Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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I'm the laughing stock at my husband's job because I believe Gruden is coming. He just walked in the house laughing and said xxxxx told me he can't believe you were right, Fulmer has talked Gruden in to coaching. TIFWIW

Fulmer could talk eskimo's into buying ice in the middle of a snowstorm......

They didn't call him "The Closer" in recruiting back in the day for nothing......

*edit* forgot two words......
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so, if Haslam used Currie to trot out Schiano because he didn't want Gruden and couldn't let loose of control to all for the conditions Gruden wanted, whats changed?

Haslam is still very much involved in everything at UT. I'd love to see Gruden, but I gave up that fantasy after the last week.

I'm not trying to stir up anyone is the Gruden thread, honest question about Haslam's involvement then and now

Haslam is very much marginalized from what I understand. Dangerous but marginalized.
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For we know that FAITH is the substance of things HOPED for, the EVIDENCE of things UNSEEN.

You each have to figure out how to apply this in your beliefs as to where we are now regarding our search for the truth in this coaching search.

Thus endeth the lesson.
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Coach is going to talk with several people. Multiple scenarios are in play as I understand. At this point the only two that interest me are Gruden and Coach Cut. Gruden for all the reasons everyone in here talks about and Coach Cut because he is an excellent coach. I have said on several occasions that he would not come back due to quality of life and his health issues but that has changed with yesterday’s change in power. They are both in play but at this point I can’t assign a percentage to either. I can tell you for sure that a TN blood staff is important.
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Sitting in a suite for the Big Ten Championship. Wearing my orange!

I'm keeping track of how many comments I get in this sea of red.

1. Washing hands in the bathroom, guy looks over at me from the next sink, then snorts and goes back to washing to his hands.
2. A Wisconsin fan yelled Clay Travis at me. Unsure if it was preceded by the f-word.
3. ‎Drunk Ohio State girl yelled at me that I was at the wrong game. This lasted 20 minutes.
4. ‎"TENNESSEE?!?! Aw, good luck, man." -OSU fan.
5. Wisconsin fan: "WRONG CONFERENCE!!!"
6. ‎Tenneesee?!?!
7. Guy yells ‎"Hey UT, who's your coach?" I yelled GRUDEN!!!
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Coach Fulmer,

What a great day in Tennessee Football was yesterday’s announcement! I personally and the Vol Nation could not have hoped for or chosen a better person to lead Tennessee Athletics. The past ten years of Tennessee football has been nothing short of a nightmare…As you have probably read or even heard the selection of google coaches has proven to be a complete failure. I have followed Tennessee football religiously for almost 40 years and at no point has our program fallen more than in the past 10 years.

Many have suggested that it could possibly take a generation to bring back the swagger that we last enjoyed under your leadership. I personally do not buy that mindset and truly believe in individuals like you who will put our football program back in the mix of national relevance of days past. But I do believe that the choices that are made in next few days will have a direct effect on our ability to recover in a timely manner.

First and foremost, I don’t think anyone person ever recruited better that you. I think you understand that at Tennessee if you can not recruit you can not win, The key to winning at our beloved Tennessee will continue for the foreseeable future will require a head coach to walk in and recruit with the Saban’s the Kirby’s, the now Fisher’s, etc. In short, to coach a team up you have to have talent to coach.

Secondly, they must be capable of taking raw talent and developing it into championship play. Needless to say, the ability to recruit and coach is not an option it’s a must. Combining the two is what we have missed over the last ten years. There's certainly more, management of 10’s of million program, processes, and leadership etc. I know you understand all this but some of the names you hear floated do not have these abilities. No head coach experience, inability to recruit, no management of such a budget, no ties what so ever to Tennessee, etc. I could certainly go on but I know you are a busy man.

Finally, if I could give you any support I would simply tell you to go get Jon Gruden. I would also tell you what an Admiral told me many years ago concerning something he wanted done and others told him it couldn’t be done. He said to them, “don’t tell me how it can not be done, tell me how we get it done.” Gruden could walk in tomorrow and bring all and much more of the items I have mentioned above.

As I sit here watching the Georgia and Auburn game I realize we have a great challenge ahead of us. If we have any hope of being relevant much less in the mix for championships year in year out the choice of our next head coach is paramount.

Once again, congratulations and wish you and your family all the best!

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Coach is going to talk with several people. Multiple scenarios are in play as I understand. At this point the only two that interest me are Gruden and Coach Cut. Gruden for all the reasons everyone in here talks about and Coach Cut because he is an excellent coach. I have said on several occasions that he would not come back due to quality of life and his health issues but that has changed with yesterday’s change in power. They are both in play but at this point I can’t assign a percentage to either. I can tell you for sure that a TN blood staff is important.

Patriot 🍊
Sitting in a suite for the Big Ten Championship. Wearing my orange!

I'm keeping track of how many comments I get in this sea of red.

1. Washing hands in the bathroom, guy looks over at me from the next sink, then snorts and goes back to washing to his hands.
2. A Wisconsin fan yelled Clay Travis at me. Unsure if it was preceded by the f-word.
3. ‎Drunk Ohio State girl yelled at me that I was at the wrong game. This lasted 20 minutes.
4. ‎"TENNESSEE?!?! Aw, good luck, man." -OSU fan.
5. Wisconsin fan: "WRONG CONFERENCE!!!"
6. ‎Tenneesee?!?!
7. Guy yells ‎"Hey UT, who's your coach?" I yelled GRUDEN!!!

Haha, that last guy’s mind is going to be blown in a few days.
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Sitting in a suite for the Big Ten Championship. Wearing my orange!

I'm keeping track of how many comments I get in this sea of red.

1. Washing hands in the bathroom, guy looks over at me from the next sink, then snorts and goes back to washing to his hands.
2. A Wisconsin fan yelled Clay Travis at me. Unsure if it was preceded by the f-word.
3. ‎Drunk Ohio State girl yelled at me that I was at the wrong game. This lasted 20 minutes.
4. ‎"TENNESSEE?!?! Aw, good luck, man." -OSU fan.
5. Wisconsin fan: "WRONG CONFERENCE!!!"
6. ‎Tenneesee?!?!
7. Guy yells ‎"Hey UT, who's your coach?" I yelled GRUDEN!!!

Patriot 🍊
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Sitting in a suite for the Big Ten Championship. Wearing my orange!

I'm keeping track of how many comments I get in this sea of red.

1. Washing hands in the bathroom, guy looks over at me from the next sink, then snorts and goes back to washing to his hands.
2. A Wisconsin fan yelled Clay Travis at me. Unsure if it was preceded by the f-word.
3. ‎Drunk Ohio State girl yelled at me that I was at the wrong game. This lasted 20 minutes.
4. ‎"TENNESSEE?!?! Aw, good luck, man." -OSU fan.
5. Wisconsin fan: "WRONG CONFERENCE!!!"
6. ‎Tenneesee?!?!
7. Guy yells ‎"Hey UT, who's your coach?" I yelled GRUDEN!!!
8. ‎Tennessee colors? Hehehehehehehehehe.
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Your feed would be full of everyone calling each other peckers and GTFO. Lol

Edit: not sure why the quote didn't stick with my reply.
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