Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

I know you all are crusty old bastards but I know you all have at least a section of your bodies that contains a heart. In case you haven't heard (maybe someone's already posted it here?) @SweetasSoda passed away earlier in the week. I believe she contracted spinal meningitis. She more or less stayed in the VN recruiting forum. She was known for being the cheerleader. She always kept it positive.

Anyway, if you can spare a dollar or two, I know the family could use it.

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I wouldn’t put anything past you posse of heathens. But, what the hell, the more the merrier and it’d probably be less painful to get it all out of the way at one sitting.

I don’t want to feel like Jeremiah Johnson looking over my shoulder and beating back the attack of one Crow Indian at a time.

“Apaches would send 50 at once”.

- Del
may be top 10 best movie ever made
The little rinky dink town next to me charges $7,300 for a water tap. Stopped and spoke to the crusty old fella building a house and he dropped that lil nugget.
We ended up with the # 7 recruiting class and our offensive line -- a weak spot for the better part of a decade -- is ranked in the top 10 this year. Mertz was a nice surprise last year and with the improved O line may have the time he needs to be a true drop back style passing QB. We have the added dimension of Lagway now, should it come to that. Backfield is chock full of young talent this year.

Yes, we have the # 1 SOS and its a slog uphill form where we have been. But we've got enough to pull off some upsets.

And Billy is going nowhere, even if we finish sub .500. The university and the fan base understand we are still rebuilding. 2025 is the year we expect to truly emerge from the funk of the last decade-plus.

Yall please keep Billy. We may actually beat yall a few times in a row. We have the best Dline in the nation this year so that Oline better be good. You can bet your ass on this much: Tennessee is never gonna overlook yall. We may trip over sunbeams, forget to cover WRs at all, fumble inexplicably, be entirely unable to block at 1 or more positions on the Oline, lose to the worst teams yall have each time for 20 years etc ... but we arent gonna overlook the stinking reptile filth. Yall arent beating us in Neyland this year bud. If you make a bowlgame with that schedule Billy deserves a raise too. We should have beat yall the last 2 years and its ridiculous that we didnt. Not having Cooper was disastrous. He is finally gonna be healthy and All American.
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@DinkinFlicka I think you’re into music and instruments, if I’m wrong sorry for hitting you up. You know of Jackson Steel? They make steel guitars, supposedly some of the finest made or so I’ve been told.
You know the culture in that part of California is nothing like the innards and surroundings of LA and SF. The weather is facking perfect. Snowy winters, excuse me, blizzardy winters at times but never bitterly cold. Amazing skiing. Summers are mild with no humidity and rather cool nights. It will be in the 40s early morning when you're out there
We are leaving for South Tahoe next Friday. Any suggestions in that area? Well be there for 2 weeks.
@DinkinFlicka I think you’re into music and instruments, if I’m wrong sorry for hitting you up. You know of Jackson Steel? They make steel guitars, supposedly some of the finest made or so I’ve been told.
If you've got the coin it's a good hunk of metal.

I just wish it had more applications than the 2 or 3 genres in which it is used.

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