Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

That's gonna be a pane to fix.

Missed your puns and general fun nature when you were gone bro. Glad you're back.

I'm doing well. Getting my stuff sorted to make a career change after 2024.

Takes courage to do that...knowing zero specifics. Its in our nature to seek comfort and not take risks. From what little i know from your posts, youve been really wise in the past and made good business decisions. I remember that you own some rental properties and were buying up real estate before home prices went thru the roof. Smart dude. Hope you find exactly what you're looking for, and the contentment that comes along with that as well.

Better word: cocaine.

Cocaine. Is a helluva drug.

Or what we used to call " the weekend." Until we discovered MDMA. Several decades ago...

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