Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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That being said, what makes you feel good? Do you feel that he is still interested? And just discussing this (because the football coaching conversation has been missing for a good 36 hrs), if what you said is true, is there any concrete reason to feel good?
Simple if he wasn’t interested he would’ve just told him when he called or whatever to set up an actual meeting. Why waste the time meeting if your mind has changed bc too much has happened. Gruden isn’t dumb enough to think that if haslam blocked it the first time that he wasn’t gonna try again this time.
I've got a deal with my wife if they announce Gruden this week....


Hope they announce Gruden before the Arctic outbreak later this week. Significant shrinkage.
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I'm the laughing stock at my husband's job because I believe Gruden is coming. He just walked in the house laughing and said xxxxx told me he can't believe you were right, Fulmer has talked Gruden in to coaching. TIFWIW

Well, there are some hard headed people that show up at that place. :)
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Thank you guys, it will be good when I get through this, do it all the time but this is different

Hope you understand... will try to check in again soon

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I would think time is of the essence to get this done while Haslam's camp is weakened, before he can form some dastardly plan.

I think we're OK on timing with Fulmer having at least a two year deal...... The Haslams are toothless as long as Fulmer is the AD.

If the Gruden thing doesn't happen this time around, it ain't gonna happen. Like, ever...... He obviously doesn't want it........
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If y'all haven't heard it, check out Swain's podcast with Al Wilson yesterday. I've gone back and listened to it, and Al gets it. If he had any interest in coaching at all (LBs), UT needs to lock him up. Our defense would run through a brick wall for him, just as he did for Fulmer, Chavis and his team.

Does Al have a degree? It seems that there was a question about this in the past.
boro, totally makes sense. If gruden is in play, phil knows time is of the essence. If you wanna save the cruitin' class, gotsta give gru some time to say 'i'm here'. Its only fair to ut to move on if its not gonna happen. Gruden's smart enough to know this. By next weekend, we've got to move on to someone else.

I think Ole Boro knows more than he says. :)

I don’t believe Gruden will be passed on if things can get hammered out. Before anyone freaks out I’m not arguing for Cut but if you lived through the 90’s with him you can understand what he brings. He is actually more of a known than Gruden. He would get things in line and win in a hurry. He is just not the shock the world sexy hire. He knows how to develop talent as well as anyone in football. With all things being equal I would prefer to drop the big one and get Gruden.
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