I'm in favor of this because I believe when we removed God from our education system and too many social elements, that's when we ran head long off the rails. BUT, BUT, BUT - I favor it being part of the curriculum only as long as it is divorced from denominational enforcement or influence. Teach it from historical, storytelling, philosophical, or Judeo-Christian study context. Even as a comparative course if feasible. It's when you make religion, of whatever extraction, a mandatory practice that it becomes nothing more than a tyranny. And eventually, breeds resentment and rejection thereof. Further, don't whitewash it. Include its greatest achievements, and it's worse applications such as the Inquisition, means to subjugate indigenous populations, include its replacing brutal cultural practices such as child sacrifice, in short teach it from an honest, as opposed to a cultural supremacy perspective. Because lies, eventually become exposed, and what follows as a result is a matter of what you sow, so you reap. If we do this, do it right.