Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Sorry for getting slightly political on this post, but I am so glad I am so far away from the crazy going on right now. The western world has lost its way
That’s why many of us are Elon fans; not for his politics; but because we want him to get us off of this crazy planet and on to Mars 😂
3 months plus 1 day since “The Maiming”. Full range of motion back and probably 80% strength. Still have to stretch it out every morning to get this range of motion but my hand works again! And it’s 2 months 15 days since surgery which is the actual time mark. This is a little ahead of schedule on what I’ve read for recovery of these types of injuries but I am a motivated patient.

3 months plus 1 day since “The Maiming”. Full range of motion back and probably 80% strength. Still have to stretch it out every morning to get this range of motion but my hand works again! And it’s 2 months 15 days since surgery which is the actual time mark. This is a little ahead of schedule on what I’ve read for recovery of these types of injuries but I am a motivated patient.

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Have them legs ever seen the sun?

Plus I don't know what that little blue pooch is but you've probably got @McDad all in a tizzy.
3 months plus 1 day since “The Maiming”. Full range of motion back and probably 80% strength. Still have to stretch it out every morning to get this range of motion but my hand works again! And it’s 2 months 15 days since surgery which is the actual time mark. This is a little ahead of schedule on what I’ve read for recovery of these types of injuries but I am a motivated patient.

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Too close to being a nudie for my liking

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