Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

In my best Austin Powers voice "LAZERS"
I think these type weapons are the next big thing for our MIC, and hope we can use them to great effect if ever necessary...don't think this is political, just science.

Lockheed Martin breaks own record, delivers 300-kW laser weapon to US military

*By the way, i know it's an acronym and spelled with an "s" . I am not british. I use the letter Z to make the "zzz" sound, like a freedom loving American should.
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I cant tell if Spurrier is really gonna be the guest picker on gameday or if that is a hoax? I sure hope the Ole Ballsack does not get that chance to smirk and smug again on our campus....
I am seeing chatter for Dolly.

And they will draw ire worse than any coaching search or leaving if they talk smack about her
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I'm seeing articles speculating that advanced AI could be uncontrollable, and thinking "well, duh". Science fiction has been touching on the evils of AI and robotics for years, and everybody seems to just write off the warning as ... science fiction. So those dabbling in it just keep on trucking - probably like the lab monkeys in Wuhan. Common sense appears to be a dead issue, and Musk keeps sending up future space junk. I still see Musk as someone with a lot more money than intelligence or certainly just plain ole common sense.
I'm seeing articles speculating that advanced AI could be uncontrollable, and thinking "well, duh". Science fiction has been touching on the evils of AI and robotics for years, and everybody seems to just write off the warning as ... science fiction. So those dabbling in it just keep on trucking - probably like the lab monkeys in Wuhan. Common sense appears to be a dead issue, and Musk keeps sending up future space junk. I still see Musk as someone with a lot more money than intelligence or certainly just plain ole common sense.

The 3 laws of robotics (AI) were perfectly laid out by Asimov decades before anyone dreamed of having a computer in their actual home, or anyone ever went to space...1942. Airplanes still had propellers and Hitler was mass producing them. Crazy how much of Asimov's(even Heinleins) fiction has become real life tech. Those guys are legends. The 2 masters of science fiction, my Dad and I have read dozens of their books. Most science fiction literature and movies today is based on their ideas, just as most fantasy is based on Tolkiens worlds, races, etc...
Last i read about it, a small group of tech leaders from around the world's world 111¹like Gates, Musk, etc were gathering once a year to share ideas and concerns in order to prevent the very real possibility of an AI apocalypse from ever happening. The coders who actually write the rules governing the ever faster and more powerful AI of today would be wise to adopt the 3 laws as their unbreakable commands of most importance.
Pet peeve of mine...

A-holes who don't clear the clock on communal microwaves at the office.

Or people who don't help clean it.

Still not as bad as when people leave leftover food in the fridge for 3 weeks.
The 3 laws of robotics (AI) were perfectly laid out by Asimov decades before anyone dreamed of having a computer in their actual home, or anyone ever went to space...1942. Airplanes still had propellers and Hitler was mass producing them. Crazy how much of Asimov's(even Heinleins) fiction has become real life tech. Those guys are legends. The 2 masters of science fiction, my Dad and I have read dozens of their books. Most science fiction literature and movies today is based on their ideas, just as most fantasy is based on Tolkiens worlds, races, etc...
Last i read about it, a small group of tech leaders from around the world's world 111¹like Gates, Musk, etc were gathering once a year to share ideas and concerns in order to prevent the very real possibility of an AI apocalypse from ever happening. The coders who actually write the rules governing the ever faster and more powerful AI of today would be wise to adopt the 3 laws as their unbreakable commands of most importance.
The laws arent perfect in the least. What happens when the robots have to protect humans from themselves?

Assuming we can control or limit them is a bad place to start.
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I am ready to fight you guys this AM.

Baseball games blow. What a useless effing sporting event to go see live. When even the diehards who organize your work event leave in the 7th inning what's the effing point? People arent there to watch the game they go socialize in the concorse or sit and their seats and never look at the game. As a fan there is no benefit to being at the game, every American baseball stadium had the same five chants with one "unique" one thrown in. ooooh atlanta does the chop when the other team huddles, get me the eff out of that nonsense. And you know it's bad when the sport as a whole has a moment to pause so people can stretch to wake the eff up.

You pay 30 bucks to get in, sweat your butt off in uncomfortable seats, with no real view, pay stadium pricing for mediocre at best food, you are there for 4 freaking hours even if you arent there early. And nothing happens for 3 hours and 55 minutes and when something does happen there arent even enough fans paying attention to make it worth while. Just about any other sporting event is better in person but baseball? Forget it. My office could have just rented out a sports bar and gotten the exact same results, saved money, gotten better food and drinks, and been comfortable. Everyone still could have socialized and chatted and kept up with the game.

It's literally just an expensive waste of time to say "I was there" at the next social event. It's such a self congratulating sport, everyone gets a participation trophy for showing up. You get a soccer score at a football game with the crowd involvement of a horse race. 20220920_194954.jpg
I am ready to fight you guys this AM.

Baseball games blow. What a useless effing sporting event to go see live. When even the diehards who organize your work event leave in the 7th inning what's the effing point? People arent there to watch the game they go socialize in the concorse or sit and their seats and never look at the game. As a fan there is no benefit to being at the game, every American baseball stadium had the same five chants with one "unique" one thrown in. ooooh atlanta does the chop when the other team huddles, get me the eff out of that nonsense. And you know it's bad when the sport as a whole has a moment to pause so people can stretch to wake the eff up.

You pay 30 bucks to get in, sweat your butt off in uncomfortable seats, with no real view, pay stadium pricing for mediocre at best food, you are there for 4 freaking hours even if you arent there early. And nothing happens for 3 hours and 55 minutes and when something does happen there arent even enough fans paying attention to make it worth while. Just about any other sporting event is better in person but baseball? Forget it. My office could have just rented out a sports bar and gotten the exact same results, saved money, gotten better food and drinks, and been comfortable. Everyone still could have socialized and chatted and kept up with the game.

It's literally just an expensive waste of time to say "I was there" at the next social event. It's such a self congratulating sport, everyone gets a participation trophy for showing up. You get a soccer score at a football game with the crowd involvement of a horse race. View attachment 492228

It's a thinking mans game.

Good seats.
Except no one has to think. Most of all the fans.

To really enjoy the game you do. I get it, I understand why people don't like baseball. People these days like constant action and don't appreciate the subtleties involved with baseball. I don't like the way the game is played today, too reliant on the long ball and I enjoy watching great pitching and teams manufacturing runs by playing small ball.
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