Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

I am ready to fight you guys this AM.

Baseball games blow. What a useless effing sporting event to go see live. When even the diehards who organize your work event leave in the 7th inning what's the effing point? People arent there to watch the game they go socialize in the concorse or sit and their seats and never look at the game. As a fan there is no benefit to being at the game, every American baseball stadium had the same five chants with one "unique" one thrown in. ooooh atlanta does the chop when the other team huddles, get me the eff out of that nonsense. And you know it's bad when the sport as a whole has a moment to pause so people can stretch to wake the eff up.

You pay 30 bucks to get in, sweat your butt off in uncomfortable seats, with no real view, pay stadium pricing for mediocre at best food, you are there for 4 freaking hours even if you arent there early. And nothing happens for 3 hours and 55 minutes and when something does happen there arent even enough fans paying attention to make it worth while. Just about any other sporting event is better in person but baseball? Forget it. My office could have just rented out a sports bar and gotten the exact same results, saved money, gotten better food and drinks, and been comfortable. Everyone still could have socialized and chatted and kept up with the game.

It's literally just an expensive waste of time to say "I was there" at the next social event. It's such a self congratulating sport, everyone gets a participation trophy for showing up. You get a soccer score at a football game with the crowd involvement of a horse race. View attachment 492228

Honestly, minor league games are way more fun. I hate going to MLB games. Been to Wrigley and Fenway... it's exactly what you described.
To really enjoy the game you do. I get it, I understand why people don't like baseball. People these days like constant action and don't appreciate the subtleties involved with baseball. I don't like the way the game is played today, too reliant on the long ball and I enjoy watching great pitching and teams manufacturing runs by playing small ball.
Working runners around the bases has become a lost art
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To really enjoy the game you do. I get it, I understand why people don't like baseball. People these days like constant action and don't appreciate the subtleties involved with baseball. I don't like the way the game is played today, too reliant on the long ball and I enjoy watching great pitching and teams manufacturing runs by playing small ball.
You dont need to know some guy bats .400 on the road during the day against left handed pitchers to really enjoy the game. It's obvious to pretty much everyone when a pitcher needs to be pulled, based on the handedness of the batter you know the D is going to slide one way or the other.

The deep stat bs is something to fill the time. But that doesnt mean the game itself is better because of it. You could break down any sport the way they do baseball, wouldnt make them any better. It's just fill because not even commercials take up that much time
Honestly, minor league games are way more fun. I hate going to MLB games. Been to Wrigley and Fenway... it's exactly what you described.
At least when I was going to the Lookouts game it was the same. No one paying attention. More people in the concourse than the seats.

I am just the type of person that if I am at a sporting event I am going to pay attention to that sporting event. I dont understand why people are so gungho about going to a game just chat.
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You dont need to know some guy bats .400 on the road during the day against left handed pitchers to really enjoy the game. It's obvious to pretty much everyone when a pitcher needs to be pulled, based on the handedness of the batter you know the D is going to slide one way or the other.

The deep stat bs is something to fill the time. But that doesnt mean the game itself is better because of it. You could break down any sport the way they do baseball, wouldnt make them any better. It's just fill because not even commercials take up that much time

I never kept up with stats, IDK where that came from. You just looking for an argument?
The laws arent perfect in the least. What happens when the robots have to protect humans from themselves?

Assuming we can control or limit them is a bad place to start.

I gave up arguing after a couple trips thru marital counseling broseph, so not interested in that...but i think those 3 laws are a great starting point. Computers are 1s and Os and lack they are not going to "do" anything they weren't programmed to do unless they are which case they should be repaired or destroyed. ( i understand, at least on a basic level, superposition/quantum etc) I think we must control computers and AI. Which requires responsible coding/creation/regulations...and i am generally antiregulations bc it stifles the market etc.

Humanity individually and collectively had better act responsibly when it comes to AI and robotics...and not build human killer robot weapons of war with ANY means of decision making or self control or they will inevitably kill many people. As far as i know, the closest thing currently to a lethally armed killing machine without a human inside it is US drones which A USAF controller sits in a building stateside and pilots the drone to drop a bomb or shoot a missile and kill a terrorist in Iraq or the Stan. Any robot better also be piloted remotely when armed with lethal weapons and that needs to be a hard and clearly described line in the sand recognized by the UN and our enemies...much like the rules concerning lazers or the Geneva Conventions. We must never allow machines to decide whether, when, or how to kill humans. Period. Full stop. If a country crosses that line, they should face repercussions to include war and deposing their leaders. We, humans, must always control machines whose purpose is to kill or maim other humans. That is a responsibility too big to be passed to a machine of any sort...because machines will never have a consciousness nor conscience. Just my 2c... take it easy bud. Gotta get back to work
I never kept up with stats, IDK where that came from. You just looking for an argument?
What else is there to think about?

Oh the pitcher grabbed his sack three times, that means it's a fast ball.

Oh we need a double here to load the bases.

Well, here I am sitting here in the outfield again for the next 20 minutes not doing anything. I guess I can start computing the decimals of Pi.

And yes I am looking for an argument I started my rant with that. People need to suffer as much as I did at that game.

Baseball is my Texas. People dont recognize its evil. The united states would be better off without it.
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I gave up arguing after a couple trips thru marital counseling broseph, so not interested in that...but i think those 3 laws are a great starting point. Computers are 1s and Os and lack they are not going to "do" anything they weren't programmed to do unless they are which case they should be repaired or destroyed. ( i understand, at least on a basic level, superposition/quantum etc) I think we must control computers and AI. Which requires responsible coding/creation/regulations...and i am generally antiregulations bc it stifles the market etc.

Humanity individually and collectively had better act responsibly when it comes to AI and robotics...and not build human killer robot weapons of war with ANY means of decision making or self control or they will inevitably kill many people. As far as i know, the closest thing currently to a lethally armed killing machine without a human inside it is US drones which A USAF controller sits in a building stateside and pilots the drone to drop a bomb or shoot a missile and kill a terrorist in Iraq or the Stan. Any robot better also be piloted remotely when armed with lethal weapons and that needs to be a hard and clearly described line in the sand recognized by the UN and our enemies...much like the rules concerning lazers or the Geneva Conventions. We must never allow machines to decide whether, when, or how to kill humans. Period. Full stop. If a country crosses that line, they should face repercussions to include war and deposing their leaders. We, humans, must always control machines whose purpose is to kill or maim other humans. That is a responsibility too big to be passed to a machine of any sort...because machines will never have a consciousness nor conscience. Just my 2c... take it easy bud. Gotta get back to work
AI wont be just 1s and 0s any more than we are just electrical charges. AI implies sentience.
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What else is there to think about?

Oh the pitcher grabbed his sack three times, that means it's a fast ball.

Oh we need a double here to load the bases.

Well, here I am sitting here in the outfield again for the next 20 minutes not doing anything. I guess I can start computing the decimals of Pi.

And yes I am looking for an argument I started my rant with that. People need to suffer as much as I did at that game.

Baseball is my Texas. People dont recognize its evil. The united states would be better off without it.

Louder on the rant might be my favorite Louder.

What else is there to think about?

Oh the pitcher grabbed his sack three times, that means it's a fast ball.

Oh we need a double here to load the bases.

Well, here I am sitting here in the outfield again for the next 20 minutes not doing anything. I guess I can start computing the decimals of Pi.

And yes I am looking for an argument I started my rant with that. People need to suffer as much as I did at that game.

Baseball is my Texas. People dont recognize its evil. The united states would be better off without it.

You need to get laid.
Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone at a red light were paying attention and everyone accelerated immediately when the light turns green? Some people don’t deserve to drive.
Haven't you driven in Italy? That's the way they do it, light turns green, all 10 cars in line floor it at the exact same time and maintain a 3" distance. If you are 1 millisecond off, you get the horn and the hand.
I am ready to fight you guys this AM.

Baseball games blow. What a useless effing sporting event to go see live. When even the diehards who organize your work event leave in the 7th inning what's the effing point? People arent there to watch the game they go socialize in the concorse or sit and their seats and never look at the game. As a fan there is no benefit to being at the game, every American baseball stadium had the same five chants with one "unique" one thrown in. ooooh atlanta does the chop when the other team huddles, get me the eff out of that nonsense. And you know it's bad when the sport as a whole has a moment to pause so people can stretch to wake the eff up.

You pay 30 bucks to get in, sweat your butt off in uncomfortable seats, with no real view, pay stadium pricing for mediocre at best food, you are there for 4 freaking hours even if you arent there early. And nothing happens for 3 hours and 55 minutes and when something does happen there arent even enough fans paying attention to make it worth while. Just about any other sporting event is better in person but baseball? Forget it. My office could have just rented out a sports bar and gotten the exact same results, saved money, gotten better food and drinks, and been comfortable. Everyone still could have socialized and chatted and kept up with the game.

It's literally just an expensive waste of time to say "I was there" at the next social event. It's such a self congratulating sport, everyone gets a participation trophy for showing up. You get a soccer score at a football game with the crowd involvement of a horse race. View attachment 492228
I was there last night too. Have season tickets. We have gone to about 25 games this year. It's slow but I have always loved baseball games. Silly for a work even though. You only socialize with the two people next to you.

I gave up arguing after a couple trips thru marital counseling broseph, so not interested in that...but i think those 3 laws are a great starting point. Computers are 1s and Os and lack they are not going to "do" anything they weren't programmed to do unless they are which case they should be repaired or destroyed. ( i understand, at least on a basic level, superposition/quantum etc) I think we must control computers and AI. Which requires responsible coding/creation/regulations...and i am generally antiregulations bc it stifles the market etc.

Humanity individually and collectively had better act responsibly when it comes to AI and robotics...and not build human killer robot weapons of war with ANY means of decision making or self control or they will inevitably kill many people. As far as i know, the closest thing currently to a lethally armed killing machine without a human inside it is US drones which A USAF controller sits in a building stateside and pilots the drone to drop a bomb or shoot a missile and kill a terrorist in Iraq or the Stan. Any robot better also be piloted remotely when armed with lethal weapons and that needs to be a hard and clearly described line in the sand recognized by the UN and our enemies...much like the rules concerning lazers or the Geneva Conventions. We must never allow machines to decide whether, when, or how to kill humans. Period. Full stop. If a country crosses that line, they should face repercussions to include war and deposing their leaders. We, humans, must always control machines whose purpose is to kill or maim other humans. That is a responsibility too big to be passed to a machine of any sort...because machines will never have a consciousness nor conscience. Just my 2c... take it easy bud. Gotta get back to work

I guess my thing about AI is basically twofold - and perhaps a possible misunderstanding. I always thought the concept was to give the AI system a basic set of rules, but to let the machine modify the rules based on what is learned from the initial rules. For example, an autopilot in an airplane today has a set of programmed rules that dictate how it operates; but with AI added in, the autopilot could learn and modify the rules. I may be in error about that part or the implementation - do experienced pilots get to look at the new tweaks before an AI autopilot is allowed to implement them, or is it assumed the machine is more competent and basically infallible and allowed to tweak the system?

The reason I don't know more is that the theoretical aspects of science just don't really appeal to me and never have, so I tend to get bored and turned off by theory. An example, I hated math as taught in college - particularly calculus - especially differential equations because math majors just teach theory from a book and don't relate it to use. I learned a lot more about math in courses like reactor theory (a misnomer in a way) because you can actually see how partial differential equations describe the way neutrons ejected in a fission event move three dimensionally and with respect to time. You can "visualize" calculus at work when you open your mind to the deformation of colliding bodies and think of the interaction between force and energy - the derivative/integral relationship of acceleration in force to velocity in energy as a function of time during the impact. Quirks and quarks and black holes and all the other stuff that seems to fascinate a lot others just puts me to sleep - and AI falls into that category, but what little I do know doesn't make me feel comfortable about it.
I was there last night too. Have season tickets. We have gone to about 25 games this year. It's slow but I have always loved baseball games. Silly for a work even though. You only socialize with the two people next to you.

View attachment 492471
It wasnt really a work event. Just a work social, but it was driven by a bunch of people were planning on going to this game, so they opened it up. I said "why not, havent been to Truist", and almost immediately regretted it. Decent company, unenjoyable event. Even the mega fans had left their seats to chat and had no clue we only won by 1 and they had loaded bases with only 1 out in the 9th.

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