Some of her cohorts are already trying to tie Brexit to Trump. So it won't be long.
A lot of people have their knickers in a bunch because Obama wagged his finger at the UK, saying they would go to the back of the queue if they voted to leave the EU. And the Brits heard him and gave Obama the finger, leaving him with a little egg on his face.
I agree with you, but the fall of the EU (which apparently is slowly gonna happen now) concerns me because when the EU didn't exist those countries often led the world to the largest wars in history. That is my only worry here; that Europe will revert back to its extreme nationalism and extreme competitive nature that always leads to some major war.
DOW Futures down 610 and falling.
Gold rising fast
Heres the thing with the EU - it was always a compromise approach.
There's no reason that some of the good of the EU cannot be preserved (eased travel between member countries, some trading bloc aspects, some shared intelligence/defense) without the bad (loss of some sovereignty, crushing bureaucracy, bail outs of failed economies).
I'm surprised it lasted this long.
They either needed to go to one big country with existing countries being states (our model) or a more loose confederation as suggested above. The half-way pregnant model was doomed from the beginning - not enough glue to hold it together.
I continue to see the fallacy that globalism requires shared global government being floated by the anti-Brexit folk.
I guess anyone who doesn't want an EU equivalent between the US, Canada, Mexico and Central America is a dumb racist amirite?
How about it EU acolytes? Why aren't you demanding we join our neighbors in a similar situation?
It happens. Same thing happened here in 2008 and 2012 and America lost both times.
Britain, however, has made a great decision.
Don't forget 2000... but that is kind of different since America didn't really get what they voted for.. but in the end still lost... big time.
Funny how everybody is saying how great democracy is but bash when it is mentioned for the workplace.