My wife, over our 20 plus year relationship has tried to quit many times ... during which i greatly altered my own habits to help. Quit smoking on our porch, didnt smoke immediately around or in front of her etc, despite the fact that i had no desire or stated intention of quitting when she did. All this accomplished despite much hard work, prayer, every patch...gum..etc method tried....was to make her miserable for weeks at a time. Followed by depression and embarrassment from having failed yet again etc.
It was a real joy to be around each and every time and never, ever put any strain on our addition that is to being absolutely psychotic every 3 weeks roughly at the hormone dump. (Not roughly a month like most women, 3 weeks)
Great times were had by all...and patience and kindness in great supply. Sometimes when I am driving alone, i daydream about all the joy and laughter during those precious times of self denial...and my heart swells with gratitude.*
*your experience quitting nicotine may vary, these results not typical