifically to offer a sincere apology for the effects of racism. And to repent on behalf of the church if they feel they have nothing to apologize for.
And who would I be apologizing to?
I despise every dollar the federal government spends, and I do criticize the Republicans on a regular basis. Nevertheless, when you consider the magnitude of the fiscal mismanagement occurring under the Biden Administration, you're going to have to realize that by comparison even the most frivolous Republican administrations were wading in the kiddie pool.
"Ours is horrendously bad but not as bad" is not a tenable position. Until enough of us say F you you don't get my vote until you stop spending more then we take then we will be in this mess.
I despise every dollar the federal government spends, and I do criticize the Republicans on a regular basis. Nevertheless, when you consider the magnitude of the fiscal mismanagement occurring under the Biden Administration, you're going to have to realize that by comparison even the most frivolous Republican administrations were wading in the kiddie pool.
"Ours is horrendously bad but not as bad" is not a tenable position. Until enough of us say F you you don't get my vote until you stop spending more then we take then we will be in this mess.
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