Millennials have a great system. My daughter doesn't answer her phone if the caller is not in her contact list. Her voice msg instructs caller to send a text. People who need to get in touch do via text. Solicitors mostly do not but the ones who do she simply deletes and blocks at her convenience. Brilliant
Oh, there's a Nigerian prince all right. He just sent me a $50K check for helping him out.I have a variant. I just don't answer if it's not in my contact list or I don't recognize the number and have been to lazy to put it in the list. I get the idea about the text though - not sure I'd encourage that. Every now and then I do check voicemails - like weeks in between. With age you get better at ignoring and telling people "No"; could be that you learn with age that there is no golden goose or Nigerian prince, so there's little to tempt you into answering an uninvited call from an unknown.
What's your concern with text?I have a variant. I just don't answer if it's not in my contact list or I don't recognize the number and have been to lazy to put it in the list. I get the idea about the text though - not sure I'd encourage that. Every now and then I do check voicemails - like weeks in between. With age you get better at ignoring and telling people "No"; could be that you learn with age that there is no golden goose or Nigerian prince, so there's little to tempt you into answering an uninvited call from an unknown.
Millennials have a great system. My daughter doesn't answer her phone if the caller is not in her contact list. Her voice msg instructs caller to send a text. People who need to get in touch do via text. Solicitors mostly do not but the ones who do she simply deletes and blocks at her convenience. Brilliant
An easy fix with an auto text response instructing them to contact you a different way or leave a message. Boom. Maybe I am your personal assistantThat would be nice but I have clients that call my cell and I don't have everyones number/name in my contacts. I've missed 3 calls (I know of) that I needed to take today because I'm not answering anything unless it's in my contacts.
I never realized until this post that @JOEY’S ALL VOL !!! was female.
I think that may be a rad overly cautious but it's understandable.With all the security issues, I'm not fond of opening even texts from unknown sources. Perhaps it's not a problem, but I'm losing faith daily when it comes to being compromised electronically.