Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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I actually have lots. Very easy to get along with. You guys are just a bit up tight on here. Understandable. It’s been a tough go for us fans for a little while now. Especially the past week.

Here is what you don't get. You're not the first to come in this thread and ask the same damn question. It's pretty much non stop.

I have no idea why any of you think that...

A. Your question is in any way original.
B. That ANYONE in here owes you a damn answer.

You want your question answered? Go back and read the other 1001 times it's been answered.

You are so self absorbed and clueless that you entered this thread being a dikt, remember the "Santa, Easter Bunny as staff comment"? Called this thread silly, and then tried to play the victim card when no one wanted to take you serious and answer your "silly" question.

So sit down and stop playing attention ho, hang out and chill and be positive, or leave.

But to a person we are all tired of your games.
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Except for Deerhunter47.... for purely entertainment purposes.

DeerHunter could very well "back" his way into being correct. Straight troll job but if Gruden comes, he can always say "I was right!" Will he still get "the best damn deer rifle money can buy!" from he poster that promised that?
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Why is our fan base so stupid. 40 threads about a coach never coming here

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I am so glad these threads are still very active and so many Grudenites are keeping the faith. Unfortunately I have been unable to follow the threads this week because I work 16 hour days this time of year, but scrolling through tonight is good therapy for relieving work stress and exhaustion.

Side note, my phone auto populates Grudenites.
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I am in relaxation mode. Caught up a bit on this thread, first time in a while. Based on what I read from last night, a certain party next year is not going to be for the faint of heart.

Except for Deerhunter47.... for purely entertainment purposes.

glad you enjoy the songs. I'm still calling my shot. like Joe Namath. Gruden is Coming!

question for VolNJapan: Since we're all here praying to the almighty little man with the blonde bowl cut, how are the bowl cuts these days in Japan? Is the bowl still the most prolific cut in Asia? I enjoyed my time there but it was years ago. I certainly was knee deep in Mo Howard hairdos as I recall.

Maybe the two of us are alike. WE've spent so much time around the bowl cut, we want to see one on the Hill. It is familiar to us. A symbol of efficiency and progress
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Someone in here earlier saying Miles was on campus

I can see Les getting the job. He was pushed out in a similar fashion to Fulmer. Fulmer can give Les the chance he never got. I think it’s a very likely scenario.

I find it very very difficult to believe that even if there were a meeting with Miles it would be held on the UT campus, and if Miles were actually on the UT campus, there would be photo evidence splashed everywhere ... jmo
DeerHunter could very well "back" his way into being correct. Straight troll job but if Gruden comes, he can always say "I was right!" Will he still get "the best damn deer rifle money can buy!" from he poster that promised that?

At this rate, Deerhunter47 could end up with a few rifles, but what he needs most in his life is spell check!
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Passed along a thank you last night. Obviously it was not acknowledged and I don’t how long or if it ever will be. Which is fine it one of those we know that they know that we know kind if things. You can’t imagine the stunned relief that has been in the AD since yesterday. Today some of the shock and emotional elation is wearing off and we have a lot of happy people.
No one needs to thank me for anything. everyone that gave a damn about TN showed up and did what volunteers do.
One of the most surprising things to me, was after groups of us threatened to freeze funding to stop Schiano, is that everyone went right back to he same thing to get John. I made a comment that we had to be careful with playing that card again and I thought it would be much harder to use it again. However so many even up to the super boosters said damn the torpedos ramming speed.
I know for absolute certainty that Bev was in a state of shock she had no idea of what passion our fans have for UT. I think she has learned a powerful lesson.

Thanks for this post, SC.
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Nah, just a ton come in here trying to troll, it's hard to parse people out. Most of us realize if it isn't Gruden we'd be really happy with Patterson, Petersen, or the like.

But it's Gruden til it ain't, and that's the spirit of the board.

I’ve been contemplating season tix. I attend nearly every home game anyway. If we land any coach of that caliber I’ll be making the call.
Come on man. Think a little. Gruden aside, MIT knew nothing more than any of us. The second it looked like the Gruden thing wasn’t working he started the “ I was just pushing a positive agenda”. I hope Gruden comes, but all that aside MIT knows as much about a coach as I do walking on the moon.

This is incorrect.
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