Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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Think about how quickly everything went south last week. Nothing at all from Gruden or anyone until Mike and Mike surprised him with their question about the Browns ownership deal. He sounded very unsure with his stuttering and then somehow Woodberry of all people get through to Grude's agent. I'm thinking Gruden calls his agent and tells him to please get these guys off my back for right now. Maybe the reason for the harsh words from Lamonte. Gruden simply needed more time to work things out with ESPN, family, and the asst coaching stuff. Just my .02

This is what i'm thinking as well. My only thing is the timetable. The final MNF game is Dec 16. Wonder if we'll wait til then or Gruden will announce it before.
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If we don't get Gruden, this will be as much a letdown as the day I learned rasslin' was fake.
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Think about how quickly everything went south last week. Nothing at all from Gruden or anyone until Mike and Mike surprised him with their question about the Browns ownership deal. He sounded very unsure with his stuttering and then somehow Woodberry of all people get through to Grude's agent. I'm thinking Gruden calls his agent and tells him to please get these guys off my back for right now. Maybe the reason for the harsh words from Lamonte. Gruden simply needed more time to work things out with ESPN, family, and the asst coaching stuff. Just my .02

Would fit in with the "cancelled meeting" story too.

I get the impression that Gruden has integrity high on his list and doesn't want to get caught saying "never going to Tennessee" and having to go back on his words...The Bob LaMonte thing wasn't a true denial either, just saying "fantasyland", but not saying anything that would negate any statement of Gruden going to UT...

And that has been the #1 consistent thing with all these statements, not one of them actually state "I, Jon Gruden will not be the head coach of the Univ. of Tenn. next year." They're all subjective statements that amount to smokescreen. They all certainly IMPLY Gruden isn't going to Tennessee, but don't neccessarily remove Gruden from consideration...
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Is it weird that a certain coach is still contacting potential assistants particularly for a town without a professional sports team?

And the person contacted by said particular coach has previously lived in Knoxville for a duration of their life.
just saw this in the cliff notes:

Email forwarded to me from Larry LWSVOL

Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 1:51 PM
Subject: Not final and may not get there

But word is as follows..

Jimbo Fisher has withdrawn consideration for UT job.

Sounds like things are quickly moving toward Charlie Strong. Could have breaking news most anytime.

Darn good news. About to be darn excited about our future!!!!
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Has anyone considered that maybe it's not an elaborate smokescreen, that maybe there's a lot of truth what's really happening?

I can't imagine Hart not being for Gruden. It would be the biggest hire in the history of AD's and he'd get the credit. It's always been a longshot, an I'll see it to believe it deal. Everything that has been done so far, IMO, was to buy time to see if the longshot Gruden deal could in fact be made. They probably had a deadline of Nov. 30th to work on it, but Hart couldn't wait any longer to start his search and when it wasn't done with Gruden, that was everyone's sign it wasn't happening. Doesn't mean that Haslam hadn't made enough progress to drop it altogether, just meant they weren't close enough for Hart to put off a real search any longer.

Meanwhile, Haslam and some others are still trying to work through the Gruden issues, convince him, and deliver him to Hart. Just because Gruden has agreed to the terms and basic outline of the deal doesn't mean it's anywhere near done in a mega deal such as this because the devil is in the details. It's not a smokescreen, it's the reality of the situation. Either they will work out the Gruden deal and he'll say yes, or Hart will announce the results of his coaching search.

Just my speculation, but it's the only way to explain Hart's actions as well as all of the conflicting information that has been out there and is still out there. Basically, I think there are two deals being worked on - the big money is trying to deliver Gruden and Hart is conducting a real coaching search so if TN is left at the altar, they don't have to reach Derek Dooley2.

It's also a huge risk. If even half of whats been posted about Gruden's financial and/or control demands are true Hart would be taking a huge risk. I would assume that AD's are somewhat risk averse, as he would be putting not only the future of the football team at risk but also the University itself. Of course, all those rumors of financial and control demands might just all be part of a huge smokescreen to get us to stop talking about Gruden until he is announced on December 23rd.
just saw this in the cliff notes:

Email forwarded to me from Larry LWSVOL

Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 1:51 PM
Subject: Not final and may not get there

But word is as follows..

Jimbo Fisher has withdrawn consideration for UT job.

Sounds like things are quickly moving toward Charlie Strong. Could have breaking news most anytime.

couldn't it also be moving toward Jon Gruden?

This makes me nervous! I wouldn't mind Strong though compared to the others that have been listed after Gruden.
just saw this in the cliff notes:

Email forwarded to me from Larry LWSVOL

Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 1:51 PM
Subject: Not final and may not get there

But word is as follows..

Jimbo Fisher has withdrawn consideration for UT job.

Sounds like things are quickly moving toward Charlie Strong. Could have breaking news most anytime.

couldn't it also be moving toward Jon Gruden?

Fisher has withdrawn. Strong is telling folks he's staying at Louisville. Will be interesting to see what options Hart has left.
Anyone have any idea what the current payers are being told. When do the big 3 have to declare for the draft?
Gruden XV!!! We up in here! Operation dragnet is still under way! Musafa has delivered the sticky banana to Tarzan. And the FBI are still staking out this thread! Gruden '13 FTW
This is what i'm thinking as well. My only thing is the timetable. The final MNF game is Dec 16. Wonder if we'll wait til then or Gruden will announce it before.
Actually the last one is on a Saturday. I think its like the 22nd. I have no idea about the timetable. That would be very late in the game as far as recruiting. Maybe announce the hire and have asst coaches doing the recruiting until he arrives on campus. Of course the dead period is during that time as well.
Just spill it, Y4B, we know you want to. Stop being so cryptic and give us details. Who did Gruden recently call about coaching with him at UT? Please share details, inquiring minds want to know.

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Predicted Storyline: Everyone has turned us down. We need a hero(s) to come in and deliver big money (Manning) so that we can get Gruden to listen again. Amazingly, this time we aren't living in Fantasy Land.
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