Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

A freakin metal box...sorry, but my ass
Last month I asked DHL why that January dispatch wasn't already in Houston and they just gave me a song and dance about paperwork etc. but never indicated any issue with availability of containers. There was another shipment from another supplier in Germany that I ordered in December and it just cleared Customs... I know because I just got invoiced on it today... and this one was pretty much the usual lead time. Evidently the container shortage is a bigger issue with Asian trade.
Air freight costs have skyrocketed as well.

Couple years ago I could fly a couple pallets of catalyst from Italy or Germany for $2-3 a pound but now it's more like $10 a pound.

Yup, that’s mainly because there is such a backlog at the ports people are having to fill their demand in a hurry and are using air freight to do it.
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Where are all the containers?

So where have the containers gone? Many are in inland depots. Others are piled up in cargo ports, and the rest are onboard vessels, especially on transpacific lines. The largest container shortage is in Asia, but Europe also faces a deficit.

To grasp why the containers are where they are, it’s important to first understand the domino effect that has led to the present situation. Let’s start at the beginning.

Pandemic wave creates North American bottleneck

As the pandemic spread out from its Asian epicentre, countries implemented lockdowns, halting economic movements and production. Many factories closed temporarily, causing large numbers of containers to be stopped at ports. To stabilize costs and the erosion of ocean rates, carriers reduced the number of vessels out at sea. Not only did this put the brakes on import and export, it also meant empty containers were not picked up. This was especially significant for Asian traders, who couldn't retrieve empty containers from North America.

Then, a unique scenario developed. Asia, being the first hit by the pandemic, was also the first to recover. So while China resumed exports earlier than the rest of the world, other nations were (and still are) dealing with restrictions, a reduced workforce and minimal production.

Just in time logistics and globalism aren't a good mix when there's a ripple in the system.
Indeed. In my business, inventory is everything. I keep about 2 years worth of stock on several key products and it has stood me in good stead, as lead times on some of them have ballooned from 6-8 months to 16-18 months and that includes a couple of catalysts made in Ohio as well as a couple produced overseas.
Anyone ever cancel Netflix?

Did you also get bombarded with the clingy ex- girlfriend emails of "please come back!!!!!!!!"?
2020 tacoma with ~4k miles on it. 4wd 6 cylinder access cab with 6 foot bed.

I want to puke at the price I paid but I've needed a truck for a long time and at least this one will last a while
Tacos last longer than their owners.
Hope it's just what you need.

VN Store
