Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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This.............Currie's communication to Martinez was for everyone else as well.

Eh, I wouldn't read too much into that. He preceded the "days" comment with "he said it's going to take a while." I don't feel like martinez's comments gave us a lot of info one way or the other with regard to timing. What I do find interesting is that currie spoke to him at all, which makes me think he's got a plan.
Why has no entrepreneurial fellow not added Gruden's face to John Wayne's body and Butch's face to the little boy thrown in the creek?

Also loved when Currie almost had the Grudeian slip yesterday and said "Grumors"...SOON.
At his core he's a horrible, reprehensible individual. He deserves everything he gets...but it doesn't serve any purpose for the University to kick him while he is down. They need to stay out of it, and thank him for his time.

Wtf. He molest you or something?
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I don't understand why people keep mentioning the MNF trucks. Do they think Gruden rides in those things or something? lol.

Even if they wanted to film some crazy segment about Gruden and Tennessee, they don't need 2 semi trucks to do it. One guy with a camera will suffice.

There are a lot of people on this thread thinks he is coming no what. If Gruden turns us down you are going to see a monumental meltdown by alot of folks in this thread.
Just wondering if anyone would be interested in a little betting on whether Gruden will be the coach or not? May have already been brought up, I have fallen behind on this thread.

Good morning America.

Next year's 2018 football season Weather-Gruden forecast is brought to you by the Tennessee VOLS !
BTW the Brady Hoke PC is about to start.

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My personal take is that Beaver is the Stalking Horse for the consortium of Boosters.

My question is which of these companies (or technologies) do we buy stock in?

Also, maybe buying in on the ground floor of this technology helped sweeten the pot for getting Tennessee's future coach and/or coaches.
SFD, I think you should go back and look at the posts by user Concep. The account is new, and everything they posted is cryptic and reads like they have more info than revealed.

Feels like a bubba-esque account.

Speaking of bubba, where’s that dude been?

Last two encounters were the bit coin fiasco, and the steak conversation. Feel like it’s time to see him again.

I’ve got mediation today, and won’t be around much. But, I wanted to throw that out there.

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There are a lot of people on this thread thinks he is coming no what. If Gruden turns us down you are going to see a monumental meltdown by alot of folks in this thread.

I don't think you will see the meltdown like last time. I think you will see an influx of holier-than-thou "I told you so" posters that will raise the blood pressure a bit.

However, at least for me, I think most of us understand that if he doesn't come it will be because he doesn't want to. It will not be because we didn't do everything we could. I think the meltdown will come IF there is a Google coach that steps to the podium after all the concessions we are willing to give Gruden.
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in this insane snowflake that we call yellow, you truly don't know what's happening or cooking. You drive, you walk, you color, you jump but everything leans toward oceans, or even firetrucks. Who knows, maybe it's time for shiny elevators to have a yard sale.

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I don't understand why people keep mentioning the MNF trucks. Do they think Gruden rides in those things or something? lol.

Even if they wanted to film some crazy segment about Gruden and Tennessee, they don't need 2 semi trucks to do it. One guy with a camera will suffice.

Creativity test: boss walks up to your desk, dumps 5 q-tips, an empty matchbox, a tupperware bowl full of matchsticks, one tube of glue, and a tennis ball on your desk. Says, "build me the Taj Mahal. I'll be back in an hour."

The MNF trucks are the q-tips. Gruden to the Hill is the Taj Mahal. We are the schleps at the desk.

We're just using the materials as we find them, man. :)
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Hoke: Recognizing hard work Jones and his family put in the program. Thanks to Currie/Davenport for their support. The last 2 games are only about the seniors.
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So I'm not sure how familar any of you are with the College football(/r/cfb) reddit board. Basically UT fans have complained over the years that the people that ran the sub were people who did not like UT and let a lot of stuff slide when it came to pooping on UT. Well this came to a head yesterday.

In addition to changing the top banner to mock CBJ and Tennessee, this image was displayed on the sidebar:

This was up for over 24 hours and was only taken down after several of us, including myself wrote the mods and informed them that not only was what they were doing exclusionary but it also violated their own rules by mocking an entire fanbase. If you are a reddit user I would encourage you to unsubscribe from /r/cfb. Below is the message I sent to the mods:

I have been on Reddit for a long time and I have been an on-again, off-again subscriber to /r/cfb over the years. I don't recall a specific fan base ever being treated the way you are currently treating UT fans right now. I don't understand how there isn't at least one mod that said "hey guys, maybe this is too much". To say nothing of the fact that what you are doing is a clear violation of the Subreddit's own rules:

2. No flamebait, personal attacks, or harassment -Flamebait is any post that is designed to get negative reactions from a particular user or fanbase. You might also call this "trolling". -Friendly ribbing and trash talk is part of sports fandom, and is fine. This can be a narrow line sometimes, so if you're not sure, tread carefully.

Do you really think that the way you have the subreddit right now is going to encourage anything positive towards UT fans? Do you think you have made the subreddit welcoming to UT fans? As mods, your job is to make sure that people are able to enjoy your subreddit, not to alienate people from it. I don't care about banter in threads, that's fine, but to go our of your way like this to publicly humiliate a specific fan base, especially when no one can seem recall another fan base being treated this way, is totally unacceptable. I don't really care if you change the sub theme back, there was a time that I really enjoyed the sub and participating in it, however it's been a very long time since the sub has been fun and this pretty much killed it for me, I won't be re-subbing. I am very disappointed in the way this sub has chosen to treat a segment of it's user base, you owe UT fans an apology for this stunt.
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Currie is not picking the coach. Currie has already been told that JG will be the coach.
Currie is just a p-i-o for the big donors. This was all decided at the famous Blackberry Farm Summit. That is why there is no search firm.

Curries might interview a few candidates but that will be smoke to appease the fans.
A previous timeline quoted an announcement about the time or day of the SEC Championship Game.

This doesn’t make any sense to me. If you had Jon freaking Gruden lined up why wouldn’t you want to announce him ASAP. The fan base would go crazy. The last two games would be sellouts. Recruiting would immediately improve
I just figured the Stalking Horse was Castor Ventures...
About Us | Castor Ventures

Didn't Hawk and SFD figure this out about 12 threads ago?

That's what we're trying to figure out. I made a post about this earlier. If we take the literal definition, the VC makes little to no sense. If we apply a metaphorical approach, we could line this up to make perfect sense.

Remember this, the VC is being used as leverage against the AD. Without the institution istelf, athletics cease to exist. The VC appeases the AA, therefore, their influence in this is neutralized.
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