Now Joe Says He Will Debate

That is not how Monica Lewinsky described their encounters at all, while being deposed. She emphasized that it was consensual.

His rallies show how inarticulate, dishonest, egotistical and immature Donald Trump is.

That is ridiculous. Trump lies much more than Biden. They are not merely exaggerations. They are outright lies.

Biden lies every time he opens his mouth, at best they are equals in that department.
That is not how Monica Lewinsky described their encounters at all, while being deposed. She emphasized that it was consensual.
Yea she would never be scared to accuse the POTUS of rape..or IDK Hillary is thought to have several people killed who didn't play ball...
His rallies show how inarticulate, dishonest, egotistical and immature Donald Trump is.
That is ridiculous. Trump lies much more than Biden. They are not merely exaggerations. They are outright lies.
Look at Biden last one.. What was inflation when Biden was elected... Was it 9% or under 2%? And if Trump said it was 1% it's an exaggeration..9% is a flat out lie... See a difference or can't you see past your feels
That is not how Monica Lewinsky described their encounters at all, while being deposed. She emphasized that it was consensual.

His rallies show how inarticulate, dishonest, egotistical and immature Donald Trump is.

That is ridiculous. Trump lies much more than Biden. They are not merely exaggerations. They are outright lies.
The Great Trumpet would never lie. He merely exaggerates on occasion.
You belong to the Cult of Biden w/your constant defense of him.
Projection ^^^^ .... and childishly so.

Not one word of that post you just replied to even mentioned Biden. I don't constantly defend him. I repeatedly say that as a career politician, he embodies everything that is wrong with our federal government. He is a weak leader. I say this all the time.
Yea she would never be scared to accuse the POTUS of rape..or IDK Hillary is thought to have several people killed who didn't play ball...

The reality of Trump. He is inarticulate, dishonest and egotistical. He is constantly casting himself as a victim and showing a very thin-skinned nature.

Look at Biden last one.. What was inflation when Biden was elected... Was it 9% or under 2%? And if Trump said it was 1% it's an exaggeration..9% is a flat out lie... See a difference or can't you see past your feels
Donald Trump has told numerous lies concerning the 2020 election. They are not mere exaggerations. They are provable lies.
Projection ^^^^ .... and childishly so.

Not one word of that posted you just replied to even mentioned Biden. I don't constantly defend him. I repeatedly say that as a career politician, he embodies everything that is wrong with our federal government. He is a weak leader. I say this all the time.
🤣 The Cult of Biden .... you & LG are the poster boys.
Couldn't argue back.. Typical
The reality of Trump. He is inarticulate, dishonest and egotistical. He is constantly casting himself as a victim and showing a very thin-skinned nature.
Feels again
Donald Trump has told numerous lies concerning the 2020 election. They are not mere exaggerations. They are provable lies.
Really.. How's the GA trial going? Or the J6 trial? Keep swinging Skippy
Biden lies every time he opens his mouth, at best they are equals in that department.
That is ridiculous. On the subject of the 2020 election alone, Trump is in a class by himself when it comes to pathological dishonesty.

The reality of Trump. He is inarticulate, dishonest and egotistical. He is constantly casting himself as a victim and showing a very thin-skinned nature.

Donald Trump has told numerous lies concerning the 2020 election. They are not mere exaggerations. They are provable lies.
🤣 Carry that water BB.
Couldn't argue back.. Typical

Feels again

Really.. How's the GA trial going? Or the J6 trial? Keep swinging Skippy
You think the state of some cases proves that Trump hasn't told lies concerning the 2020 election? What kind of logic is that? Those matters have not cleared Trump of lying at all. Fox News paid Dominion Voting Systems $787 million for basically repeating Trump's lies. Rudy Giuliani has been ordered to $148 million. Your argument is so asinine.
You think the state of some cases proves that Trump hasn't told lies concerning the 2020 election? What kind of logic is that? Those matters have not cleared Trump of lying at all. Fox News paid Dominion Voting Systems $787 million for basically repeating Trump's lies. Rudy Giuliani has been ordered to $148 million. Your argument is so asinine.
Blah blah blah .... carry that water son.
That is ridiculous. On the subject of the 2020 election alone, Trump is in a class by himself when it comes to pathological dishonesty.

This is where you lose any shred of credibility. Most everyone here admits that Trump is a serial liar but you just cannot bring yourself to put Biden into that same category even though its been proven numerous times.
That first debate was a mess. I wouldn't say that anyone "won" it. It was just a waste of time. However, Trump's rudeness was the biggest reason why there was such an unbearable amount of cross-chatter.

Obama once said, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to **** things up.”

The same could be said for Donald Trump.

A debate will be must see TV, a game of chicken to see who will **** things up first.
This is where you lose any shred of credibility. Most everyone here admits that Trump is a serial liar but you just cannot bring yourself to put Biden into that same category even though its been proven numerous times.
Like I said .... just on the subject of the 2020 election alone, Trump is in a class by himself. This is a common tactic of the right. It's minimizing Trump's dishonesty by claiming everyone else is just as bad. They're not.
Like I said .... just on the subject of the 2020 election alone, Trump is in a class by himself. This is a common tactic of the right. It's minimizing Trump's dishonesty by claiming everyone else is just as bad. They're not.

Ok, just on his life experiences Biden is in a class all by himself.

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