Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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I envision you as the smart @ss that LOVES going to Chuck E. Cheese and pulling all the kids aside and telling them "You do know, of course, that there IS no Santa Claus."

And, getting off when the kids cry......

You are the definition of a narcissistic masochist.....

There's absolutely NO reason for what you do otherwise.

I'm done with you.

Great answer to that question???? Hope you feel better.
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I wanted to change it to sundown monday given all the shake up that's happened since then, but a deal is a deal.

the hat was washed down with some Evan Williams. If we still get Gruden, which I believe we still are, it was well worth it.

Anyway I couldn't stay off this board if I wanted to right now. I had to check for any news and to see if I'd been kicked off last night. Got a little rowdy late. sorry for that folks. LETS GET GRUDEN!!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t know what kind of crazy you are selling but you are at least entertaining. Kind of like Gary Busy has stumbled in...
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rk, I've been in your shoes and I can tell you it eventually gets better. She'll never be gone as long as you keep her in your heart. It took me two years before I could even think about giving her personal things away.

I had a good support system around me but I just couldn't bring myself to let go. I finally accepted the situation and moved forward with closure. There's always gonna be a hole in your heart but life does go on for the living.

Keep the faith.

thank you.
Because Gruden's ring is bigger than Fulmer's.

You are correct but those 2 rings represent 2 different worlds. I’m just saying I think Fulmer would be more interested in a Petersen, Frost, Patterson hire over a splash name hire. Those are just examples. I do understand some of them aren’t in play.
We are in a better position in many ways. John and Haslam really made a biblical mess. Knowing how things work inside on the hill I really gave John a chance. I thought his self serving personality would get us what we needed, I was so wrong. this week was exhausting because I made it my mission to get him. Luckily a lot of people helped and we got it done.

We are all grateful. I am well familiar it is the folks who operate in the shadows that ultimately win the war.

Without the Shiano leak, political pressure, and local media involvement, Vol Nation would have been ambushed.

Vol Nation gave it a voice but the true assault was behind enemy lines. 🍊🏆
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I will take our insiders over Tony any day. He said getting gruden was like finding bigfoot and aliens. Good thing I believe in both.
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Well sh*t looks like I'm back on the Gruden train again.

I'll admit I hopped off and hitched a ride on the Leach pirate ship for a day or two, but that thing sunk. You Gruden loyalists are crazy, but damnit, I like you.

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We are in a better position in many ways. John and Haslam really made a biblical mess. Knowing how things work inside on the hill I really gave John a chance. I thought his self serving personality would get us what we needed, I was so wrong. this week was exhausting because I made it my mission to get him. Luckily a lot of people helped and we got it done.
Copious amounts of gratitude to you and everyone that supported the coup.
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1)Gruden started at UT, his wife went to UT, his son goes to UT, his other son is going to UT. Gruden will want the best for UT.

2) Fulmer loves UT and wants to win more than anyone. Fulmer will get the best coach for the job, and Gruden would be a great hire. Especially if Fulmer can help Gruden put together an all star staff.

3) Fulmer's strengths align well with Gruden's potential weaknesses. Fulmer would likely recruit for Gruden and let Gruden coach. Fulmer knows how to work with boosters and the good ole boy culture around UT too (obviously.)

There's a few counter arguments, like the control thing, I'm sure that would be hard for Fulmer, but could be worked out.

i have a legit question. how many people can recruit? i mean, for instance, that guy at LSU who's rumored to be coming on Grudens staff, Fulmer as AD, coaches.

how many people can recruit?
what's the ncaa on that?
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