Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

That's really good news on the infection. My wife has had inflammation in part of the brain (encephalopathy) as a long term consequence of Covid. It may be a long haul even after the hospital; my wife hasn't driven or even really been in the kitchen since December - and some things like driving were getting iffy as it was. The second round of Covid in January really did things in.

Some days are better than others. The long term memory and knowledge are generally there; but short term memory, cognitive ability, and movement get to be a problem. Today has been tough 3 or 4 falls, and several I've caught and stopped - tonight my body feels battered. She will be standing and I'm pulling hard to keep her from going over backwards and she's arguing that she's not leaning back. Sometimes it's like her body forgets how to walk; her upper body is continuing forward and her feet are marching in place. That's when a little humor helps. She told me yesterday her ischial tuberosities hurt. I asked what that was and she pointed - my smart answer "I thought that was your butt, and it would probably feel better if you quit falling on it" ... of course, she still won't send me a text when she decides to get up and I'm off doing something else.
Prayers and best wishes buddy.
Do you have family close by?

A son in Huntsville and a sister in middle TN where I have the other house. My son came over to help in January when we were both sick and checked up on my wife in the hospital. The dilemma is that medical care is better here, but I would have help at the other house. Healthcare in rural areas really is somewhat lacking.
We are heading there in July. I was looking forward to it, it being overrated has dampened that a bit.

I was pulling McDad's chain. Tahoe really is a nice place to go. We were in the area for a look at some equipment and the company showed us around a bit. Dinner outdoors high over the lake is a really nice experience ... especially when you aren't paying.

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