Not General Booth's Salvation Army any more

"Ours is horrendously bad but not as bad" is not a tenable position. Until enough of us say F you you don't get my vote until you stop spending more then we take then we will be in this mess.
That is some seriously dumb logic. I disagree with you spending $10, so I won't vote for you. By not voting for you, your opponent will win. He'll spend $2,000, and will also destroy the capitalist system, but I will have proved my point.
That is some seriously dumb logic. I disagree with you spending $10, so I won't vote for you. By not voting for you, your opponent will win. He'll spend $2,000, and will also destroy the capitalist system, but I will have proved my point.
Bush spent more then Clinton, Obama more then bush, and Trump more then Obama. The GOP has zero leg to stand on. They do not care about the deficit. Nor do the majority of their supporters. It's lip service and lies.
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Bush spent more then Clinton, Obama more then bush, and Trump more then Obama. The GOP has zero leg to stand on. They do not care about the deficit. Nor do the majority of their supporters. It's lip service and lies.
Sit on the sidelines and continue to enjoy the view as the liberals burn this country to the ground. As you do so, continue to pat yourself on the back for the noble stand you took that helped cause the implosion. You're a real hero.
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Sit on the sidelines and continue to enjoy the view as the liberals burn this country to the ground. As you do so, continue to pat yourself on the back for the noble stand you took that helped cause the implosion. You're a real hero.
Did I explain my voting record? Learn to read. And obviously you had nothing for my argument about the GOP being a bunch drunken sailors spending whose supporters constantly turn a blind eye to. I have long since taken the stance that I will vote for no one who grows the deficit. Basically no incumbents as of late. You should too.
Well, to be fair - SA still asked @McDad to repent on behalf of the Church (as a white person who feels they have nothing to apologize for).

No, they didn't. They said for white people who have had racist biases and actions to repent. They didn't say all white people repent for other people's racism.

“lament, repent and apologize for biases or racist ideologies held and actions committed.”

If it sounds too stupid to be true, sometimes it actually isn't true.
Did I explain my voting record you ass? Learn to read. And obviously you had nothing for my argument about the GOP being a bunch drunken sailors spending whose supporters constantly turn a blind eye to. I have long since taken the stance that I will vote for no one who grows the deficit. Basically no incumbents as of late. You should too.
I hit precisely the target at which I was aiming.
The one where you accused me of sitting on the sideline despite me never claiming that? Your aim sucks.
So you just flip flop from one party to the next each Presidential election, or are you burning your vote on the Libertarian or Green Party (where you know your guy will never increase the deficit because there is zero chance he'll ever be elected)? In any of these scenarios, you're supporting the degradation of the country. My aim is just fine.
So you just flip flop from one party to the next each Presidential election, or are you burning your vote on the Libertarian or Green Party (where you know your guy will never increase the deficit because there is zero chance he'll ever be elected)? In any of these scenarios, you're supporting the degradation of the country. My aim is just fine.

You're caught moving the goalposts.

The irony is you are complicit in the degradation of the country when you vote for terrible Republicans, and objectors are not.
You're caught moving the goalposts.

The irony is you are complicit in the degradation of the country when you vote for terrible Republicans, and objectors are not.
I'm not moving the goal post at all. Someone is winning the Presidential election. You so-called objectors can continue to sit on the sidelines and feel all high and mighty about it, but you're helping the worst possible candidate win. Witness "Weekend at Bernie's Joe Biden" in the oval office.
I'm not moving the goal post at all. Someone is winning the Presidential election. You so-called objectors can continue to sit on the sidelines and feel all high and mighty about it, but you're helping the worst possible candidate win. Witness "Weekend at Bernie's Joe Biden" in the oval office.

You're the one acting high and mighty. You came in hot and started putting objectors down. All I said in response is I'm not complicit and you are. You're throwing grenades left and right.
You're the one acting high and mighty. You came in hot and started putting objectors down. All I said in response is I'm not complicit and you are. You're throwing grenades left and right.
No. I'm very consistent. I'm throwing grenades at anyone that isn't helping to address the problem of the socialist administration running this country. Everyone here already knows that I despise liberals. I also object to conservatives that rather sit back on the sidelines (by not voting at all or by completely burning their vote by voting for a 3rd party candidate that they know has zero hope of winning anything) and watch the liberals burn the country to the ground rather than vote for a more conservative (albeit definitely not ideal) alternative.

I understand that for those of you living in Tennessee, you are of the opinion that Tennessee will always be a red state so your Presidential vote doesn't matter. I think you're going to find out very soon that with all the very large companies moving into Tennessee from flaming liberal states, Tennessee isn't going to be nearly as red as you think moving forward.
No. I'm very consistent. I'm throwing grenades at anyone that isn't helping to address the problem of the socialist administration running this country. Everyone here already knows that I despise liberals. I also object to conservatives that rather sit back on the sidelines (by not voting at all or by completely burning their vote by voting for a 3rd party candidate that they know has zero hope of winning anything) and watch the liberals burn the country to the ground rather than vote for a more conservative (albeit definitely not ideal) alternative.

Who said anything about consistency? What are you talking about? I'm saying you (consistently) keep putting your foot in your mouth with ironic and hypocritical grandstanding.
Who said anything about consistency? What are you talking about? I'm saying you (consistently) keep putting your foot in your mouth with ironic and hypocritical grandstanding.
I don't really give a damn what you think. My messaging has been 100% consistent. You take political stands all over the board, but mostly liberal. Of course, you claim to be conservative, but I don't think anyone is buying that.
I don't really give a damn what you think. My messaging has been 100% consistent. You take political stands all over the board, but mostly liberal. Of course, you claim to be conservative, but I don't think anyone is buying that.

I haven't claimed conservative for like 17 years. You're wrong at every turn.
I haven't claimed conservative for like 17 years.
Fair enough. I thought you posted in one of those polls that you were labeled as a conservative. That must have been someone else. I find you to be one of the more liberal posters on this forum, which is largely why I pretty much don't give a damn what you think on any subject.
That is some seriously dumb logic. I disagree with you spending $10, so I won't vote for you. By not voting for you, your opponent will win. He'll spend $2,000, and will also destroy the capitalist system, but I will have proved my point.
It's more like they spend $1999 while calling themselves a conservative.

And do you know why they spend that $1999? Because you voted for them and said they could
It's more like they spend $1999 while calling themselves a conservative.

And do you know why they spend that $1999? Because you voted for them and said they could
Get back to me in October 2024 and tell me how the Republican administrations spend just as freely as Democratic administrations.
Fair enough. I thought you posted in one of those polls that you were labeled as a conservative. That must have been someone else. I find you to be one of the more liberal posters on this forum, which is largely why I pretty much don't give a damn what you think on any subject.

I am much more of a small-government conservative than the people you vote for, so maybe that's why you're confused.

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