Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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Lol anyone who uses common sense is a troll? Beaver came out himself and said he was a fraud, in different words. Keep right along with the sheeple.

Giving yourself way too much credit. You and common sense are a long way from each other.
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Coach is going to talk with several people. Multiple scenarios are in play as I understand. At this point the only two that interest me are Gruden and Coach Cut. Gruden for all the reasons everyone in here talks about and Coach Cut because he is an excellent coach. I have said on several occasions that he would not come back due to quality of life and his health issues but that has changed with yesterday’s change in power. They are both in play but at this point I can’t assign a percentage to either. I can tell you for sure that a TN blood staff is important.

Thank you for update

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Coach is going to talk with several people. Multiple scenarios are in play as I understand. At this point the only two that interest me are Gruden and Coach Cut. Gruden for all the reasons everyone in here talks about and Coach Cut because he is an excellent coach. I have said on several occasions that he would not come back due to quality of life and his health issues but that has changed with yesterday’s change in power. They are both in play but at this point I can’t assign a percentage to either. I can tell you for sure that a TN blood staff is important.

Talk about a walk off Grand Slam vs taking a fastball in the face like Stanton.
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so, if Haslam used Currie to trot out Schiano because he didn't want Gruden and couldn't let loose of control to all for the conditions Gruden wanted, whats changed?

Haslam is still very much involved in everything at UT. I'd love to see Gruden, but I gave up that fantasy after the last week.

I'm not trying to stir up anyone is the Gruden thread, honest question about Haslam's involvement then and now

The other boosters finally stood up and told him to sit down and shut up.
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Coach is going to talk with several people. Multiple scenarios are in play as I understand. At this point the only two that interest me are Gruden and Coach Cut. Gruden for all the reasons everyone in here talks about and Coach Cut because he is an excellent coach. I have said on several occasions that he would not come back due to quality of life and his health issues but that has changed with yesterday’s change in power. They are both in play but at this point I can’t assign a percentage to either. I can tell you for sure that a TN blood staff is important.

Thank you.
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