Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

A gentleman and a scholar. I do not eat anything that contains mayo ..and yes, that means all of those things you ruin by mixing them with mayo and calling them "salad"...when they are clearly not salad either. You can keep the sour cream, ranch, bleu cheese, literally every single salad dressing known to mankind.... but it all starts with that damn mayo. Mayo is the only 1 that you can blatantly tell the moron in the drivethru repeatedly NOT to put it on your sammich...even order your burger "plain" and do without the cheese and veggies JUST to keep them from putting that nasty freaking MAYO on your food and ruining it....and its STILL a 50/50 chance whether they put mayo on it anyway leaving one with the options of either throwing the food away...or parking and wasting 15mins of your life going inside the restaurant to get a new sammich where you can actually watch them make it in front of you so they dont do something crazy to your food. That only happens with Mayo. Not the others. It has been a lifelong war against mayo that only a fellow warrior could understand
The more I think about this the more it makes think, "who wouldn't like pimento cheese?"
These refs in this game better hope nobody recognizes them. They literally backed the team up 40 yards on penalties...
@Orangeburst. Remember your comment about red cars a week or so ago? I had to take my wife to her dad's overnight, so Wed afternoon I was driving on TN 8 across the plateau after turning off 111. Speed limit is 55, but traffic is sparse and generally runs between 65 and 70. I was pretty much pacing a car about a quarter mile in front of me and met a couple of cars and a THP. I saw him slow and pull over and turned around, the lights came on, and when he started to catch up, I pulled over. I couldn't believe he was stopping me - I was doing 62 in the new truck ... really dark blue (looks almost black if the sun isn't shining on it). Anyway he said I was doing 62 (so apparently the speedometer is accurate), and just wanted me to slow down a bit. Checked my license and told me he liked the truck - said his wife was looking at a Santa Cruz. We talked a bit more and then went on our way.

I was driving sedately the whole trip. When I got home from the dealer, I had about 25 miles on the truck and the mileage was sitting on 14 mpg. For the first part of the trip it went up very slowly then it started going up at a better rate. It was at 28 mpg by the time I got back home, and Hixson and 153 didn't help it at all. I'm denting your lead foot theory. Two things I don't like about an automatic - have to hold the brake harder in traffic to stay stopped, and turning from a stop just seems like it can't find the right gear - maybe something you have to adjust to but feels clumsy.
Then why are they the Gumps mascot?

How can you tell if someone is a die hard Alabama fan? It’s the first thing they’ll tell you.

I’ll share a story here that my wife just responded, “that’s terrible.” I do think I saw her hold back a smile though.

This week we had a car in our church’s Trunk or Treat. Toward the end of the event I left my wife manning the car and took my youngest through the maze of cars. Mainly so I could take his candy to my office.

We came upon a car that was decorated with you guessed it…all Alabama. The woman was proudly dressed head to toe in Bama gear. Her car must have had six elephants in it.

I didn’t want to give her the pleasure of telling me about how much she loved Alabama and she looked like the type who was ready. So I said, “What do we have here? It looks like you’ve got a nice elephant theme going on.”

I could tell she was confused and started to say something about Alabama. At that time my boy said “what is it dada?” Before she could get out another word I said, “I think she’s going for Noah’s ark. I see a lot of animals.” And with that we moved on.

I could tell she was really bothered by it. My wife said it was terrible because I told her it gave me a lot of pleasure to tweak an Alabama fan like that.

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